Mir Atlantis [2.6+] Discussion

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
smoochy boys on tour


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Sep 5, 2004
Heyas all first off i would like to thank everyone for the year in which theyve played my server its really been fun for the most part, unfortunately i cannot afford to bankroll the server into the new year as of right now it is costing me over $500 monthly to have it online and the donations i do get mayyybe on average equal $20 a month.
So it saddens me that i must tell you the server will be coming offline in february when our contract expires with the hosting company. There really is no good time to make an announcement like this but i thought that it may be a “good” time for you to find new servers during christmas events.
Perhaps if someone knows of a good stable server you can feel free to post links on the facebook group so you lot can all still play together.
This has nothing to do with you guys youve been great to me, financially however it was my own mistake for trying to get too big too fast which in turn inflated my overhead costs through the roof

All your information and passwords will be cleared from my files upon termination of service form the host so you dont have to worry about your information such as passwords and email address.


Useful Links:



Installation Guide

Installation Links Hosted on a Dedicated 50mb Web Server ( Download Speed 1-4 Megabytes/sec )


32-bit Java Installer ( Required for Auto-Patcher )

Full Client

Server Information :

Server Version : 2.3+ With Ruby / Heroes features and custom coding.

Live Server IP

Test Server IP

99.9% Up Time since launch in February 2012 Experience Rate is x25 Euro Rate ( High Rate )
8 Unique Starter Quests for each class. ( visit class masters in Bichon Province )
Loyal and Friendly community
Professional Staff
Not a Donate To Win Server, you can not donate for Items or Levels.
You can donate for Pets and Experience Bonuses.
Strict Anti-Hack system in place to keep the speed hackers etc. from taking over the server.
High Drop Rates.
New Province / Wall / Dungeon.
Easy to get into the main stream population and catch up to the higher levels.
24/7 Online Support via Skype.
Constant additions and expansions.
Daily Events.
MR / PR Both Working 100%
No Overpowered amount of + slow on items.
Curse Capped at 60 Seconds!
Firewall Capped at 60 Seconds!
New Interface.
Ranking System built into interface for classes and guilds.
EXP from mobs no longer clogs up your chat window, pops up under mini map now.
Mounts almost complete.
New never before seen quest system almost complete.
The most advanced and customized 2.3 server, with 2.6 / heroes features and none of their bugs.
Experience Rates in dungeons comepletely revamped to prevent high level campers.
Tutorial NPC to help players become familiarized with server content also tells you the best place to exp for your level.
At Level 60 you can join a Faction for Pets and Crafting.
Encourage suggestions from players to make the server the top in its class.
Hiding and Clear Rings actually work against most mobs depending on level of the mobs / dungeon.
Drop Rate and EXP Tokens available throught the 7 Key Shop. ( Game Shop system coming soon! )
User Count 25-50 Daily with almost 100 total unique users.
New Taoist Bone Familiar AI and Effects.
Ability to code completely new skills and Artificial Intelligence.
We host our own files on a fileserver which means you can easily patch your clients 24 hours a day.
File server is on a 50mb line letting you download the full client in under 10 minutes ( depending on your ISP )
We have our own dedicated public test server allowing players to participate in testing new content and patches.
Main Server and Test server are both hosted through a REAL hosting company on 100mb lines, 100% Up-Time.
Guild-Levelling system, each level grants 3 extra members, base amount is 20 members.
VIP system coming soon!
The sky is the limit for us when it comes to being able to code new content!

New Character Window


New Status Window


New State Window


New Skill Window + Icons


New Inventory Window


New Ranking System for Classes + Guilds



New Item Information ( Rental / Lending Coming soon )



I have been playing Legend of Mir since Euro Beta and since then have spent countless hours playing and more importantly paying private servers only to see them either shut down within the first few months or have a corrupt staff.

So after being burned time after time I decided its time to go out on my own to create a server which doesnt cater to or bend over backwards for donations. Everything in game is achievable without paying a single penny, though you can speed up your progress via the 7 Key Game Shop with pets and experience bonuses.

I spend about 4-6 hours a day either in game or out of game working on patches and updates for the server, I also have a Live Test Server in which the database is kept reasonably up to date with your progress from the Main Server. This enables the players and myself the oppurtunity to extensively test new content before adding it to the Main Server.

The Test Server has proven its worth the $80 a month to keep online, we have not had ANY downtime since launch other than 5 minute reboot's once a week. Not only have we never had downtime we have also not had a single rewind or wipe.

I'm very fortunate to have a supportive community behind the server, our server is hosted with a professional hosting company with yearly leases meaning cheaper rates in the long run and a guarantee that we will not be going anywhere.

The Donations are put back into the server fund which pays for services such as Hosting / Website / Webserver and Advertisements. I do not wish to profit a single penny from the server and have yet to withdraw into any personal accounts.

If you have any questions regarding the server or anything else feel free to email me.

[email protected]
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FreeHeals / FlameOn

LOMCN Supporter
Dedicated Member
Dec 19, 2004
Re: Mir Atlantis [2.3]

So you mention nothing about ther sever just how much game gold is ?


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Sep 5, 2004
Re: Mir Atlantis [2.3]

Nope server is Online, we just switch to a better hosting provider due to our old one being very ineffective and over priced. We are also setting up a public test server and it will be online by the morning. Just for players to muddle around and test new quests etc.. before they go live.

We did switch hosts which means the ip address has changed so you will need to run the auto patcher to get the new one. visit www.miratlantis.com/downloads for all the links you will need. ( i will update the installer exe tonight)

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email [email protected] or post in the chat section of website for live support.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Sep 5, 2004
Re: Mir Atlantis [2.3]

Their are plenty of useful links to guides and detailed descriptions of the server on our website, we put the Game Gold list up here so that people will see what they can purchase and mainly to let everyone know they cannot donate for levels or items etc.. only what is available through the Game Gold NPC.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to shoot me an email [email protected]

and if you like i can post more information we just felt it would be better to keep it short and sweet and post links to further explanations so we don't make a mile long post that no one usually reads anyways.



Dedicated Member
Apr 16, 2011
Re: Mir Atlantis [2.3]

I would also like to add the fact that the server are donating the "Donations" towards a chosen charity by the players every month.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Sep 5, 2004
Re: Mir Atlantis [2.3]

Main reason i didn't put the ip address in the advertisement is you cannot use a normal client to connect to my server you must use mine or else all your images will be off and likely u won't be able to see a lot of the mobs etc..


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Re: Mir Atlantis [2.3] Discussion

I'm REALLY sorry I accidently deleted your original discussion thread :/


If God Only Knew!
Golden Oldie
Mar 8, 2004
Re: Mir Atlantis [2.3] Discussion

well wt can i say server used to be ok b4 all these cocky mouthy ppl started playing yet u do nothing not 1 class is even ballanced i know u say your workng on it but last week what changes have been made as tbh i see none any how long story cut short il be bk in few week maby if things are better wish u the best of luck josh/haz


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 21, 2005
Re: Mir Atlantis [2.3] Discussion

well wt can i say server used to be ok b4 all these cocky mouthy ppl started playing yet u do nothing not 1 class is even ballanced i know u say your workng on it but last week what changes have been made as tbh i see none any how long story cut short il be bk in few week maby if things are better wish u the best of luck josh/haz

id say likewise but not a chance, sesrver rules are there for a reason yet they only apply to those who dont sit on skype and get drunk with josh :S


If God Only Knew!
Golden Oldie
Mar 8, 2004
Re: Mir Atlantis [2.3] Discussion

yeh most stupid event i have ever seen in mir lets get dunk give out free GG to any 1 who can down a can faster than the gm soon as DT guild have rom oh i change drop file now lol


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 9, 2012
Re: Mir Atlantis [2.3] Discussion

To recap my deleted post:

The server has now become a donation DD infestation or free GG from event that people willing to chug down beers on skype for the owner's entertainment. Invasion, mostly by a second GM, Luffy, is done without regard for the donation pet problem. People with donation pets get most of the kills and boss (which is soloed by their donated pet) while everyone else has to group up to 2-3 to take out a single DD in the time it takes donators to kill 2-3DD with their pets. Almost not much point to attend these events.

Donators (or those who won free GG as mentioned earlier) do not log off and keep their pets to camp boss all day. I know at least 1 person who did not log off for 3 days to keep their GG pet to hunt boss and owns everyone who try to farm the boss. Not only that, they take their pet to the very limited leveling place and PK those without pet at zt maze, bg, or cata 2 (3 leveling place split between a server for 30+ people). It wouldn't be so bad if you can actually FIGHT back, but nah one hit and DD pet is on you till you tt/die in matter of seconds.

To make the matter worse, GM tries to justify the GG pet by saying there is a quest that you can do to get it too. Ironically the quest cannot be done because you cannot kill DD at low level and it's tough to level when donators camp boss/leveling places. Heck, if it wasn't for the threat of quitting from many players, Luffy'd probably added the GM pet to the donators list and justify it by making it "expensive."

Exploiters are not banned for more than 12 hours, and a single level delvl for 10 level exploits because GM obviously couldn't track the log and had to rely on SS. According to Venom, there is no tracking of what people purchase with GG so exploiters can sell their 4x exp token from their exploits without getting banned. People who verbally abuses other people in-game after being warned that it's their "final" chance continues to do so in bw safezone and not getting perma banned as promises. Go ask DarkLashes if you really want your "screenshots." Tired of seeing the same old warning and no real actions being done to these type of people in the game.

Overall, the first impression of an active and caring GM waned and replaced by one that doesn't seem to care as the game went on. The fact that the stone bamboo fan's dc (a lvl 45 weapon that is used nearly till 61) is almost half of a lvl 30 tao weapon is not fixed since the start of the server shows how badly they prioritize their fixes. Instead they are off to making more complicated quest for task master instead of continuing the and already complicated and fun epic quest storyline or delevoping a sorely needed new leveling place. Even with a reduction in respawn time, I am sitting here twiddling my thumbs in zt maze after 10minutes waiting for respawn, and this is by myself. The place get cleaned in maybe 5 mins when there are 3 people around.

Maybe those who are interested should check back in 2-3 weeks to see if the game progress any further before investing your time. Good luck with the server.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 28, 2011
Re: Mir Atlantis [2.3] Discussion

This any good, might try it out?

---------- Post added at 11:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 AM ----------

Says theres a problem with exe when i load it up, any help lmfao?


If God Only Knew!
Golden Oldie
Mar 8, 2004
Re: Mir Atlantis [2.3] Discussion

i dont get no problems make sure u have the correct ip ect try use a diffrent exe maby? drop me a pm on here with your msn or facebook and ill have a go at fixing 4 u if u want :)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 28, 2011
Re: Mir Atlantis [2.3] Discussion

Reply to that inbox will do fella, cheers