Quest 1-12 - Full Guide

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Dec 1, 2003
The Objective of these posts is to go through the client playing and write down a complete list of all Quest, who to see, what to do etc.. If people have this already done - then save me loads of work and post as well, this will help others a great deal.. the Goal here is to at least have Quest 1-12 working as they should.

Quest 1 - Warrior
1. Jarad Potion Shop (BW) 189:255 - Urgent Matter regarding Book Store.
2. Go See Jarad and he asks you to go to Book Shop.
3. Book Shop Elliot (BW) 170:246 - Give you Book.
4. Take Book to Jarad (1)
5. Book is gone & you get a Prize.
6. Geordie Grocery Shop (BW) 146:228 - Ask you to go to Zacchary.
7. Zacchary Weapons Shop (BW) 132:236 - Gives you repair Oil.
8. Take RepairOil to geordie and get some Liquior as present.
9. Lavinia Accessory Shop 142:223 - Gives you Letter.
10. Take Letter to Pet rental men - letter goes.
11. Go back to Lavinia and get a prize.
12. Go See Frank the Butcher 162:265 to get some tasks.
13. Kill Chickens (Search) until you get 3 CHICKEN - return to Frank.
14. Kill Pigs (Search) until you get 2 Pork - return to frank
15. Kill Bull (Search) until you get 1 Beef - return to frank.
16. Go see Palace BodyGuard 205:235
17. Kill Deer (search) Until you get Venison x 4 - return to BodyGuard.
18. Kill Scarecrows until a message pops up - return to BodyGuard.
19. Kill Hooking Cats until a message pops up - Return to BodyGuard.
20 - Quest Ends - Aquire 1 FamePoint.

Point of Quest
To get you to move around the starting town (in this case BW) and find all the shop keepers as well as fight some mobs along the way and get various money/exp/items.

Quest 2

1. Liam Booty Shop 158:220 (BW)
2. Requires 3 x BrownChestnut from Tree's
3. Tracy HairDresser 179:157 (Prajna)
4. Kill ForestYeti Until Pop-up Box informing you have YetiClaw
5. Take YetiClaw to Tracy
6. Tanisha Potion merchant 180:216 (PhantomForest)
7. Requires 2 x CannibalLeaf
8. Kayley Armour Shop 175:160 (Prajna)
9. Requires 3 x Spirdertooth
10. Samantha Storage 165:262 (BW)
11. Requires Tradersregister from OMA
12. Kill Oma until pop-up messge saying you have it.
13. Take back to Samantha.
14. WeaponShop Thobias 161:144 (Prajna)
15. Kill Wolf's until Pop-up messages saying you have WolfBlood.
16. Armour Shop Idony 169:165 (Phantom Forest)
17. Requires 3 x SnakePotion (dropped from TigerSnakes)

Gets you travelling from town to town and fighting harder monsters. this quest introduces you to the 3 towns (BW, Prajna and Phamton Forest) as well as meeting harder mobs.

Quest 3

1. See KingAdult 193:223 in BW
2. Requires you to Convince 2 people to join.
3. Go See Elliot Book Seller 172:246 (BW)
4. Elliot asks you for Info from BodyGuard.
5. BodyGuard requires Liquor to give Info - need about 4 of these max.
6. Go back to Elliot and answers are:
OMA & Minitor race
OMA Terrority
Big EarthQuake
7. Go back to King Adult.
8. Go See Jarad Potion Seller
9. Kill TigerSnakes until Pop-up box saying you have SnakeTooth.
10. Jarad now member
11. Go back to King Adult.

You start to explore Caves and find out how Bichon came about, oma's and the like.

Quest 4

1. Go See Bichon offical in BW (Daris) 168:199.
2. He tells you to Explore Bichon Caves (Skeleton cave) for the Oma Secret.
3. Go to Bichon cave Floor 1, Go top Secret Room (Lock Symbol)
4. Report back to Daris.
5. He tells you to find Cloud in BichonCave-2 (182:89)
6. Cloud Tells you some Info.
7. Go report back to Daris.
8. Go to Prajna
9. Accessory Shop Winoa (161:175) - She tells you to go see Weapon Dealer.
10. Weapon Shop Tobis Tells you of Kims Hammer.
11. Kill Oma until you get a popup messages that you have Aquired this.
12. report back to Tobis - Takes hammer - give you Pickaxe.
13. Go to Winoa and she asks you to find OmaHorn from OmaWarrior.
14. Kill omaWarrior until you get popup telling you have OmaHorn.
15. It now tells you to go Bichoncave and re-enter Secret Room.
16. Bichoncave-1, Enter Secret Room (top of map).
17. In here is Skeleton's + omaChief.
18. Kill OmaChief where upon you are transported back to BW.
19. Recieve ImmortailyPiece.
20. Go See Cloud in Bichn cave 2
21. Cloud Tells you to go look in the Secret Room 120:24
22. Enter Cave with ImmortailyPiece.
23. Inside are Skeletons + OmaChief
24. ImmortailyPiece Dissapears from bag when you kill OmaChief.
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Dec 1, 2003
I was expecting more people to contribute at this point in time, we have the people who have played Mir3 P2P to death as well as the many Server Host/Players who must have gone through the quests at some point. I had a think about this and in theory it could ruin the point of the quests as it could be used as a guide for a player to complete the quests very quickly (knowing what to do exactly etc) - but this is probably the only way for many people to work on the same thing and in turn make it easier for everyone to have Quests 1-12 Working.
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Dec 1, 2003
Quest 4-13 is bugged in LS 3G

Well DUH - If I had sorted Quests 1-12 100% working, then this post would be pointless. the Server Hosts who run the files *might* have gone through and fixed them - but might not want to post the files (yer - It happens) but this way maybe they can post what each one does, esp as ive never played the real P2P Server..
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 7, 2005

You can follow the story line in the server files. What most people do is.. just disable the quests and hope someone like you and me fix them and release the files.

Quest 4


Stage : 4-1 Government official letter
Content : Daris in BIchon (168:199) Wants to speak to you.
Requires : Nothing


Stage : 4-2 Government official's Task
Content : In order to investigate Oma's plot, Go find Secret room in Bichon Cave.
Requires : Nothing


Stage : 4-3 Bichon Cave Secret Room
Content : Report to Daris about Bichon Cave Room
Requires : Nothing


Stage : 4-4 Seeks the scholar cloud to send
Content : Find cloud in Bichon Cave_2 to send the scholar, inquired enters the suspicious room the method.
Requires : Nothing


Stage : 4-5 Prajna visitation
Content : The Prajna inhabitant inquired whether looked the more than Oma has the unusual thing.
Requires : Nothing


Stage : 4-6 Dawn China's proposal
Content : The Prajna dawn China said if can solve weapon shop blacksmith skilled worker's worried, can provide to you Oma's clue.
Requires : Nothing


Stage : 4-7 Blacksmith Kims Hammer
Content : Blacksmith skilled worker's Kims hammer
Requires : KimsHammer


Stage : 4-8 Obtain Kims Hammer
Content : Capture Kims Hammer from Oma for Blacksmith
Requires : Nothing


Stage : 4-9 Kims Hammer Solution
Content : You found Kims Hammer - Pass on this Infomration gained
Requires : Nothing


Stage : 4-10 OmaHorn
Content : Oma Warrior has OmaHorn, Looks like is Oma race difference suspicious room key.
Requires : OmaHorn


Stage : 4-11 OmaHorn Captures
Content : Is taking OmaHorn which obtains from Oma there, reenters Bichon Cave suspicious room.
Requires : Nothing


Stage : 4-12 OmaHorn Captures
Content : Is taking OmaHorn which obtains from Oma there, reenters Bichon cave suspicious room.
Requires : Nothing


Stage : 4-13 ImmortalityPiece
Content : Obtains ImmortalityPiece from secret place OmaChief there. Must go to the scholar cloud to send there to ask this is any thing.
Requires : Nothing


Stage : 4-14 Seeks ImmortalityPiece
Content : Investigate BichonCave_2 (120:24).
Requires : ImmortalityPiece


Stage : 4-15 Seeks ImmortalityPiece
Content : Investigate BichonCave_2 (120:24).
Requires : ImmortalityPiece


Stage : 4-16 Captures ImmortalityPiece
Content : Has captured the ImmortalityPiece from Oma there. Tells Bichon government officials.
Requires : Nothing


Stage : 4-17 Analyzes Oma race plot
Content : Has wanted to establish Skeleton plot and passes on for Bichon government official.


Stage : 4-13 ImmortalityPiece
Content : Obtains ImmortalityPiece from secret place OmaChief there. Must go to the scholar cloud to send there to ask this is any thing.
Requires : Nothing

Cloud does not respond.

Did I offend you?
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Dec 1, 2003
No Offence taken, let me explain how myself (and others) could sort this:

I have made a Char which has GM powers but Not using any other then God Mode to stop dying and needing pots. I am using One pet (witch) and I started out on the Quests in game as close to a normal player as i could. As I have written them down as i went through them, this Process wont have to be repeated later on - I can whip through the text dialog on the Quests i have done and re-write them in proper English.

I have got to Quest 4, and in doing the quest, I Looked at the Files if for some reason it never worked. in the case of Cloud, Due to my Translation of both ImmortailyPiece / ImmortailyPlate been very similar Chinese wording, this is why this went wrong. The Quests drops the Piece BUT Cloud was looking for plate (Simple wrong wording on my part). After this part in the Quest you go to the Secret Room - requiring the ImmortailyPiece or you cannot enter. When you get in there, as before there is a OmaChief + Skeletons etc. Another Mistake on my behalf on the mapQuest.txt - it was looking for SkeletonLord but there is no Skeletonlord in there. The ImmortailyPiece did go from my bag at this point but the Quest was Stuck at this point.

I have to reset the Quest (in this case 4) to make sure I am doing it properly - thus having to go through all of it again but that does not takelong as I know where to go, who to see etc. At this point it Pays to have a Un-touched set of Chinese files, A Spreadsheet crossreferencing Chinese<->English and go through that part slowly retranslating, re-testing until finally you get to complete Quest 4.

As to people Waiting for others (me) to sort the files out and re-share, Judging from the amount of help recieved on this thread alone means all people will get is a full breakdown of each Quest - nothing more.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 12, 2005
im sure if need be, i can give u a full quest list from USA official mir, using a similar layout to the one Demonic used in the 1st post.
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Dec 1, 2003
im sure if need be, i can give u a full quest list from USA official mir, using a similar layout to the one Demonic used in the 1st post.

That would help a Lot, once we know what to do, who to see etc then the rest is simple i feel.
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Mar 8, 2004
I know this is an old post, and some people may have already completed fixing the main quest, but heres a full run down on each quest what needs to be done.

Im currently in the middle of fixing the entire main quest from the translated files by demonic, im sure ill find time to release it when im done ;)

Main Quests Guide

Quest 1 – The beginners Guide Quest

You receive a message to go see potion shop Yaron (143:172) in prajna village.
He sends you to Fenton (154:165) to collect a book for him. Return to Yaron with the book to receive 50 experience and 100 gold. You receive a message to go see grocery shop Harper (137:172) who sends you to Thobias (161:144) to deliver a repair oil. Return to Harper to receive 60 experience and 200 gold. You receive a message to go see accessory shop Winona (161:172) who asks you to deliver a letter to innkeeper Levi (140:156). Return to Winona to receive 70 experience and 300 gold. You receive a message to go see butcher Bill (154:180). He sends you to collect 3 chicken 60 experience and 400 gold, then to collect 2 pork 90 experience and 500 gold and finally 1 beef 100 experience and 1000 gold. You receive a message to go see Sorcery Master Druen(137:159) who asks you to kill 4 Deer and bring him the venison receive 200 experience, then he asks you to kill 3 scarecrows receive 200 experience. He then sends you to kill 5 HookingCats which completes the quest upon returning to him.

Reward: 1 Fame Point, 200 experience points & MagicBronzeHelmet

Quest 2 – Intermediate Quest

You receive a message to go see booty shop Liam (158:220) BichonProvince. Who sends you to collect 3 BrownChestnuts. Return to him with the BrownChestnuts and receive 2 CopperChestnuts and 150 experience points. You receive a message to go see hairdresser Tracey (179:157) PrajnaVillage. She asks you to collect the ForestYetiClaw this item drops in your bag as you kill ForetYeti. Give the claw and receive 5 HP and MP medium and 300 experience points. You receive a message to go see potion shop Tanisha (180:216) PhantomForest. She asks you to get 2 CarnivorousPlantLeaf for medicine. Return to Tanisha with the leaves and receive 2 SunPot and 500 experience points. You receive a message to go see drapery shop Kayley (175:160) PrajnaVillage. She asks you to get her 3 SpiderTeeth, return with the 3 SpiderTeeth and receive 2 SunPot(M) and 2500 experience points. You receive a message to go see InnKeeper Samantha (165:262) BichonProvince. She asks you to retrieve the ClanRegister from an Oma Kill Oma’s and the ClanRegister drops in your bag. Return to Inkeeper Samantha with the ClanRegister receive 1000 experience and 1800 gold. You receive a message to go see weapon shop Thobias (161:144) PrajnaVillage. He sends you to get WolfBlood which drops in your bag when you kill wolves. Return to Thobias with the WolfBlood and receive 1000 experience points, BronzeAxe & RepiarOil. You receive a message to go see drapery shop Idony (169:165) PhantomForest. She requires 3 SnakeBile return to Idony with SnakeBile to complete the quest.

Reward: 4 Fame points, 1000 experience and 2200 gold.

Quest 3 – Master Wang Quest

Visit master Wang at Bichon 195:223 talk to him and read the blurb and then head off to the bookshop 170:246. Korbin wants info on Bichon history so go buy some RawLiqour from the Inkeeper (you will need 3) then go see James the off duty guard 202:235 and listen to him babble about Oma & Nehr. Go back to Korbin 170:246 and answer the 3 questions he asks.
Question 1 ….Oma & Nehr
Question 2 ….Land of the Oma
Question 3 ….Great Earthquake
Now go visit the Potionshop owner 189:256 who wants you to get Viper teeth , kill TigerSnakes until the teeth drop in your bag and return to the PotionShop 189:256.
PotionShop owner gives you 10 Medium HP & MP.
Return to Master Wang 193:223 to complete the quest and recive your reward.

Reward : 9 Fame Points, 2000 experience points

Quest 4 - Oma Quest

Go see the Bichon Administrator 168:199 he sends you to investigate the Oma in the BichonCave. Go to top left of Skeleton Cave 38:31 where there is a strange force. Return to Administrator who sends you to BichonCave floor 2 183:88 to see Jones.
Jones sends you to Prajna to find out about Oma with extraordinary items. You need to talk to Accesory Winona 160:88 Who offers to help you if you help Thobias 160:145. Thobias wants his hammer back so kill Omas until the Hammer drops in your bag return to Thobias 160:88 as a reward you get 2500 experience and a PickAxe. Return to Winona 160:173 and she tells you she saw an Oma with a horn Kill OmaWarriors until horn drops in your bag. Return to Bichon Cave !st Floor 38:31 enter the room and kill the OmaChief and get the ImortalityPlate. Then you go see Jones who sends you for the second half of the plate BichonCave 2nd floor 120:24 enter this room and kill the SkeletonLord there to complete the ImortalityPlate. Return to the Bichon Administrator 168:199 for your reward.

Reward : 16 Fame Points, 10000 experience points & 25000 gold

Quest 5 – The Fallen Taoist

Visit Master Wang 195:223 who sends you to see Cow Dealer Wang 230:56 listen to his story and he tells you to go to the stableman 138:179 who has more information. The stableman suggests exploring BichonCave 2nd floor for witnesses do go to 183:88 into the room and speak to Jones. He sends you to BichonCave 2nd floor 66:165 to get the Taoist out of the cave. Talk to Steven and report back to Jones he can go there. Jones sends you to the Bichon Administrator for your payment the Bichin Administrator gives you some gold and the Calabash. Take the Calabash and go see Jones on BichonCave 2nd floor 183:88 He tells you the girls spirit is trapped in Calabash and you need to use ChickenBlood to open it. Kill Hens and harvest them to get some ChickenBlood then go to Miss Wang 225:57 and talk to her this will open the Calabash and you gain 5000 experience points, 30000 gold & 5 pices of purity 10 beef. She tells you to go see Administrator about the ImortalityPlate.

You are the sent to Taoist Mentor Fadden PhantomForest 160:168. Fadden sends you back to the Administrator and he sends you to the 1st floor of DeadMine 235:195 where you meet Steven who summons some Zombies which you must kill in less than 3 minutes then you are teleported out (you will be teleported out if you fail to kill mobs and have to try again) Now you have to go to the 2nd floor of the DeadMine top left is quest entrance. You cannot get in and have to go see Tao Mentor Fadden who will make you a PasaTalisman if you bring him a RottenBhuddistBone from the DeadMine kill the Monk zombies (the ones which rise up out of the ground) and the RottenBhuddistBone will drop in your bag automatically. Back to Tao Mentor Fadden in PhantomForest and get the Talisman and now you can return to the DeadMine f2nd Floor top left and enter the room. Again Steven summons Zombies which you must kill in under 3 minutes and afterwards Steven transforms into a Ghoul and flees to the 3rd Floor DeadMine. Go to DeadMine 3rd floor find and kill the Ghoul to retrieve the ImmortalityPlate. Return the ImmortalityPlate to the Bichon Administrator.

Reward : 25 Fame points, 22,000 Experience points, 30,000 gold & 2 Gold Rings

Quest 6 – The Incense Leaf Quest

Visit Master Ara in PrajnaVillage 222:132. He sends you to the FleaCave to find his daughter Yildi who is just inside the FleaCave entrance, Talk to Yildi and return to Master Ara for 4,000 experience points and 25,000 gold. You receive a message from Master Ara to find his stolen Key, Visit Mr Acki 123:154 who sends you back to Master Ara who asks you to go find the robber. Back to the FleaCave 1st floor 190:17 to see Samuel. Listen to Samuel’s story and go see Master Ara 222:132 who rewards you with 7,000 experience & 500 gold. You receive a message to visit MrAki 123:154 then its off to MasterAra 222:132 who needs 10 FleaShells to cure his wife. Return to MasterAra with the shells and be given IncenseLeaf and Letter from MistressAra and be told to go talk to MrAki who then sends you get the antidote to the poison from Dein. Visit FleaCave 2nd Floor 112:133. Give the letter to Dein who gives you the antidote, go vist MrAki and MasterAra to get your reward.

Reward: 36 Fame points, 20,000 Experience points & 40,000 gold
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Mar 8, 2004

Quest 6 The Incense Leaf Quest

Visit Master Ara in PrajnaVillage 222:132. He sends you to the FleaCave to find his daughter Yildi who is just inside the FleaCave entrance, Talk to Yildi and return to Master Ara for 4,000 experience points and 25,000 gold. You receive a message from Master Ara to find his stolen Key, Visit Mr Acki 123:154 who sends you back to Master Ara who asks you to go find the robber. Back to the FleaCave 1st floor 190:17 to see Samuel. Listen to Samuel’s story and go see Master Ara 222:132 who rewards you with 7,000 experience & 500 gold. You receive a message to visit MrAki 123:154 then its off to MasterAra 222:132 who needs 10 FleaShells to cure his wife. Return to MasterAra with the shells and be given IncenseLeaf and Letter from MistressAra and be told to go talk to MrAki who then sends you get the antidote to the poison from Dein. Visit FleaCave 2nd Floor 112:133. Give the letter to Dein who gives you the antidote, go vist MrAki and MasterAra to get your reward.

Reward: 36 Fame points, 20,000 Experience points & 40,000 gold

Quest 7 – Tinn, The Phantom Thief

Go see the Bichon Wall Administrator 168:199 accept the job and be given the Golden Plate. Talk to the Potion shop npc who sends you to the drapery 176:252 who then sends you to Zacchary 132:236 who sends you to Lavinia 1421:223 then you are sent to Inkeeper Sam 165:242. She sends you to the AntCaves to collect 20 AntEggs and after giving her the eggs she sends you to the astrologer 97:58 and rewards you with 10 Raw liquors and 10,000 exp & 15,000 gold. The astrologer then sends you to the drapery 176:252 who sends you to the AntColony Kill ArmouredAnts in the SouthAntColony until you get a message and get teleported out. Go see the Bichon Administrator 168:199 and you find you have lost the GoldenPlate and after talking to Bichon Administrator it has been found by a dead body. Go to the WestAntColony and kill Soldier ants until you are teleported out next to the astrologer. She sends you to kill the GeneralAnt for SuspicousOil to make the HermitPotion. After the HermitPotion is made enter the AntColony and use it you hear a conversation and a mystery man. Report to the BichonAdministrator for your reward.

Reward: 49 Fame points, 70,000 experience points & 80,000 gold.

Quest 8 – Spirit Bell

Message to go and see Mr Wang 195:223 he wants you to go to WoomaTemple and get the WoomaGoldPlate. Kill WoomaInfidels on the 1st floor until you get the WoomaGoldPlate (drops in bag). Return to MrWang and receive your reward of purity 10 gold ore, 50,000 experience points & 100,000 gold. He sends you to see the Anonymous in Phantom Forest 46:276 to get more treasure. The Anonymous sends you back to Mr Wang who then sends you back to WoomaTemple for more curios. Go to WoomaTemple 2nd floor and kill FlamingWoomas until you get the diary drop in your bag. Return to the anonymous who sends you to Mr Wang who sends you to the trader in NumaVillage 127:122 you are then sent to find another item of equal value. Go see the anonymous who sends you to the library, go to WoomaTemple 1st floor 196:198 and use the statue the combination is R,R,L,R,L and get teleported into the library. Run or kill your way to the end of the library and click on the TreasureBox to retrieve the High Priest bell. Return to the trader and get the WoomaGoldPlate. Return to the Anonymous who sends you to get the SpiritBall from the WoomaGuardian on 3rd floor. After killing WG on 3rd return to the Anonymous who sends you to 2nd floor 209:53 enter the room and talk to NPC he spawns WG and some Woomas kill the WG and get the SpiritBall. Return to the Anonymous and gives you the choice of killing WoomaTaurus.

Kill WT Reward : 64 fame points,150k exp, 70k gold & GhostKingWeapon for your class
Don’t Kill WT Reward: 32 Fame points, 75,000 exp and 35,000 gold

Quest 9 – Theseus Quest

You receive a message to vist PotionShop Tanisha (180,216) PhantomForest who sends you to see the scout officer at 58:176 1st floor AngledStoneTomb (ST). He sends you to collect 30 RedEvilBoarTooth collect the teeth and you get a pop up to go to 228:191 1st floor ST (you need to kill a RedBoar here and kill it when stood on these co-ord). To be teleported into underground cellar talk to villager and get teleported back to the ScoutOfficer 58:176 1st floor ST who sends you to 2nd floor ST to kill BlackEvilBoar’s kill BEB’s till you get pop up then go to the StonePillar (47:180) and hit it with your weapon. When you get pop up select move and enter the secret chamber help the Oma’s defeat the boars and report back to the ScoutOfficer who sends you to 205:57 2nd floor ST to meet the informer (Theseus). He asks you to take a book to Bookstore Korbin (172:167) Phantom forest. When you speak to Korbin about the quest RedEvilBoars spawn in town kill them and then Korbin tells you the boars took the book return to ST and retrieve the book by killing RedEvilBoars on 1st floor ST. Get the pop up and return to Korbin in PhantomForest with the book then back to see Theseus at 205:57 2nd floor ST who gives you the HammerOfDestruction and sends you to kill the 5 WhiteEvilBoars to retrieve the HammerOfRevival and the HammerOfEnlightenment then return to the scout officer.
Gives you the choice of killing BoarKing

Kill BoarKing Reward: 80 fame points, 200,000 exp & 200,000 gold.
Don’t Kill BoarKing Reward: 40 fame points, 100,000 exp & 100,000 gold.

Quest 10 – The Evil Sect of Death Valey

You receive a message to go see the Bichon Administrator 168:199. He sends you to see Bob 148:168 Bichon province. He sends you to DeathValley to retrieve the GoldenScriptures. Kill Centipedes until the scriptures drop in your bag. Then go to DeathValley 2nd floor 80:174 to see the HighPriest who sends you to collect MetalPeices from MutantMaggots you require 30 and they drop in your bag. Return to the HighPriest when you have the MetalPieces and he will send you to collect CaterpillarGastricJuice you need 30 again.
****** Tip if you drop Gastric juice on floor before you kill caterpillars should you get 1 burst it only breaks the one you would’ve got make sure when you have 29 you keep them in the bag for the final kill or you wont get the pop up when you get the 30th juice.
Return to the HighPriest 2nd floor 80:174 who gives you the 30 MetalPieces back and sends you to Thobias at 160:145 PrajnaVillage to get EvilCentipedeBell made. Thobias says he requires the mold, Return to the HighPriest who sends you to the storeroom on the 4th floor at 244:28 enter the store room and move to cords 23:26 and just wait and the mold appears in your bag. Return to Thobias in Prajna and give him the mold he says it will take a day. Collect the EvilCentipedeBell and return to the HighPriest 2nd floor 80:174 on your way to the HighPriest you will be attacked by 2 robbers as you enter DeathValley and discover your EvilCentipedeBell is stolen. As you try to enter the HighPriest room some dialogue appears and you get a spawn on you and when you kill the spawn you get a pop up telling you to go see the HighPriest.When you talk to the HighPriest an EvilTongs appears kill it. You then go and try and save Bob 209:78 in LifeDeathHall and then you kill Tongs until you retrieve the EvilCentipedeBell then its off to see the Bichon Administrator choose to kill the EvilCentipede or not

Kill EvilCentipede Reward: 100 fame points, 500,000 exp and 360,000 gold.
Don’t Kill EvilCentipede Reward: 50 fame points, 200,000 exp and 180,000 gold
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Mar 8, 2004
Last Part:

Quest 11 – The Tear of Prajna Quest

Message to go see Winona 161:172 PrajnaVillage she sends you to Potionshop Yaron 143:172 he sends you to get herb from ToxicGhoul. Give the Herb to Yaron get 80,000 exp,50,000 gold and 25 PerpituiyGinseng and he sends you to the Herbalist Mr Wila 136:28 PrajnaVillage he sends you to Lacey 64:21 PrajnaVillage. She requires the SoulCapturingBell kill ToxicGhouls in PrajnaVillageSouth for the SoulCapturingBell. Then she sends you for the SoulLeadingBell kill RoninGhouls in PrajnaVillageSouth for the SoulLeadingBell. Take the SoulLeadingBell to Lacey who gives you the EyeOfJusticeGem which you deliver to Winona 161:172 and as reward you receive 50,000 exp, 30,000 gold and 2 pieces of P10 Corundum ore. Return to Lacey 64:21 who needs 200 TearOfPrajna to build her monument. Give Lacey the TearOfPrajna and she then sends you to get the MandolinString, go to 2nd floor PrajnaStoneCave and kill mobs ( I got string from BoneSpearman). Return to Lacey and she sends you to talk to SorceryMentor Druen 137:159 who sends you back to 2nd floor PrajnaStoneCave to retrieve the EvilSlayerBook kill mobs until you get the pop up. Return to Druen who tells you to return later for the HeavenMandolin (logout and back in) Talk to Druen and receive the HeavenMandolin, now go and see Lacey who sends you to 5th floor PrajnaStoneCave 162:278 (the door near the bridge in bottom left) Take HeavenMandolin with you and in the room by the bridge you need to kill a BoneGeneral. Back to Lacey and then choose to kill the BoneLord or not.

Kill Bonelord Reward:
Dont Kill Bonelord Reward:

Quest 12 – RME

Message to see Admin in Bichon. He sends you to Potion Shop Jared 189:255 follow the instructions as you are sent to several npc’s. Last npc is Tavern Mistress Samantha sends you back to Bichon Admin. Admin sends you to see a guard. Go to the off duty guard on the right side of the palace. He sends you to Illusion Woods to kill spiders. Kill spiders (don’t know which I just killed them all) till you get a popup. Go back to Bichon Admin, after you talk to him logout and login. Go back to Admin he sends you to talk to Darwin inside palace inside room on the right. Darwin sends you to the guard outside palace (left side if you are facing palace) 175:192. You have to wait till dark to talk to him after dark. (after dark is at 12 noon and 12 midnight). Guard sends you to another guard at 197:213. This guard sends you back to illusion woods. Kill spiders (don’t know which ones again I killed them all but I think I got the popup from grenades.) You will get a popup saying that you have found a bloody cloth. You actually don’t receive a cloth you will not find it in your bag. Your popup tells you to go to rmv for more clues. Kill venoms on first till you get another popup. Go back to bw and report to admin. Log out and in and go back to admin again. Go to talk to Darwin then back to Admin. He sends you to the guard inside palace on the right near Darwin’s room 57:38 and you can’t talk to him until after dark. He sends you to RMV to kill spiders. Kill Dark Arachnids on 1st till you gat a popup then go to meet Tinn on 4th floor in the room on the middle right 257:99. He will send you to kill ApeKing. Once you have killed AK you will get a popup go back to Darwin and he sends you to the Bichon Astrologer top left of of Bichon. There you can choose to Kill RME or not.

Reward : 144fp
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Mar 8, 2004
Just to update ive gone through and tested this from quest 1-12 with all 3 classes and have now got everything in full working order. Now to add some main quests of my own onto the end hehe.
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