Mir 2 and Discord.

smoochy boys on tour


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Oct 14, 2017
I was talking to a few people the other night and we all agreed that unconstructive Discord feedback and moaning has been killing servers over the past few years.

People just spurting out absolute rubbish on Discord chats and trying to bully GM's into making changes to their game or class changes are a joke.

Even though some of the feedback is necessary and correct, people just go about it the wrong way and don't go into depth about their point providing evidence through video or images or a full breakdown of their problem.

Does anyone on here agree with this or do you think that Discord is a faster more convenient way other than being forced to use a proper forum feedback section?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
Discord is evil.

It lays a trap. Its all so positive before launch, excitement, preparation and information is all great on discord.

As soon as the server is live, it breeds negativity.

When you could not complain back in the day, you either played, because you liked the game, or did not because you did not like the game.

Discord is the death of every server.

But to also be fair, any platform nowadays is a breeding ground for immature comments and responses, because people online are held to almost no accountability, and they know it. So they act like the version of themselves they wish they were brave enough to be in real life.
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Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.
Its not Discords.. even forums it happens. Difference is, Discord is realtime, its instant pop pop pop with discussion and opinions. There will be 5 responses to a comment before you finish typing sometimes. Atleast with forums theres a delay, and people can structure things slightly better with formatting being easier, and multiple quotes etc.

People also expect too much from servers based on the several very well polished ones we've seen, Chron, Marble etc... When a server doesn't meet their expectations they will complain until its changed to suit like it was on another server.

A final point will be also that too many server owners have listened to these players, given thme suggestion and feedback zones they make changes based on the vocal minority.


May 16, 2017
Job Centre Plus
I feel the main issue with discord is the instant reply factor. It’s given players the idea that they must be given a response within minutes.

This forum is set up in a way to somewhat counter this, a section for patch notes and updates (advertisements)
And another section for discussion, with the added moderation from staff here helps reduce abusive behaviour and language.
On discord I can make 5 accounts really quickly and have none of them linked in any way. Essentially allowing me to continually spam hate and non constructive feedback.

None of that is tolerated on this forum.
Alt accounts are found daily and banned immediately, hate speech and harassment is also blocked before 99% of users even see it.

Side note:

When Mir 1 is done, I’ll be launching a server alongside the source release.
The plan is, NO DISCORD.

Got issues? GitHub Report/Carbon Bug Section.
Got questions? Discussion thread.
Patch notes? GitHub + Advertisement thread.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 3, 2012
The main problem imo is the mir community at the moment, all the good people have left and we've been left with a bunch of 30 40 year olds that act like 12 year olds when they don't get their own way but I agree with the comments above discord is real time so it makes it alot easier for the users to bully the gms into updates, same could happen on a forum but it can be controlled alot better as jev said. I would personally use a discord for "mir chat/screenies/patchnotes" any suggestions etc would be ignored and I would encourage people to make suggestions on a forum and implement infractions for spamming/flaming which if you recieve enough infractions puts a small ban and or restriction on your account( something petty like not being able to use a TT, DE, RT etc lol to deter them from doing it again as the punishment would worsen.

It's the people that cry balance issues before even reaching level 20 that do my nut in, this in turn just ****s the server in the long run when the gm starts listening to said feedback. I would love to see these "players" create the perfect server but it will never happen they just love to sit on discord and flame others hard work instead.


Feb 21, 2013
Those who run servers should not use notification when something gets posted, either on discord or here on the forum. That way you are not tempted to make an instant reply.
Its like with phones, they ring and pple feel they just have to answer instantly even if they are not some executives of fortune 500 companies.

Discord is like a chat room and pple use it to socialize, like going to sit in the pub and have lots of idle chat and brawls. Also, it ends up all in just one section where all chat happens and I always felt that asking something in a help or support section would be ignored.

people that cry balance issues before even reaching level 20
When Jev put up public mir2 server for testing, I made sin char and found it unplayable @~lev10 (or was it lev16) if I recall it right. Problem was too low accuracy, I was flailing my weapon, missing all the time... I think it was acknowledged but then no change was made, I tried to continue playing some days, maybe a week later and it was still the same and I quit never to log on again.
With me, it wasn't a matter of balance vs other chars but simply disgusting to play like that, no mater what.

Problem on servers is that those who put them up don't test them by playing at least to lev 20 or 30 on all chars. If they do some testing, it is almost invariably on wiz or tao chars, those two are the favorite class of most folks who put up servers. They hold grudge against war/sin class, simple as that.

But I don't make a hell on discord, I make one, two or three complaints if I get argued against and then just go away.
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May 16, 2017
Job Centre Plus
When Jev put up public mir2 server for testing, I made sin char and found it unplayable @~lev10 (or was it lev16) if I recall it right. Problem was too low accuracy, I was flailing my weapon, missing all the time... I think it was acknowledged but then no change was made, I tried to continue playing some days, maybe a week later and it was still the same and I quit never to log on again.
With me, it wasn't a matter of balance vs other chars but simply disgusting to play like that, no mater what.
Yea I remember when you reported it, I changed it on the server, updated the database release with the adjustment and also reported it as an issue on GitHub about the base accuracy needing to be looked into.
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Why the f are we still here?
Golden Oldie
May 10, 2009
County Durham
I was talking to a few people the other night and we all agreed that unconstructive Discord feedback and moaning has been killing servers over the past few years.

People just spurting out absolute rubbish on Discord chats and trying to bully GM's into making changes to their game or class changes are a joke.

Even though some of the feedback is necessary and correct, people just go about it the wrong way and don't go into depth about their point providing evidence through video or images or a full breakdown of their problem.

Does anyone on here agree with this or do you think that Discord is a faster more convenient way other than being forced to use a proper forum feedback section?
I actually agree with this.

I'd much rather, and prefer a server to be made without or do away with discord and just have its own section on here.


LOMCN Member
Nov 4, 2022
Its like with phones, they ring and pple feel they just have to answer instantly even if they are not some executives of fortune 500 companies.

😂 people hate me cos I don’t answer my phone asap like it’s a permanent part of my anatomy I guess I am not alone.
Even with my AirPods in the AI says “would I like to answer?” **** off it will disrupt my viewing or listening
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Hallucination Critic
Dedicated Member
Dec 15, 2016
1st of the month and its already kicking off yooooo.

PS Its really not discords fault and the owner of the server could just direct people over to a made thread on this site in regards to game feedback, saying he will only answer on the thread. Also if you don't like DM's make an alt discord account.
Its really stupid to have a go at the pub, expecting it to be a democratic house.
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LOMCN Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
Ben had hany for a reason. Its more a lack of communication skills than anything else. No dev should be talking to players about ingame issues. We all know who the ring leaders are and if you upset any of them your server is dead in a week. There's more than enough people who will mod discord for £20 in GG on your server(free).

Having a discord for a server is fine it provides a hub for players but that's all it should be. Devs should not be running it or reading 99% of the spam that gets put there people only want what's best for what class they play, balance is rarely agreed upon and what ever changes are made will piss off the wrong people and they will start crying about picking sides. Having 1 or 2 independent people gathering and reporting back on issues is alot more effective than trying to listen to the same 20 morons going round in circles. Keeping patch notes to a minimum is vital some one will always be upset no matter what you do nobody needs to know met strike got a 2% nerf all it causes is drama.
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Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
We've known it's an issue for a number of years now but it seems no one is prepared to try not having a discord. I don't think having ANY kind of official discord for a server is a good idea any more. Even if you said at the beginning "staff don't read this" it will still end up being a breeding ground for the negative comments and bandwagoning - because misery loves company.

Every server just needs a forum modded by Alaria and Kaori :ROFLMAO:


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
Discord is good if used to publish updates, polls, guides etc.

The General Chat sections are aids for servers and the owners and just becomes a clusterfuck.
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