Server ideas

smoochy boys on tour


The intention of this thread, is for both player's and server owner's to share ideas and help make them ideas become reality.

What I want to see is ideas, that are feasible.

Now any idea is a great idea, but silly ideas are not. Think about the idea you have and take a look through the Mir3 Server Help section and see if you think that idea could work.

Any idea could work, wether it be a script for an NPC or an event. What I would like to see from this thread, is a good range of ideas comming from everyone. Now to get that idea looked at and worked on, or help towards making that idea work. Setup you idea in this format.

What the idea is, script, npc, etc etc.

Brief description:
How it will work and benifit a server.

As I said all ideas are welcome, so long as they are not silly ideas.

From this I want to see if we can keep away from carbon copy servers and give new fresher servers a better start, its also a way to encurage the players to be part of the creation of a server.

What I would sugest and hope everyone does do, is give credit to those that came up with the idea. So if a player gives an idea for a script, then that player gets recognition in that script IE: Thank you to mapadale for the idea. This should then help generate a better more helpfull community comming from both players and server owners.

On a note for those that can do server side work IE: scripts and other things, it would be nice if you could help out in making players ideas work and help create and expand those ideas.

WARNING: No flaiming of the thread and no ridicule of player ideas, be constructive with your replys and help and under no circumstance abuse players for there ideas. Lets help build a better Mir community and get players also involved in the development of servers, after all they do play your servers.


LOMCN Veteran
Jul 26, 2007
Well im not too upto date with mir3 as i dont play it, Im also not aware whats poissble and whats not, However i will share a few ideas that could possibly work,

Sub class system - (Script)

Allowing players to pick which sub class they want to be, To be able to increase the power of sertant skills.

A whole new world for Rebirthed people, (Script, maps, mobs, items)

Basicly like the rebirth system, But once you rebirth you cant go back into the non rebirthed areas / towns without a sertant teleport which would obviously not be too easy to gain, Maybe have some sort of teleport craft npc to try craft teleports back to the old world.

A Fight Area (Map, Script)
Once a week at a set time a npc appears for 20 minutes, After clicking the npc it takes you and any one else who clicks it to a safe room with a pot npc and a store npc. After this 20 minutes the npc disapears you are then all teleported from the safe room into a huge 10 Floor map (all in different maps and places) You then have to find each other a pk each other like Last Man Standing i guess but much better, Once a person dies a message gets sent to everyone else stating this person has died they then get revived back to town. The last person left gets a random prize put into thier bag and teleport back to town.

I know this is like your average Last Man Standing but its more complex and custom.

As i said i dont play mir3 but im all game for sharing ideas to help this community. Hope this can help someone out with a few ideas in some way or another!

Good Luck

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Excellant Zen2 love the ideas and both are workable ideas.

From the ideas that come from people and if enough come through, I'll see about getting a team together to work those ideas with the players and make them a reality.


LOMCN Veteran
Jul 26, 2007
Im glad your happy with them, I for one will help on this team maybe we could sort out a decent little mir 3 team to get the ball rolling abit more in mir3!



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 31, 2008
i will help also if you set up a mir 3 team, i can do most things with mir 3 (database, Script)

Some of my ideas below

Capture The Flag (Script, Map)

At a certain time during the day the npc will call out "Capture the flag event starting, you have 10 mins to enter" and count down till it closes, then the fight will start each team has to capture a flag and there is 3 flags 1,2 and 3
if they hold them they gain so meny point for each min they hold it and first one to 2000 wins (i dont know if this is workable but worth a try could use vairibles to add points and then make a LineMSG [Grobal] "Team A has gained 5 points!" ) and could use the flag skins that are in sabuk and mw to make the flags, its a pretty cool idea :)

Quest npc (Script)

A quest npc to add boss quests, group quests and mob quests, i think this would make the game more fun giving players something to do rather than just lvl

would be nice if we got a team together and get a good mir 3 server out there :)
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 22, 2008
well in atomic the other admin and me, have an idea, make a dual system language, once you enter into the game in the welcome windows of the game, put a system when you can select your language, in these case english and spanish, when you active the funcition all npc in the game generte a flag system to check what kind of language you pick it.
An other idea is to make, a proffesion for the races in the game, to increse the skills of advance users.
other idea is make one conqueror city activated all wekends, the same case of war of emperium in the Ro.

Well i still learning about the scripting world, but i gone make more little things always i finish and this ideas works i gone to share.


Some great Ideas there guys, keep them comming.

If we can keep the ideas comming and they are all valid, then it will pave the way for a new section.

I would however like to see a lot more ideas comming from players as well.


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 4, 2003
i posted this in another thread i think, but i suppose i'll post it here too :)

and the 'A Fight Area' idea you had, I already made I think :P i took it a little further to give them a 'hero' weapon that only they could use and would disappear for the next hero battle, they also got a hero title in their name (i took out the master/student system since no one uses it lol, and used the student/master titles in the SQL db to make hero titles.)


i had another script that i had in the works long ago.. to convert mir3 into almost its own mod.. maybe mir3.5? it was based off heavily on Lineage 2, with the concept of item creation, sort of what you see on zentaur but it goes much further and extensive (if you played Lineage 2 you no what I speak of). tao class would have an additional quest to become a dwarf class, as you level up you do other quests so you can make higher grade weapons, like a level 1 dwarf could make lvl1-10 items. level 5 dwarf could make lvl40-50 items, not only this but they will have the ability to have a better chance at drops for materials to make items from mobs as a tao/dwarf, making them valuable to have in any party . materials dropped from mobs, the more rare materials dropped from bosses/higher level mobs. and recipes to make the items would drop from bosses (it would use around 25 unique materials with around a total of like 500 mats to make any item). i had/have most of the script planned out, it requires very little actual sql scripting, but heavily based on making an efficient item making menu maybe someday I will post this script or what I have of it
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Mad Dog Geo
Jul 4, 2007
Redditch, UK
On my last server id actually scripted a very similar thing which took me along time to finish but also had a few bugs but if anyone wants any ideas on how to make a crafting system id be glad to get a script up with someone as long as it would be released to everyone :P


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 9, 2006
so some ideas here have still worked out and as i see nearly all working. so i am also a player :P so here my ideas:
My way of GuildStore system : And i think i have a good way to realise it the only think to make is a guildcheck script that also check leader or ppl that are allowed to use it. possible to make with a flag or namelist commands,,or special item only leaders can give to special guild members as next we need a normal buy sell npc (100% take prices in db but what do 1% store coast or 0% if that work ?!?!) if we allow all Shape Numbers from 0 to 61 or what ever is in use.... we can store all... same as in a sell or buy npc... but in that way only leader or special ppl can store and getback btw same way work for guildhouses and the rent system that got posted few days ago .... maybe a guild npc for store in a guild house

kk only idea :) and i think it would run with idas way in inflictes guide for txt manipulation´.

as next i love the old and rust idea from zedina/Copied by others but some things can be changed i think that would be better. example IronPeace is only for DGS in that way mhh but why only for dgs ? i think there are 7 elements and we can add to staff that elements so why all ever wanna have jade or nephrite money and the old or rust item in that case you can make items with elements make the game more possibilities mhh.

if i have more ideas i will write again if they are welcome :)
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LOMCN Rookie
Mar 6, 2019
I know nobody cares about this server anymore ....
but what a problem to add a new map or new bosses just add something new
it's the best mir server, so get to work and i give more players if you DOING SOMETHING
because it is a joke people they spend time and give money on this serwer and gm does not care and can not improve this serwer
People give you time and money so you must give something too


Jan 10, 2009
I know nobody cares about this server anymore ....
but what a problem to add a new map or new bosses just add something new
it's the best mir server, so get to work and i give more players if you DOING SOMETHING
because it is a joke people they spend time and give money on this serwer and gm does not care and can not improve this serwer
People give you time and money so you must give something too

What are we talking about?