Valk v2 - allowed or not?

Allow Valk to advertise a V2

  • Yes

  • No

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Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2003
Ya Mums
We're also not just talking about valk at this point though. As I said the rules need to but updated to reflect the community's new standpoint, so that it can apply to everyone.
Hmm changing the story now because votes didn’t go how you wanted?
Title of the poll

“Valk v2 - allowed or not?”​

Also please see Skylines comment about the matter 1 page back
Can we refrain from making this post an attack on Xx69xX/Apoc and keep on topic please?
Everyone is entitled to their opinions but this is about Valk/Tim and what the community want, therefore everyone is entitled to their own opinions on the matter but what I don't want is for people to derail the thread with their opinions on others/other servers.

We'll tidy this thread up a bit.


Hallucination Critic
Dedicated Member
Dec 15, 2016
I threw in the fact he also cheated on his own server purely because it's such a ******* joke lol

That's it Tai, you're the boss of this place and you can do whatever you want. Bleeding hell this all sucks and I said on the last thread in one of my first posts I didn't want to get into this and here we are again, setting everyones periods off.

What a "super cereal" poll we have going on here, it's obvious you're not going to inact anything so what are we doing here. Everytime I come on this forum I feel thicker for doing it, thank you very much!

Continue telling everyone "the(your) truth" Tai, nice one m8 si-oh-nara.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Hmm changing the story now because votes didn’t go how you wanted?
Title of the poll

“Valk v2 - allowed or not?”​

Also please see Skylines comment about the matter 1 page back

Fool... I knew the poll would go this way, the point of it is that the onus is no longer on me but on the community. Give the people what they want

It's also been made very clear by everyone who's commented that they want the same rules applied to everyone, no exclusions.


Prime Hunter
Jun 4, 2018
Fool... I knew the poll would go this way, the point of it is that the onus is no longer on me but on the community. Give the people what they want

It's also been made very clear by everyone who's commented that they want the same rules applied to everyone, no exclusions.

What will be will be, much better this way, more activity on LOMCN, more servers, more commotion, just what we like 👍🏻

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LOMCN Member
Aug 9, 2020
What will be will be, much better this way, more activity on LOMCN, more servers, more commotion, just what we like 👍🏻

View attachment 31290
and more diluted usercounts on servers.

I'd sooner the fourms strict with less servers with more users over fewer servers than having loads of shite ones with people all over, the community is small enough as it is without all this going full on rose tinted glasses malarkey currently going on.
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Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
more cheats, more chargebacks, more crypto, more cretins, lets gooooooooo

On Fire Burn GIF by Us


Just a Mir2 Fan
Apr 28, 2011
East Sussex
Fool... I knew the poll would go this way, the point of it is that the onus is no longer on me but on the community. Give the people what they want

It's also been made very clear by everyone who's commented that they want the same rules applied to everyone, no exclusions.
but the people are stupid... :(


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 3, 2012
more cheats, more chargebacks, more crypto, more cretins, lets gooooooooo

On Fire Burn GIF by Us
I'll give it maybe 6months or until one of these so called "good server owners" releases a server that we see another one of these posts of these idiots winging about all of the above lol.

The end is nigh


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
I think that's naive but anyway, time will tell.

The next question will be where do we drawn the line, if anywhere? If cheating, chargebacks, dox'ing and faking u/c are all fine, is DDoS'ing? On that basis are we unbanning Jesus too? The rules are all going to need to be adjusted so let's get it clear now and I don't think we can argue that if compromising the integrity of a server via cheats or hacks is OK but compromising it via DDoS attacks or anything similar is not.

I don't play Mir2 servers in general but I have no issue with a server re-releasing with new content, better balance changes, etc my issue has always been (even more so with zircon) people like Jesus creating short term cash cows to rince the community.

I'd say if you were going to unban and take little to no actions then these sorts of rules should be the go too.

1. If you have released a server within the last 6-12 months (up to you to decide period) you cannot release another unless you can prove a significant amount of work has been put into creating a new server different than your last one.

2A. In cases of players/owner wanting the server reset or relaunched the offical launch date counts towards the time that must have passed before relaunching or reseting a server.

2B. Unless the server is under 2 weeks old and all transactions if any during that period have been refunded and the community playing the server was vastly in agreement to resetting.

Anyone found to be ignoring these rules perma ban no mercy.

These are my thoughts on the matter anyway also going to be honest and say I think with allowing cash transactions in public of any type it put expectations on the owners that they should have to live up too and continue to work on the server. also I think discord has ruined servers in general as it makes it far to easy to pester the owners and demand changes most of which tend to be bias prime example is players like Excala who claim every class is op but their own which need buffs. Discord in my opinion hurts the servers more than it helps.


I'm a massive prick
Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2017
1. If you have released a server within the last 6-12 months (up to you to decide period) you cannot release another unless you can prove a significant amount of work has been put into creating a new server different than your last one.
I’m very surprised to see this not being a rule tbf, shlda came in like what 10 yr ago? Lol
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Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005
I’m very surprised to see this not being a rule tbf, shlda came in like what 10 yr ago? Lol
Kaori used to be so exigent when it came to servers on Mir3 sections that you would end up getting 24 hours ban for double posting.

Honestly I feel we as server owners and community members we may demand too much from time to time to @Tai and the LOMCN Staff... they don't work here as Help Desk or getting a wage out of it.

Lets just be grateful that Tai stood up and took the stance of being the bigger man in the room and did this poll even if the flame/complaints came to him no matter what direction is.

I believe by this we as a community can grow.
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LOMCN Developer
Mar 26, 2003
more cheats, more chargebacks, more crypto, more cretins, lets gooooooooo
i think you're dreaming if you think less then 70% of the mir players have used /are using 'cheats' on most servers they play,
same with the chargebacks: i agree doing any chargeback is bad , but i also know plenty of ppl who would almost by default try a chargeback on their donations when they quit (and tell all their discord groups how they won and encourage them to do the same).

yes valk might have found one of the loopholes to make this easyer, but he's far from the only one here.
as for crypto: i dont like crypto but i think if you're just flat out using it to prevent chargebacks then maybe "its a good thing".

i think of it this way:
- if server owners didnt want chargebacks to hurt them so much, then they shouldnt have made the entire private server community about trying to get the maximum payout of each server they launch.
- if players didnt want rugpull/crypto then they shouldnt have encouraged this behavior of short term servers and chargeback once bored.

valk is 'bad', but he's not even close to as bad as other server owners/ players i've known through the years. (he's just one of the more public figures)


Hallucination Critic
Dedicated Member
Dec 15, 2016
Discord in my opinion hurts the servers more than it helps.

Discord banter has become part of the immersive experience of a server itself and removing it would be a step backward, especially as ingame chat UI is severly outdated.

Owners are free to monitor their discord server with a "secret" alias account and its easy to do so on PC (you can switch accounts easily). In total you can switch between 3 accounts, your main, the "server owner" account and the "secret alias".

It just needs better thinking and more trust, just make some people you trust to be adults mods, not your close friends or people who work on the server with you, the players who spend most of the day playing are the most active on discord so let a few of them mod it for you.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
Discord banter has become part of the immersive experience of a server itself and removing it would be a step backward, especially as ingame chat UI is severly outdated.

Owners are free to monitor their discord server with a "secret" alias account and its easy to do so on PC (you can switch accounts easily). In total you can switch between 3 accounts, your main, the "server owner" account and the "secret alias".

It just needs better thinking and more trust, just make some people you trust to be adults mods, not your close friends or people who work on the server with you, the players who spend most of the day playing are the most active on discord so let a few of them mod it for you.

Banter I am fine with same with insults so long as its not directed outside the mir community like at someones family. But what happens is the same toxic players push and push and push for bias changes to be made and wipe others into a frenzy which cause owners to making changes to shut them up which normally leads to the same sort of players who are playing a different class to start doing the same then no new content or features get created because the owner has to deal with a mountain of crap everyday because of these idiots who want their class to be the strongest. Meanwhile players start getting bored with no content getting added and all these changes that keep messing with PVP balance and before long you have another dead server because owners slowly lose motivation to work on it due to the preasure placed on them by the community. I've heard this from multiple Owners from LOMCN both Popular and well known owners and the not so well known.

Heck Take Pheonix Taral I tried standard pve gave feedback unbiased across all classes and did the same in cbt, people tested gave similar feedback then game launches and the same peanut gallery as always are on the game come launch crying for nerfs to other classes and buffs to their own. Now I'm not saying that adjustments didn't need to be made as they sure did IMO but quite a few times the chat on their has become very very toxic and this is on a server with basically a support feature only for £5 a month that also benefits f2p and no micro transactions at all.

I'll give andy he due he is working hard to address all the issues and I have no doubt he will have it sorted sooner or later I just wish as do almost all those who tested he waited to launch and addressed all the issues before launch.

I mean for anyone who played Mir4/MirM or Bon's server I'm sure you saw the Codex feature that is by far one of the best features I've seen in an MMO in recent years which helps give players something to aim for and keeps the market prices stable for a longer time I for one can't wait for a server to fully intergrate that and other features them games had in a free to use model.

Sorry for going a little off topic mods just responding.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 31, 2009
Lomcn stopped being the portal to everything Mir along time ago, it’s easier to Google ‘legend of Mir’ and see the websites of servers.
The usercount tracker is basically an estimate and can’t be used as an accurate usercount and yet this was what made lomcn special along with the Admin policing keeping you safe from scammers and cheaters. Without those what’s the point in keeping this site going.
The sites like a badly run ‘top 100 legend of Mir websites’ is it the admin or the users faults? Who cares really. The games old it’s dead and the admin don’t have the love anymore and the content creators only do it for £ not the love
Ya’ll have a nice day


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 27, 2003
The amount of predatory servers that have been advertised on here, I don't see why this one should be any different. Taking the moral high ground on this one will just crush the dwindling population (and respect) that people have for this site & game due to the inconsistency.

Just put it under the same bracket as the crypto blag, you aren't being forced to play. If you want to run the risk of playing with corrupt GM's & cheaters then that's your own decision. If its that bad, surely it will die quickly anyway.


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
Lomcn stopped being the portal to everything Mir along time ago, it’s easier to Google ‘legend of Mir’ and see the websites of servers.
The usercount tracker is basically an estimate and can’t be used as an accurate usercount and yet this was what made lomcn special along with the Admin policing keeping you safe from scammers and cheaters. Without those what’s the point in keeping this site going.
The sites like a badly run ‘top 100 legend of Mir websites’ is it the admin or the users faults? Who cares really. The games old it’s dead and the admin don’t have the love anymore and the content creators only do it for £ not the love
Ya’ll have a nice day
Where do you go for the files?
Guide to setup the initial files?
Report bugs to be fixed?

Yeah you can google, you can get access to Git or the wiki etc. But I can guarantee you, everyone who has/had a server has been on LOMCN for something.

We are not just a server advertisement forum.

Oh and lets not forget the "hype" train from advertising here. You'd struggle to gain much hype from the player base without some form of advert or mention on here.
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