Rest in peace to a legend!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 19, 2015
Took me a while to bring myself to write this, as still can't get to terms with John passing away.
Known John for a very long time, played his servers, ran servers with him and even tho he spat his dummy out many of times (releasing files and threatening to take me and Pete to court) I never once held it against him. John helped me get into making servers, was always there when ever I needed pointing in the right direction and I even helped him plenty after leaving his team, he was just a really nice guy who always wanted to help people. Plenty of people used to slag him off and make crap up but they obviously never really had a proper chat with him.
John came up with some good ideas for Mir, which many servers use nowadays, he also came up with some really rubbish ideas too, when you told him you didn't like the idea he never asked why, he used to just say "brb getting a fireball drink" xD. His love for his family and parrot's was next to none and was always sending pictures of his parrot's to wind me up as he knew I wanted one.
I could go on and on of all the good/funny times we have had over the many of years, which I imagine loads of others have too, he may of been many of miles away but it is a very big loss and will always remain in my heart.
RIP John / Sneezy / IceMan


LOMCN n00bie
Jan 6, 2023
Took me a while to bring myself to write this, as still can't get to terms with John passing away.
Known John for a very long time, played his servers, ran servers with him and even tho he spat his dummy out many of times (releasing files and threatening to take me and Pete to court) I never once held it against him. John helped me get into making servers, was always there when ever I needed pointing in the right direction and I even helped him plenty after leaving his team, he was just a really nice guy who always wanted to help people. Plenty of people used to slag him off and make crap up but they obviously never really had a proper chat with him.
John came up with some good ideas for Mir, which many servers use nowadays, he also came up with some really rubbish ideas too, when you told him you didn't like the idea he never asked why, he used to just say "brb getting a fireball drink" xD. His love for his family and parrot's was next to none and was always sending pictures of his parrot's to wind me up as he knew I wanted one.
I could go on and on of all the good/funny times we have had over the many of years, which I imagine loads of others have too, he may of been many of miles away but it is a very big loss and will always remain in my heart.
RIP John / Sneezy / IceMan


Aug 8, 2004
Southern England
Very sad news to hear.
I knew he was ill but the years kept coming and going and he seemed to be coping with or even beating it.
If it was sepsis that finally got him instead then that's a bastard trick.

He had recently been working on a server and I had been sometimes helping with info on some maps, NPCs etc. As always, work gets in the way of Mir and the last time I replied too him was in December with info about Lunar / Jigok. Two other questions sit on Discord unanswered >.<
Not sure on the current state of the server.

He was a controversial character to some here but I always got on well with him. We spoke (typed) for many hours about all sorts and it often ended up about whisky or some weird drink he was on, quite late his side, bloody late my side.

He gave a lot to this forum with his servers and his ideas.
Problems arose too which, as usual, were often aired inside these forum walls.

When people are ill and get bad news or someone else close to them does, it changes your perspective towards life.
If your illness itself causes a change and further news compounds it, what was once important can suddenly become unimportant and pointless.

RIP my friend, this place will be a duller place without you.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 3, 2012
Would be nice to see people that where close to him or played any servers with him to share all the old memories they have with ice, inside or outside of mir as I see quite a few people use to speak to him on a personal level, be nice to keep the story of ice alive.

I get it must be a difficult time for the ones that where close to him, but when my brother passed his friend's would send me essays of random memories and photos and it defo helped cheer me up

Hope your resting easy ice 👑
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May 16, 2017
Job Centre Plus
Believe it or not, this wasn't my first LOMCN account, I used my brother's back in the early days when I was just about able to use a keyboard and mouse.
I would help and ask for help back in the early days of Crystal using his account and would often find myself talking to Iceman on Facebook about Crystal files and his own files. We would often share files and scripts to help each other out, I never launched a server back then but mainly messed around with the early days of crystal databases. Sneakily we would steal stuff from each other like libs and input them into our own servers.
It feels a little weird to think about it now as probably not the right thing for me or even Iceman to do but we did, we still spoke on a near-daily basis about issues we had with the database.
I remember bugging Iceman for months about getting all of his database reloading buttons from his server and putting them into my own files which I wanted to release.
The first day I spoke to Iceman was on Facebook, I was working in a restaurant and I messaged him asking for help with launching a server and even offered to work with him (really me hoping he would).

Enough of the rambles, I waited a while after posting the announcement to give myself time to add my own memories in this section.
I won't call you John as I share the same name and never felt I could call you John, So Iceman, you will be missed mate by me and a lot of amazing people.


Feb 21, 2013
I've just read the Hero's Act Mir2 Relaunch thread which throws new light on the health problems Iceman had, that they were long standing, which at the time of the posting I didn't pay much attention to, not knowing they were long standing and how serious they would turn out to be. It is a sad and chilling reading now.

I was never in contact with him but I was well aware he was one of those who kept mir2 development alive, mostly a moving power behind the scenes from my point of view. Nonetheless the many years of presence on the same forum and shared interest in mir2 game created a bond, a virtual extended family in effect. Bond that we are not quite aware of until real life realities bring it up.

The feeling of a big loss extends beyond those here who were communicating with Iceman personally, it is shared by a much wider circle of people because mir game has this special magic of creating a bond among those who are so very familiar with its virtual world. There is such a thing as a brotherhood of mir.

Condolences to Iceman's real family for their big loss.


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 13, 2014
Sad news. Puts life into perspective when you think of icons of our past, and their seeming immortality.

You can't just revive in town in the real world, and we never know what's going on in the lives of people behind their avatar.

I never crossed paths with IceMan often, but the times I did were positive. He was honest, and to the point.

We fought often on a server I cannot remember the name of, but we would always PM eachother after and say we enjoyed the fight. There was never any toxicity from him, and it made me a better player too.

Rest easy man, condolences to his friends and family.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 15, 2015
I am absolutely gutted to hear about his passing and he was the one who got me into working on servers with him. he will truly be missed!!!
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 20, 2005
How awful. I didn’t know him personally but seem to remember hunting with him few times in various servers seemed a spot on dude 😔
Thoughts are with his family and friends
Rest easy @IceMan


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 22, 2012
Such sad news, i didnt know him personally but was aware of his presence on the forums and his great contributions over the years,

Rest in peace dude ❤️


Jan 10, 2009

Things like this always hit hard. I didn't interact much with Iceman through the years but he was one of us and seeing him gone is sad.

May he rest in peace.