World Of Warcraft : Mists Of Pandaria

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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 13, 2004
Well i've been reading alot of posts posted by Boubouille from MMO-Champion, and yeah wow 5th expansion has been announced, i for once am really excited about all the new cool stuff hapenning with wow :) and verry happy with 3 more battlegrounds in!

Preview of Mists Of Pandaria here :

Some of the new features of World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria include:

  • New Playable Race -- Pandaren: Adventure through Azeroth as World of Warcraft's first neutral race and decide whether to side with the Alliance or the Horde.
  • New Playable Class -- Monk: Unlock the secrets of pandaren martial arts and do battle as a damage dealer, healer, or tank.
  • Level Cap Increased to 90: Learn potent new spells and abilities while exploring uncharted zones and taking on challenging new content.
  • New Zones: Explore the lush Jade Forest, treacherous Kun-Lai Summit, and other exotic areas of Pandaria designed for high-level characters, and uncover the mystery of the Wandering Isle.
  • Scenarios: Join up with some friends to achieve a common goal, such as mounting a defense against invading monsters, in a flexible new type of PvE challenge.
  • Dungeon “Challenge” Modes: Master the ultimate 5-player time trial and earn prestige rewards in a new dungeon mode that will put your resolve and coordination to the test.
  • Pet Battles: Challenge other players’ companion pets with your own collection in a new tactical mini-game, and find out who's king or queen of the pint-sized battlefield.
  • New Talent System: Customize your character to suit your play style with the newly overhauled and improved talent system.
Also Q&A from Mists Of Pandaria :

Q: How are the pandaren a “neutral” race? At what point do you choose which faction to side with?

Pandaren who strike out to explore the world outside their homeland begin their journey on the Wandering Isle (a new starting zone for pandaren characters level 1 to 10), where they face a number of trials -- and meet with a number of characters from both the Alliance and the Horde -- before arriving in Kalimdor or the Eastern Kingdoms. Pandaren remain neutral through most of their Wandering Isle quests, but before they leave, players will need to make a decision whether to permanently side with the Alliance or the Horde. After that decision is made, the character will be treated just like any other member of their chosen faction in cities, on quests, and in character interactions. Choose wisely, because once your decision is made, it’s irreversible (except through the Faction Change service).

Q: What is the monk class? How does it differ from other classes in the game?

The monk is a martial arts expert who excels in close-quarters hand-to-hand combat, and can fill the role of a tank, damage-dealer, or healer, depending on a player’s chosen specialization. As with most classes in the game (with the exception of death knights), monks begin their journey at level 1.

Monks have a number of unique mechanics and resources that set them apart from other classes. For example, the class is being designed with a more active approach to combat than other classes; every kick and punch is performed with the press of a key, so they will not have a default auto-attack. In addition, monks build up “chi” through a combination of punches, kicks, and other basic martial arts moves, and then expend it to unleash powerful special moves, such as finishers or potent heals.

Q: Which races can be a monk?

Since coming into contact with members of the Horde and the Alliance, several of Pandaria’s masters have begun to teach their new allies the secrets of their ancient martial arts. Currently, every race except goblin and worgen can learn the ways of the monk.

Q: Which classes are available to a pandaren?

Currently, pandaren can choose to be hunters, mages, priests, rogues, shaman, warriors, and -- of course -- monks. Pandaren are not able to become death knights, druids, paladins, or warlocks.

Q: What end-game content will be available for players at level 90?

With World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, our focus was on rebuilding the old world and improving the level 1 to 60 experience for players -- and as a result, we didn’t end up creating a lot of new types of content for players to tackle once they had reached max level. One of our primary design goals for Mists of Pandaria is to give players a wider variety of content and different types of gameplay to enjoy once they reach level 90, in addition to the Heroic dungeons, raids, and daily quests that they’re used to. To that end, we are introducing three major new features in the new expansion: scenarios, challenge modes for 5-player dungeons, and companion pet battles.

Q: What are Scenarios?

Scenarios are a new type of PvE challenge designed for groups of as few as 3 or as many as 25 players, depending on what is appropriate for the content. Scenarios require players to band together to complete a specific goal, such as defending Goldshire against a gnoll attack or storming a beach near a Horde fortification. Each scenario will have its own set of unique objectives, and in general they will offer a different type of gameplay from the trash-and-boss design of 5-player dungeons.

Scenarios will allow for more flexible group compositions than dungeons do, so parties won’t necessarily need a specific number of tanks, healers, or damage-dealers (though exactly what’s required will vary by scenario). And while a scenario may take place in a familiar location within the game world, each scenario will be instanced. In general, expect a scenario to take anywhere between 10 to 30 minutes to complete.

Q: What are Challenge Modes for 5-player dungeons?

Challenge mode is a new, advanced mode for 5-player dungeons designed for players looking for the ultimate test of coordination and skill. In challenge modes, players are tasked with trying to complete an existing 5-player dungeon as quickly and skillfully as possible. Depending on how well the group does, players will receive recognizable prestige rewards such as mounts, pets, titles, achievements, or special armor artwork that can be used with transmogrification to customize a character’s appearance. The inspiration for challenge modes comes from events such as the 45-minute Baron Rivendare runs in the original Stratholme dungeon, or the timed Zul’Aman dungeon run for the Amani War Bear.

We want challenge modes to be a test of player skill and not of player gear, and so the stats on all players’ armor and equipment will be normalized to a set level upon beginning a challenge. As a result, players will have the same chance at victory whether they are wearing quest rewards or Heroic-raid-level epic items. Regardless of equipment, challenge modes will remain just as challenging at the end of the expansion as they were at the beginning.

Q: What are companion pet battles?

In Mists of Pandaria, we are adding a new tactical mini-game that will give the Snowshoe Rabbits, Mechanical Squirrels, and other cute lil’ companion pets players collect something to do other than stand around looking adorable.

Companion pet battles allow players to pit their pint-sized pals against other players’ pets (or against special critters you come across in the wild) in strategic, turn-based combat. Pets will level up as they earn combat experience, and each companion in the game will have its own set of stats – such as attack and defense rating – along with unique abilities with their own tactical merits. During a pet battle, players will be able to swap companions out strategically depending on which pet they’re facing or what abilities might come in handy against a given foe.

Pet battles are meant to be completely independent from your character’s main progression, and the rewards won’t offer additional advantages in regular PvP or PvE situations such as Battlegrounds or raids -- though they should help pass the time while you’re waiting for your group to recoup from a particularly nasty wipe.

Q: Are any changes in store for dungeons and raids?

As with the upcoming patch 4.3, Mists of Pandaria will include a third difficulty level for raids. Expect one difficulty to be roughly equivalent to the current normal mode, one to be about on par with the current Heroic mode, and one to be much more pick-up-group-friendly. Our goal is to allow more players to be able to experience the content -- especially the climactic boss encounters that are a part of each expansion’s story arc -- while still satisfying players looking for the most epic challenges and rewards.

Q: What’s in store for professions?

While we don’t plan to add any brand-new professions in Mists of Pandaria, the profession skill cap will be extended, and new recipes and content will become available for every existing profession.

Q: What are the new zones?

The continent of Pandaria will consist of five enormous zones for players level 85 and above, and new pandaren players will begin their adventures in a unique starting zone separate from the pandaren homeland. Here’s the breakdown of the zones, along with their current working names:

  • The Jade Forest: High-level adventurers will make landfall in the lush Jade Forest, where they’ll meet some of Pandaria’s indigenous races, such as the fish-like jinyu and monkey-like hozu.
  • Valley of the Four Winds: Playing home to both farms and rainforests, the Valley of the Four Winds is also where travelers will find the legendary Stormstout Brewery.
  • Kun-Lai Summit: Amid this treacherous mountain terrain, players will encounter the Shadowpan, a clandestine sect charged with keeping one of Pandaria’s darkest secrets.
  • Townlong Steppes: Here, a tremendous wall separates Pandaria’s verdant forests and plains from the desolate wasteland left in the wake of the ravenous, all-consuming mantid.
  • Vale of Eternal Blossoms: Adventurers from either faction are welcome to share a drink in the central city of the pandaren. This zone also hosts many daily quests for max-level characters.
  • The Wandering Isle: Pandaren adventurers looking to explore the world outside Pandaria begin their journey here, on a mysterious island that never seems to settle in the same place for too long.

Q: What changes are being made to the talent system?

We are making a couple of major changes to how class specializations and talents work in Mists of Pandaria. First, your specialization is now completely independent from your talent choices. When you reach level 10, you will still choose one of three specs (e.g. Discipline, Holy, or Shadow priest) to determine your role, play style, and which signature abilities your character has access to. In addition, you’ll receive more of your spec’s defining abilities as you level up.

Secondly, the talent system has been redesigned completely. At regular level intervals (at level 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90), players will now be able to choose between one of three very powerful talents. All three specializations will have access to the same three talent options, and our goal is to make sure that these talent choices are appealing to all three specializations with no obvious “must-have” options for any of them. For example, level-15 warriors will be able to choose one of three movement-related talents: Juggernaut, which permanently lowers the cooldown of Charge; Double Time, which lets the warrior Charge twice before incurring a cooldown; or Warbringer, which causes the target to be rooted in place following a Charge. Once you choose a talent in a specific tier, the other two talents are locked out from your talent build, even when you reach the next talent tier. We want players to be able to change their talent build independently of their specialization, and without visiting a class trainer. This new system is designed to provide players with hundreds of distinct and meaningful options for tailoring their character’s gameplay to their specific desires and situation.

Q: Why is the talent system going through an overhaul?

As with the talent-system redesign in Cataclysm, our goal is ultimately to give players more meaningful character-customization options and to eliminate “cookie-cutter” talent builds. We were only partially successful in realizing that goal in Cataclysm, as many talents still felt mandatory to a given specialization, and some talent choices in the trees were still not particularly interesting or exciting. By giving the benefits of the previously “mandatory” talents to players automatically as part of their specialization choice, and allowing any specialization to choose any given talent, we hope to be able to give players much more significant and interesting decisions to make about their character.

Q: Will you be making any changes to how stats work?

Yes. As World of Warcraft has matured and more expansions, content updates, and tiers of equipment have been released, players’ stats have begun to inflate exponentially. At this point, the numbers for health, mana, and so on are threatening to get out of control. In order to combat this and bring statistics back to earth -- or Azeroth, as it were -- in Mists of Pandaria, we will be “flattening” the statistic curve in places where it no longer needs to behave exponentially (primarily at the point of the end game for old expansions). In practice, this means that upon the expansion’s release, the numbers for Strength, Health, Intellect, damage, and so on will be significantly lower than you’re used to seeing across the board, from level 1 to level 85. It’s all relative, of course -- enemies’ and bosses’ stats will be reduced as well, and it should take a level-85 warrior roughly the same number of many sword-whacks and ability uses to kill a level-85 monster as it did before. However, this also means the difference between each level between 1 and 85 will be less significant, so you may find that an enemy 5 or 10 levels below your own will be a little tougher to deal with than it was before.

Q: Will players be allowed to fly in Pandaria?

Upon arrival in Pandaria, players will be restricted from flying until they reach a certain point in their quest progression. While the ability to fly is a great convenience for players once they have completed content, we can provide a much more enjoyable, rewarding, and varied questing experience if players are (mostly) grounded while the story of Pandaria unfolds.

Q: Will there be any updates to the graphics and changes to the minimum system requirements?

Yes, there will be incremental tweaks and updates to the graphics engine in this expansion. For example, we’ve made improvements to the way textures are displayed. We’ll announce the exact system requirements closer to the expansion’s release.


Staff member
May 19, 2003
kung fu panda > world of warcrap


Golden Oldie
Jun 20, 2003
United Kingdom
i was expecting more from blizzard.

wonder how many people have already reserved the names with "Po" in.


Nov 7, 2007
Watched the blizcon video this morning announcing it, i mean it's been known for sometime but never confirmed by blizard. I kinder like it if am honest, something new, can't think of too many games out there that has a Panda class so yer better then the traditional crappy classes that every mmo copy.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 13, 2004
kung fu panda > world of warcrap
Was your post necesarry ?Well.....NO, if you dont like the game dont post, i didnt open a thread about wow's 5th expansion so people like you to post crap on it, but hey its expected i guess alot of the thread's on lomcn have crap like you, there is always an idiot on here to ruin a thread and put bull**** in it and i guess you were the lucky winner! oh i mean idiot sorry....

i was expecting more from blizzard.

wonder how many people have already reserved the names with "Po" in.
What more do you expect? new content, new raids,new dungeons, new class and race, oh and my favorite : 3 new bg's!

Watched the blizcon video this morning announcing it, i mean it's been known for sometime but never confirmed by blizard. I kinder like it if am honest, something new, can't think of too many games out there that has a Panda class so yer better then the traditional crappy classes that every mmo copy.

panda isnt a class mate, its a race, the new class is monk! :)

Monk Abilities Preview :

Level 1 Abilities
40 Chi - Melee Range, Instant
Requires Stance of the Drunken Ox, Stance of the Fierce Tiger.
You jab the target, dealing 5 damage and generating 1 light force and 1 dark force.

Tiger Palm
1 Light Force - Melee range, instant
Requires Stance of the Drunken Ox, Stance of the Fierce Tiger.
Deals 10 Physical damage, deals 5 additional damage if the target is above 50% health.

Level 2 Abilities
50 Chi - Instant
Roll a short distance.

Level 3 Abilities
Blackout Kick
2 Dark Force - Melee range, Instant
Kick with a blast of energy, causing 28 physical damage to an enemy target. If the target is killed by blackout kick, you are returned 1 Dark Force.

Level 5 Abilities
Flying Serpent Kick
8-40 Yards range, 25 Seconds Cooldown, Instant.
Soar through the air towards a targeted enemy, knocking them down and stunning them for 2 seconds.

Spinning Crane Kick
Instant, 2 Lights and Dark Forces
Requires Stance of the Drunken Ox, Stance of the Fierce Tiger.
You spin while kicking in the air, dealing 23 damage every 1 second to all nearby enemies within 8 yards. Movement speed is reduced by 30%, last 6 seconds.

Level ?? Abilities
Statue of the Jade Serpent
5 Sec Cast
Summon a statue at the target location. Anytime you deal damage, a nearby friendly target within 20 yards of the statue will be healed. You can have up to 3 Jade Dragon Statues active at a time.

Small preview :

Also mate, whats your real id? (give a msg with it on here) and maybe we could do some dungeons if you are horde, who knows maybe in the future bgs/arenas (i also think we can queue up for raids new patch with the raid finder :) )


Golden Oldie
Jun 20, 2003
United Kingdom
What more do you expect? new content, new raids,new dungeons, new class and race, oh and my favorite : 3 new bg's!
Being one of the most wealthy (if not the most) gaming company's in the world, a graphical update would of been far better received than, a new class/race/continent and more easy mode raids. the last thing wow needed was another class/race they cant even balance the ones they already have, death knight just ruined the game, i expect it will be the same with this expansion.

until now iv brought every expansion (and watched the game become easier and easier) and came back and played for a few months or more, but i can honestly say i cant see myself buying this one, unless something drastically changes.

you only need to look at how many likes / dislikes that trailer has too see people arent happy with blizzard.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 13, 2004
Being one of the most wealthy (if not the most) gaming company's in the world, a graphical update would of been far better received than, a new class/race/continent and more easy mode raids. the last thing wow needed was another class/race they cant even balance the ones they already have, death knight just ruined the game, i expect it will be the same with this expansion.

until now iv brought every expansion (and watched the game become easier and easier) and came back and played for a few months or more, but i can honestly say i cant see myself buying this one, unless something drastically changes.

you only need to look at how many likes / dislikes that trailer has too see people arent happy with blizzard.

well dk's arent really OP now....

If could read the FAQ's of Mists Of Pandaria youl would know there will be a graphical update.
This is from blizzcon :

Q: Will there be any updates to the graphics and changes to the minimum system requirements?

Yes, there will be incremental tweaks and updates to the graphics engine in this expansion. For example, we’ve made improvements to the way textures are displayed. We’ll announce the exact system requirements closer to the expansion’s release.


Nov 7, 2007
panda isnt a class mate, its a race, the new class is monk! :)

Class, race what ever it's still cool.

I also agree with a graphical update but this would cost blizard $$$, Aion done it in 2.5 update and it was fantastic. I don't personally play WoW anymore but i just think Blizard are abit cheap when it comes to updates.


Jan 10, 2009
I really like it. Horde vs Alliance as main theme of WoW. With Pandarens it'll look very different from other mmos.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 13, 2004
Also if some1 here on lomcn is reading this and is on horde side, give me a pm with your real id and maybe we could do some dungeons!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 27, 2004
I must admit, I've been a big fan of the whole Warcraft Series, and been a dedicated raider for the past 6 years. But franky I think MoP looks despirate and franky..****ty. It looks very rushed, which is the reason why I believe they couldnt preview the female panda.

I think Blizzard have sunk to a pretty big low with the "Buy 12 months of WoW and get Diablo 3 free", I think its a sign that Blizzard are very scared of SWTOR.

My account expires on December 27th, I will not be renewing WoW, and 100% will not be buying this expansion.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 13, 2004
I must admit, I've been a big fan of the whole Warcraft Series, and been a dedicated raider for the past 6 years. But franky I think MoP looks despirate and franky..****ty. It looks very rushed, which is the reason why I believe they couldnt preview the female panda.

I think Blizzard have sunk to a pretty big low with the "Buy 12 months of WoW and get Diablo 3 free", I think its a sign that Blizzard are very scared of SWTOR.

My account expires on December 27th, I will not be renewing WoW, and 100% will not be buying this expansion.

ofc they want things to get rushed they are working on 3 games....starcraft 2, diablo 3 , wow. Not everything is perfect but i dont get why ppl are so pissed of and dont like panda's, they are part of the warcraft.....part of the lore it was obvious that they would be in game sooner or later....
And you think marketing is low ? With buy 12 months of wow and get diablo 3 free? Tbh you have no idea what marketing is this was purely to make loads more cash if you ask me its the biggest hit they ever did and they are scare of competition ? rofl...i've been reading crap like this with aion, but tbh wow still top game, if you ask me, g/l getting a game any time soon with 11mil + subscribers of 13 euros per month
If i'm honest, it looks ****ing ****.
why ? pandarens are part of the lore....part of the warcraft.....whats the problem? + graphics are getting upgraded...


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 27, 2004
ofc they want things to get rushed they are working on 3 games....starcraft 2, diablo 3 , wow.

Thats not our fault though. If they've learnt anything in the last 7 years, its not to rush things. Dont give me bull**** that they are working on 3 games, I frankly don't care if they're working on 30 games, the quality and content needs to be there. Leaving out major parts when first displaying the game, I think is unacceptable.

Not everything is perfect but i dont get why ppl are so pissed of and dont like panda's, they are part of the warcraft.....part of the lore it was obvious that they would be in game sooner or later....

I know that Panda's are part of the lore, if you remember back to Warcraft Orcs and Humans, Panda's got the same amount of space as some of the other MAIN PLAYABLE races that we currently have. So no need to quiz me on the warcraft lore.

And you think marketing is low ? With buy 12 months of wow and get diablo 3 free? Tbh you have no idea what marketing is this was purely to make loads more cash if you ask me its the biggest hit they ever did and they are scare of competition ?

Dont make assumptions you cannot back up. I have every idea what marketing is. Its purely to make loads of cash? Hardly, if you read into it more, ie, the small print. You will see that its just a 1 year commitment, to keep players, You can still pay for WoW monthly, but it keeps you tied in for a year. Despirate attempt to keep players? I think so.

rofl...i've been reading crap like this with aion, but tbh wow still top game, if you ask me, g/l getting a game any time soon with 11mil + subscribers of 13 euros per month

why ? pandarens are part of the lore....part of the warcraft.....whats the problem? + graphics are getting upgraded...

Aion was crap, your right about one thing in your post, congratz. I never said that another game would be as good, if not better. WoW has been around for 7 years, more MMO's previously have started to decline around the 7 year mark, EQ/DoAC etc.
The graphics are getting upgraded, yea, its a good thing. WoW is a top game, and proberly always will be a top game. Its very well made and has great support and dev's behind it. The story is good, dont get me wrong, but after 15 years of playing the Warcraft universe, its a little boring now.

Will Warcraft die? No, I dont think it will.
Will Warcraft take a drop in subs? Yes.
Will Warcraft be around for a another 5 years or so? More then likely.
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Golden Oldie
Jun 20, 2003
United Kingdom
whats the problem? + graphics are getting upgraded...
this is false, you see a minor texture updates, which is probably going to only be a slight increase is texture resolutions, nothing worth shouting about. blizz textures are fine as they are, its their models which lack detail, you only need to look at humans hands/feet to see this, the fingers/toes are drawn on, also they don't even use normal maps, which is standard in most games these days.
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Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
I believe it's already going through rumours that they're updating old models as comparing blood elves / worgen / draenei / goblin to the original four races you can see the dramatic difference, as to Pandaren's are part of the lore it's not entirely true. The Pandaren were a secret race in warcraft 3 an easter egg if you'd like to call it, you can actually call me up on my lore properly if you wish as i've read all the books lol. The Pandaren do not star in them bar warcraft 3 and the hidden campaign or "bonus" campaign if you'd like.

I however don't have any arguements with them being used though, it's one of blizzards last aces, they lost 900k sub from cataclysm, you can actually google that if you'd like to find the numbers it's there. They are desperate to keep members for the reason being the content isn't being upgraded enough, it's being left too long truely. Tbc had a huge amount of content to deal with same as classic. However wotlk had a horrible gloom / death atmosphere constantly for the ten level drag. I believe Scholozar (sp) Basin that was the only place that had real life.

Cataclysm was basically a revamp for 1-60 to make the content smoother, blizzard have admitted that in the recent Q&A at blizzcon and admit this was there mistake hence why in Mists Of Pandaria they intend to aim towards end content the first change that's happening is that theramore itself has been destroyed by Garrosh but rumour has it Thrall is returning to the horde (Hip Hip Hooray). The entire expansion will be based around A vs H due to it's unrivaled lands who conquers it? I'm sure the storyline will show it itself.

While I understand the "don't rush things" blizzard is truely being given no choice as it stands, RIFT was actually a major competitor to WoW I know plenty that have left for it or just generally left for other games.

My main opinion is i'll wait to see how blizzard do, the new expansion does look brilliant in what's been released so far especially with being able to see inside some of the dungeons the work looks well done. But we'll have to see how it plays out.



Golden Oldie
Jun 20, 2003
United Kingdom
I believe it's already going through rumours that they're updating old models as comparing blood elves / worgen / draenei / goblin to the original four races you can see the dramatic difference

I however don't have any arguements with them being used though, it's one of blizzards last aces, they lost 900k sub from cataclysm, you can actually google that if you'd like to find the numbers it's there. They are desperate to keep members for the reason being the content isn't being upgraded enough, it's being left too long truely. Tbc had a huge amount of content to deal with same as classic. However wotlk had a horrible gloom / death atmosphere constantly for the ten level drag. I believe Scholozar (sp) Basin that was the only place that had real life.

Cataclysm was basically a revamp for 1-60 to make the content smoother, blizzard have admitted that in the recent Q&A at blizzcon and admit this was there mistake hence why in Mists Of Pandaria they intend to aim towards end content the first change that's happening is that theramore itself has been destroyed by Garrosh but rumour has it Thrall is returning to the horde (Hip Hip Hooray). The entire expansion will be based around A vs H due to it's unrivaled lands who conquers it? I'm sure the storyline will show it itself.

While I understand the "don't rush things" blizzard is truely being given no choice as it stands, RIFT was actually a major competitor to WoW I know plenty that have left for it or just generally left for other games.


Updating vanilla/tbc models to match the standard of the later additions would be a start, but myself and many others expected this to be done with the release of cata.

the current standard of the models they have, has also been totally eclipsed by other games / mmo's which have came out, and those which are coming soon. All blizzard has ever had with wow has been the game play (in vanilla the game play was great), but this has become weaker and weaker every expansion, and well now they don't have a leg to stand on (graphics or gameplay), i think they are in troubled waters ever since rift came out and took a good chunk of their user base, and with other mmos circling which also boast much better graphics and possibly gameplay, they are clutching at straws with regards to things like the pokemon style pet system/ another class / race/get diablo free + mount for 1 year sub/ and other game systems they are copying.

they have totally lost sight of what made WoW enjoyable, it wasn't because everything was super easy it was because everything was hard.
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Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
I don't deny that fact, wrath made it incredibly easy as a paladin i solo'ed tanked sindragosa on 10m albeit it was normal but it still shouldn't of been done (without the buff) our warrior tank when we got the buff solo tanked LK through soul rend, the BWD / BoT bosses were extremely simple too, my dk got 4/7 in firelands and the 4 we encountered were rather easy, i think the one where your healers have to swap was the hardest boss we encountered.

But hey let's hope blizzard learn.
