Recent content by Aspious

  1. Euro Mir3 goes tits up.....

    The same day this happened Total Format got DOS'd, Mir 2 as well and MirZone went down due to being over-run or something ... can't be arsed back tracking through websites to confirm. It's mainly true. Coincidence ?
  2. MapQuest Guide

    This is mega helpful, will try it out ASAP!! I want to set up an NPC that asks the player to go kill GK. So i want GK to get a pop-up when it's done, but only to players who have started the quest. Not to everyone who kills a GK, how would i do this?? Whn GK is killed does the TAG in...
  3. Script Check Please

    tbh, you could buy meat from shops and do that 10 times = 100k... get dedicated and you have 1mill + before level 7.
  4. Script Check Please

    Does this script look alright to you ? Just i havn't done an NPC in a good few months. So i did this one from scratch to see what i was like after all this time, so opinions please. Pretty simple quest really, any short-cuts i could take to cut down on script size ? Thanks for any and all...
  5. oma king race

    81 19
  6. Help With DB pls

    Blaminator's hum.wil shape numbers 0 - No clothes 1 - BaseDress 2 - LightArmour 3 - HeavyArmour 4 - MagicRobe / WizardRobe 5 - SoulArmour / PearlArmour 6 - Evils Illusion Warrior Armour 7 - Evils Illusion Wizard Armour 8 - Evils Illusion taoist Armour 9 - EvilApe 10 - Horse 11 - Overdone horse...
  7. me again ... NPC flags this time :oP

    Thanks Viola, you've been a big help :) Oh the @Q-18 was the second part of the quest, i didn't put that in to reduce the size you'd have to read.
  8. me again ... NPC flags this time :oP

    [@main] #IF check [502] 1 #ACT goto Q-18 break #IF check [501] 1 #ACT goto @Q2-11 break #IF check [500] 1 #ACT goto @main-2 #ELSEACT goto @main-1 [@main-1] You are new to the world of Judgement i see, would you like/ a helping hand to start you off?// <Yes, please/@Q-1>/ <No, thanks/@nohelp>/...
  9. me again ... NPC flags this time :oP

    Yeh thats the one i was talking about, no tutorial there, just an example and you are expected to know everything :( Any had a work out what Schimmy put, that looks like that'll do i think, now gotta work it bigger so it works for lvl 1, 11, 18, 20 and 22 >_< with flags for all and same NPC m00
  10. me again ... NPC flags this time :oP

    Yes, before you say i did search and it came up with a load of crap. There was a few examples but no tutorial on flags i could find. Anyway i had a look in server files and built this script, my m2server wont load so i cant make my own server to test it on. SO have a look at this and tell me if...
  11. Sorting Idx field in DBC2000

    no they don't but it is annoying. New Question [@aab] #IF DAYOFWEEK MON #SAY <Here is your task/@mon> break #IF DAYOFWEEK TUE #SAY <Here is your task/@tue> break #IF DAYOFWEEK WED #SAY <Here is your task/@wed> through to Sunday, would that work? or this [@aab] #IF DAYOFWEEK MON #SAY <Here...
  12. Sorting Idx field in DBC2000

    I used a current database (current Judgement Server) then removed loads of stuff and added all the new 30+ Quest items and 60+ NewItems. Plus changed all the Image numbers and then all the Shape numbers, but i wasnt checking it using a server at the time(bad practice), so anyway then i decided...
  13. Sorting Idx field in DBC2000

    kk, read me wrong here, is there a way to automatically order them like in a database you can sort by name(aphabetically) or number(chronologically) or another field. I don't fancy editting the Idx field myself so it reads 1-500. Plus i don't get that error, it's Idx field is one of the...
  14. Sorting Idx field in DBC2000

    How do i consecutively sort the Idx field in Database Commander 2000 app, so it goes 1,2,3 ... 500. I need to do this before i load it or i'm gonna get Code=-1 thingeh >_< n00beh question i know :P
  15. NPC Commands + What they do!

    Question.. [@aab] #IF DAYOFWEEK MON #SAY <Here is your task/@mon> break #IF DAYOFWEEK TUE #SAY <Here is your task/@tue> through to Sunday, would that work? or this [@aab] #IF DAYOFWEEK MON #SAY <Here is your task/@mon> break #ELSEIF DAYOFWEEK TUE #ELSESAY <Here is your task/@tue>