MQ Hacking Elite

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 15, 2008
ive been a loyal player to Avenge and Elite
and one day MQ hacked the server making people level 5k-65k levels and giveing people GM items <KasumiRings,YunieRings> 255-255 Stats

and deleted most of the chars <includeing mine>

to tell the truth i barely just reached level 1k+ and BAM char deleted

i dont know why MQ would take down elite he doesnt need more people playing his he has 30+ people on at all times and Elite has like 15+ on

tbh MQ get a life and be more concerned about your server the reason he did this is cause he doesnt want to add more updates therefore loseing people to Supreme, and Elite

the reason he doesnt hack Supreme is that PAIN is like a major donator to avenge and he doesnt want him to stop


FFS MQ wouldn't know how to hack a hack saw, let alone a server and if this has happened in the last 48hr.

Thn I'm sorry to say, Dumachi is an idiot.

But yet you forget, Dumachi is doing the same and being the same way.

Both Avenge and Elite are utter crap and unless you donate for items, your not cared about on ether. Give it up both servers are corrupt ne ways.

Exodus Syn

Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 18, 2008
UK - Wirral
He only see this "$"

Most of these servers are run by 16-21 year olds wanting to make some cash...the few that don't require heavy donations are usually run by the older more mature player who has created the server because they "love" mir.

Avenge = MONEY
Supreme = MONEY
Elite = MONEY


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 4, 2006
Most of these servers are run by 16-21 year olds wanting to make some cash...the few that don't require heavy donations are usually run by the older more mature player who has created the server because they "love" mir.

Avenge = MONEY
Supreme = MONEY
Elite = MONEY

not all need donations tbh

am 18 and can pay for sever fine by my self but if ppl wish to donate i would set a small reward system up not for items but for int or somthing but never for any items.

as u said i make sever for the love of mir i rl dont know what i would be doing if i did not find mir many many moons ago lol

ppl say mirs dead but its not rly as long as we can get hold of new files or some 1 starts a team up to dev are own files and clients then ye it will but what more do u want for a free game ??

look at lineage p servers and wow servers there getting to the point we are less and less ppl are playing them and they just have same things in ever server

as for MQ well what can i say other than stuck up fagot i rly do hope he trys to hack my server as first i would sue his ass then i have a few ppl on msn that will **** his pc up


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 5, 2007
FFS MQ wouldn't know how to hack a hack saw, let alone a server and if this has happened in the last 48hr.

Thn I'm sorry to say, Dumachi is an idiot.

But yet you forget, Dumachi is doing the same and being the same way.

Both Avenge and Elite are utter crap and unless you donate for items, your not cared about on ether. Give it up both servers are corrupt ne ways.

never donated on elite and got 1 of the best kits


y is it ?

its against the law
Ash unfortuantly, if anyone did hack your server. You wouldn't beable to sue them at all mate. Remember you are running an illegal private mir server.

Though, really. Server 2003 and some neat hefty security on it and so really shouldn't beable to hack it all. You can't even write the comand shells into 2003, as with ther full securtiy update and full SP on it. All back doors are closed tight.
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