Original Old Skool Mir 2 (Dragon Server) private Server.

Would you play a Original Server based on EU Dragon from 2001

  • Yes

    Votes: 49 59.8%
  • No

    Votes: 33 40.2%

  • Total voters


Just a Mir2 Fan
Apr 28, 2011
East Sussex
the EuroReborn server is designed to be a very low rate grind with content locked out untill certain conditions are met.

the fact is if you make it take a year to get to 40 no one will play it, they will start out good and then as soon as another server is launched they will jump to that, the reason we grinded to 40 over 5 years was because there was nothing else like it.

my desire is to create a very tough server that players wont get instant gratification from and it will take a long time to level. im sticking to that ideal aswell. its why my severs exp rate is currently set to 0.5% but because of the quests i may even lower this.

if players dont like it then they leave or dont play i really dont care lol, ive never been influenced by usercount and a high usercount doesnt interest me :)

what interests me is a server thats hard to play, i like the idea of a challenge.... and the thought of BoneElite being a challenge is very exciting to me.....


LOMCN Veteran
Jul 7, 2009
the EuroReborn server is designed to be a very low rate grind with content locked out untill certain conditions are met.

the fact is if you make it take a year to get to 40 no one will play it, they will start out good and then as soon as another server is launched they will jump to that, the reason we grinded to 40 over 5 years was because there was nothing else like it.

my desire is to create a very tough server that players wont get instant gratification from and it will take a long time to level. im sticking to that ideal aswell. its why my severs exp rate is currently set to 0.5% but because of the quests i may even lower this.

if players dont like it then they leave or dont play i really dont care lol, ive never been influenced by usercount and a high usercount doesnt interest me :)

what interests me is a server thats hard to play, i like the idea of a challenge.... and the thought of BoneElite being a challenge is very exciting to me.....

what is fun with that rate ?


Feb 21, 2013
if players dont like it then they leave or dont play i really dont care lol, ive never been influenced by usercount and a high usercount doesnt interest me :)
How did your fishing server end, did the last player stop playing? How low is low user count for you to keep the server online?

I quit playing when you increased cave exp relative to fishing exp. but not because of that. I just didn't find fishing satisfying, never got beyond basic rod and noob shores. At times when I got better exp rate from fishing, it felt OK for a bit as I was getting somewhere, but mostly I got mediocre exp per fish (below average) making it drag at ~lev15. And getting items from cave mobs was also fairly lacklustre, felt weird killing mobs not for exp but just waiting if they drop something worthwhile.
Maybe I am not cut for the 'SIM Mir' type of server.

And Artificial killed his 'test' server with that 'Easter event', after that it could have no long term future (I had something like steel sword with HA combo). Also doubt anybody running a server these days will resist inflating exp in various ways, with bonuses, buffers, inflating it inevitably like gold (so guild exp buffers that cost gold can be switched on permanently).

On euro in 2001 Phoenix server, we admired some char who supposedly did a daily solo round of Natural OC leveling and I saw my first big mass drop when we killed BE in grp of some ten pple in that cave. Today's remake of course wouldn't be like that but if you emulated the hardness of it, I bet many would play it as a challenge as long as it wouldn't be compromised by bonus weekends or things of that kind which is more important these days as most play as casuals and can't log on day by day, weekday or weekends and missing the bonus days is annoying.
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Feb 26, 2004
The difficulty scale of Dragon Server back in 2001 is too hard for the casual community that exists at the moment....plus there is not that many players to make it fun...so no lol.
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Untrusted Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 9, 2015
People forget there was so many people playing d server , can you imagine trying to find a trustworthy group of ransoms. ? Or even a full group let alone people you know ? It just wouldn’t happen

That’s why all the servers are solo and small group based now there isn’t enough people to make the euro clone thing work

Can you imagine grinding PB for 6 months and seeing the same 5 people day in day out with you on there , go PvP the same 10 people for the same boss every day

Euro had enough people to make it fun , loads of different guilds all trying for it


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 3, 2004
People are too lazy these days. they want instant gratification on everything.

You realise that most mir players are working and when they finnally return home they want to have some fun right? They already "worked for it".

Imo the GMs are the lazy ones simply because they fail to adapt to this and innovate a bit in order to give the players the fun they want. They are still trying to fully COPY euro which was a server with thousands of people and still died. They are trying to copy a server that had para and pro rings dropped from hens. Surely the people that thought of that must have really high IQ and built everything else perfectly and this was their only mistake (sarcasm).They are stuck in the same outdated "features" without any effort to involve them.

Let me name some issues i find in nearly every server even though i have tried 100s of them:
- You start without your main class spells. Yes, i understand that mir is all about racing and competing and getting strong slowly but how would that change if i had the tools to hunt from the start without having to spend time hunting hens? I could start with Halfmoon for example and still race and work towards TDB or towards items etc etc. Exactly the same feeling. But nope, i have to start with wooden sword every single time and hunt hens and scarecrows like i am playing Rust.
- Some spells are rare at the start just to annoy people and give the edge to the ones the find them and eventually become books without value. Other than frustrating people what do you gain from that? Building an economy? So you are unable to build a proper economy with a proper item DB and making a fake economy with overpriced books for couple days is the solution. Cool. Name me a single successful MMORPG where people dont have access to all of their spells.
- Name me a single MMORPG where there is a class that lvls 4x faster than the rest.
- Name me a single MMORPG where the supposedly squishiest class is the tankiest.
- What about spell leveling? Apparently leaving your pc on during the night with a key held down is "hard work" right?
- Item DB. 0 innovation. Its SOOO easy to add items in mir with various stats even if you have to use the same image yet 20 years later we are still stuck with Dragon and Power rings. Obviously if these stats are accepteable by the gifted people who thought hens dropping para rings is accepteable you cant go wrong. Lets not fix what is not broken....
- Group hunting. Its so much fun to make bosses that require 5+ people on usercount 20 servers. Well though also.
- Respawn rates. I cant think of a better feeling than running a cave for 30minutes only to find that the boss has just died. Actually i can. Running the cave for 30minutes to find the boss has just died, wait for it for 2hours only for the group that killed and is on a timer comes back to kill it ;p.

I could name a million other things that are unaccepteable for me in 2019 and the "lazy" server creators never bothered to find a way to go arround them and their only response to the above is "you want everything handed to you on a plate". And this response is aimed at people that have wasted 1000s of hours in mir.

At some point people can realise that mir cant be "hard" simply because it has no mechanics. Dark Souls can be hard. Mir cant. Mir can only be tedious and annoying.


May 7, 2003
I think we're about to find out

I've never worked so hard for something in my life than to try to replicate the original Legend of Mir II game. Far more complex and time-consuming than I could have ever imagined, and starting with decent files as well. I have just been fortunate enough to be surrounded by enough extremely talented people who share this dream, with the right skillsets and for long enough to make it happen.

Do I really care what people think if it can or can't work? It's happening now regardless because a select few people have been passionate enough to make it into a reality.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 18, 2014
I could name a million other things that are unaccepteable for me in 2019 and the "lazy" server creators never bothered to find a way to go arround them and their only response to the above is "you want everything handed to you on a plate". And this response is aimed at people that have wasted 1000s of hours in mir.

Not entirely sure why you decided to go off on one at an out of context quote. But Ok.
You seem to be under the impression I'm some 'evil' server creator scrambling for justification...

You only have to look at servers like Nightscares as a prime example of my point. For weeks I had multiple, full 5-floor caves & bosses to myself, simply because people couldn't be bothered to go find them. Yet those same people cried about 'lack of content'. He added a huge progressive dungeon, they cried it took too long... you get my point. He also had fully custom DB's etc, it still died.

Within 2 days of new servers, there are ALWAYS people crying about exp rates/item drop rates, etc.
Servers come and go far too quickly, they have major failings of course. Just don't pretend it is solely the creators' to blame.


Not that it matters at all, but just for fun. My server currently has...

- Starting skills
- No skill leveling
- Purchase access to all skills gems as backup
- No defined classes
- 100% custom Item/NPC/Quest DB's
- Solo orientated content
- Kill based 'gathering'
- Instance-based end-game progression tied to the economy

All bundled into a linear story to the point of creating a base character you want in approximetely10h, ready for the 'end-game' grind.
I'm fully aware that people probably won't like it simply because it's not 'Mir'. Should I ever choose to release it.

We aren't in a position to modify underlying systems and draw in new players to the extent necessary. There is simply no channels to do so when your game is literally stolen.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 3, 2004

What i said wasn't really personally aimed at you since i dont know you or any servers you are involved with.

The whole "lazy" part just hits a nerve whenever i read it.

Nightscares' servers were really interesting. Especially the first which had no leveling at all but instead tier of items that were more or less mandatory to progress and sort of replaced leveling. He was one of the few guys that tried a different approach. The fact he didn't succeed was perhaps because he wasn't talented or committed enough.

But im pretty sure that if all the big server owners who had more talent, time,commitment, funds, better team etc. took that approach instead of the usual euro clone with the odd custom skin/item/mob here and there we could of seen some amazing servers or at worst we wouldn't know how mir would be today. The fact is that with the approach every single mir owner took mir is right now dead. What's more frustrating is that still people think that euro-clone is the way forward even today.


May 7, 2003
I just have a deeply vested interest in seeing all the stuff I missed. Custom files are probably the way to go right now, because why not considering how flexible the files are. But personally, I wanted to make and see the original game as well.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 31, 2009
Why can't someone just host the 1.4 server files and fix bugs from there. don't see why its so hard to . the problem is the usercount AND most importantly cash. no ones running a clone because dragon had NO gameshop. any gameshop will ruin any euro 'clone'

i remember playing the first private servers and they were pretty much euro clones with drop and exp rates adjusted......

ragezone had its moment...all im saying, **** even lomcns frozen server ....or maybe not lol


Feb 21, 2013
They are trying to copy a server that had para and pro rings dropped from hens. Surely the people that thought of that must have really high IQ and built everything else perfectly and this was their only mistake (sarcasm).

FYI, the Easter event was euro server feature (ie, not korean) put in place by EU GN staff (or maybe made upon their request by Koreans) to put items sorely lacking on server which was mainly lev35/40 weapons - but everybody sees only para pros... (lacking on eu servers due to drop files being tailored for much higher user count on korean servers). That event had nothing to do with mir2 game design as such. So plz...

I beg to differ on the overall drive of your post - either make a server with such a new direction or wait till one comes online and then when it doesn't last, will you then aim your negativity towards unenlightened player base (especialy if it was your own server)? Or find fault with the server design (if it wasn't yours)?

As a matter of fact, there was recently one server that might have answered your wishes, at least in being innovative - the Fishing server Sanjian made. Given you railed against AFK fishing, mining etc, the fishing on his server prevented AFK playing.

@Chalace I gather you seem to be very accomplished gameplayer with experience from games other than mir, no sarcasm meant, what I want to say is, you can't measure others up to your standard (your Nightscares server comments above). Also, its so easy to make it pple's fault, pls cut us some slack LOL:D
Mind you I found other faults with his server, not those you mentioned. Also it behooves server owners to look for fault in their creation, not just dismiss players as weak, lazy and what not else.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
Nightscares' servers were really interesting. Especially the first which had no leveling at all but instead tier of items that were more or less mandatory to progress and sort of replaced leveling. He was one of the few guys that tried a different approach. The fact he didn't succeed was perhaps because he wasn't talented or committed enough.

Tbf, you hit the nail on the head.

At the time I couldn't code so was pretty much limited to the open source files, and within 2 days of releasing, I hated every single player and thought they were all whiny little bitches, I would of happily drowned each and every one of them. I just don't have the temperament to deal with the mir community.

It's always bugged me that no one with the talent/temperament hasn't tried to redo what I did and they all keep trying to go down the euro clone route. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

If i log on another server and have to kill rakings cats with a wooden sword, I think I'm going to murder my entire family.


Drinker Of Tea
Golden Oldie
Oct 7, 2008
Sheffield, UK
Tbf, you hit the nail on the head.

At the time I couldn't code so was pretty much limited to the open source files, and within 2 days of releasing, I hated every single player and thought they were all whiny little bitches, I would of happily drowned each and every one of them. I just don't have the temperament to deal with the mir community.

It's always bugged me that no one with the talent/temperament hasn't tried to redo what I did and they all keep trying to go down the euro clone route. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

If i log on another server and have to kill rakings cats with a wooden sword, I think I'm going to murder my entire family.
You might like what we are doing then if you are fed up of seeing Euro clones. Mir needs innovating, no matter what the community "think" they want.


Just a Mir2 Fan
Apr 28, 2011
East Sussex
It's always bugged me that no one with the talent/temperament hasn't tried to redo what I did and they all keep trying to go down the euro clone route. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

If i log on another server and have to kill rakings cats with a wooden sword, I think I'm going to murder my entire family.
I guess im just strange, i actually enjoy the early game of euro clones, the oma cave, level 15 weapons, dead mines for skills.
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