Server Status Listings


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
As of next month, we will now be charging servers to have their usercount displayed on our server status checker found here and on the sidebar of the main page.

It will continue to be free to have your server on the list with a simple online/offline indicator but the option to display your usercount on this list or in our generated signatures will now be considered a premium feature that will cost £5 per server per month.
Payments will need to be made via a PayPal subscription directly from the server status page.​
If you have not subscribed on behalf of your server by the 1st October 2019 then your usercount will show as "?"​
This is something we are trialling and may or may not be reversed at any time.​
If you have any questions you can post here or PM me.​
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LOMCN Veteran
Dec 4, 2010
Like in life, amount of tax/charge should depend on the size of business.

Why would a server with 1 user online had to pay the same price as some fresh
cash cow with 100 online 🐄🐮.

It's like earning £20, and having to pay £5 tax vs earning £2000 and paying the same £5.
How is that fair for them? 😁

... Or even better idea charge only the ones with 30+ user count average... 😁
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Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005
Like in life, amount of tax/charge should depend on the size of business.

Why would a server with 1 user online had to pay the same price as some fresh
cash cow with 100 online 🐄🐮.

It's like earning £20, and having to pay £5 tax vs earning £2000 and paying the same £5.
How is that fair for them? 😁

... Or even better idea charge only the ones with 30+ user count average... 😁

Not trolling but :

The reasons server have 100 online its because they have active admins and ok/decent content.
The ones who has 10-20-30 online probably didnt spent the same amount of time on the developing their server.

Why would some one who works on their server a lot, to pay the same amount(or more) than of those who just puts servers up to go at a 7eleven and buy a bag o chips and a six pack of beers?

I would put the fee at 10-15gbp since it will clear out a lot of mushrooms server that we see lately.


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 4, 2010
Not trolling but :

The reasons server have 100 online its because they have active admins and ok/decent content.
The ones who has 10-20-30 online probably didnt spent the same amount of time on the developing their server.

Why would some one who works on their server a lot, to pay the same amount(or more) than of those who just puts servers up to go at a 7eleven and buy a bag o chips and a six pack of beers?

I would put the fee at 10-15gbp since it will clear out a lot of mushrooms server that we see lately.

This is not a good reasoning matey.

It's not always about active GM or even content, I see a lot of copies of same files with almost nothing new with high user count for the first 3-6 months,
just beacause its NEW.

Also older servers will always have less user count, as they already have a clear top 10 players, and others feel like they can never catch up, or rival with them etc. etc.

Bigger business always need to pay more tax, its only fair. (There are small servers with nice communities who do not even want that many users, and there are servers with big teams mostly for ££, let's not treat them the same)

ps. You know it well you had an old server before, was hard for you to bring new players as you let some get 300+ levels, others seeing it were kinda disappointed.
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Drinker Of Tea
Golden Oldie
Oct 7, 2008
Sheffield, UK
It's not a tax its a service. There would be no real way of knowing how much a server makes anyway. I know it might not be likely but a server with 10 users might make more than a server with 100 users. There are too many factors to be able to charge this service as a tax. The high user count server might have a limited GS for example.

Perhaps after the initial trial @Tai might want to impliment different levels of service?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 31, 2009
Though i disagree with this, since i remember when milo and leocrasher made the first? (Correct me if im wrong)
Without LOMCN would any of these servers get users? I only use this site to search for private servers with community feedback.
Without it mir servers would suffer.
Owners have been able to 'donate' any sum to help lomcn yet i see no ones does.
People have cash to waste of exp pots but not to help lomcn stay alive.
For that reason i Agree with Lomcn.
Maybe small servers can advertise there own UC without the lomcn advertiser
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LOMCN Veteran
Dec 4, 2010
It's not a tax its a service. There would be no real way of knowing how much a server makes anyway. I know it might not be likely but a server with 10 users might make more than a server with 100 users. There are too many factors to be able to charge this service as a tax. The high user count server might have a limited GS for example.

Perhaps after the initial trial @Tai might want to impliment different levels of service?

True, still there must be a better way:) Can't wait to see the status list next month, cheap bastards will not pay :))

About time servers gave back to the community.

Just by existing they help keep community alive.
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Dec 10, 2003
Todmorden, West Yorkshire
Maybe small servers can advertise there own UC without the lomcn advertiser

This actually crossed my mind when I first read the announcement, nothing is stopping anyone from hosting their own status and having it as their sig although.. you have the sig generator for that so essentially you have free advertising by players.


Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.
Perhaps after the initial trial @Tai might want to impliment different levels of service?

Well Zedina will pay £50pm so there will be a platinum service shortly for this i hope!

I would put the fee at 10-15gbp since it will clear out a lot of mushrooms server that we see lately.

I think its safe to say we know you've got money to outpay all the smaller servers.... the 'mushroom' servers despite how frustrating they are, are what keep the community hanging in at times. This wont clear them out neither, it will just hide their u/c.
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Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Dec 23, 2015
Some criteria for an 'Online Player' wouldn't go amiss.


Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
Hands up if you have donated to LOMCN 🖐🏼

I had a sub come out every 3 months for £5, just cancelled it and donated - can't find where to re-add the £5 every 3 months!
Also subbed to the UC list

I am feeling entitled.
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Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Dec 23, 2015
What do you need help with?

How I would define an online player.
- A client that is connected to the server, with a character logged into the game.

What I'm assuming is acceptable for the side bar.
- A character logged into the game, or a representation of a character.

That isn't to say my definition is right, but I don't see it written anywhere. Charging money for this feature is something I agree with, but I feel server owners should know what rules to follow so they don't end up doing something you disapprove of.

What is the necessary criteria for a character to be included in the sidebar usercount?
What happens when an owner does not follow the rules? Assuming there actually are some.
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