Wat people doing in Diablo 3 Online

smoochy boys on tour


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
So, for you the game's easier than for him, but his entire post is a load of crap? Bit harsh bro.

I'd say he's got valid points, it's nothing groundbreaking. Played it round a uni LAN for a weekend and just wasn't that impressed, swear games nowadays are always overhyped about then become a disappointment, or is that just me?

all MMORPG are exactly the same recently....

just with a different storyline or plot, the but core content is the same, kill mobs, gain level, kill 10 of this and 10 of that, get 10 magicore to create stupidoversizedwep, raid at endgame, be bored.

Y wont anyone make a eve style Fantasy MMORPG? ¬_¬


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Loyal Member
Nov 18, 2008
Just bought this game, have it downloaded But, my computer is complete crap.. Cant play it until i get a laptop that the Graphics card is supported on.. i have all the time in the world for this game, as i just bought Battlefield 3 Premium aswell.. :)

When you eventually get on become a "Demon Hunter"

Reasons: KILL FAST, Auction House - CHEAPER And easy to use..

On my Barb i never killed as fast as i do on my Demon Hunter.. Also highest price weapon for barb is around 150m?? And For Demon it's like 20m?? ALOT Cheaper..

This is my opinion xD
