Zircon Kraken - Discussion

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LOMCN Member
Apr 14, 2020
Really appreciate you taking the time to consolidate all your feedback to one post. At times it is incredibly difficult to sift through all of the spam. We'll address these issues, keep an eye on the patch notes over the next few days! :)
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LOMCN Veteran
May 30, 2006
First of all i hope people will not take this post as a flame. Posted this on Kraken discord & in few seconds got banned from there (for which I am not bothered)

As per Ceebs / Berry the server was in beta for 2-3 months (Only 3-5 people tested the beta server & the user count never went to 5 in any time). ATM the server is full of bugs with items/Skills/ Maps/Exp & PVP. Discord is full with people complaining about those bugs & fixes that should have been looked in the beta (that is what beta testing is about).

About an excuse that bugs are always there after beta (but every thing is bugged which makes no sense)

Either the beta testing never went went or there was no one to test the beta ot the server was put to live in a rush.

I am not bothered with this server (enjoying Merciless server) As a Mir player giving my thoughts what I have seen on this server & their discord & in the end berry banned me from the discord.

I hope people will not waste their time & money on this server ( they can if they want)

Rushed / bugged live server as of now.

Good luck !
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LOMCN Member
Apr 14, 2020
Your post is 100% intended as flame.

You were banned purely because you spend the whole time we were in beta, running to other servers asking them to implement our features because you have something against us, and didn’t want the community to play Kraken.

If you’re expecting there to be a huge player base in beta you’re rather delusional as that rarely happens.

There’s absolutely no grounds for you to comment on the state of the server as you’ve never even logged on to it.

I can appreciate you’ve put a lot of time into playing Merciless and are very sour that a lot of the players have jumped ship, that’s in no way a reflection of the job that Nameless has done because in my opinion Merciless is an awesome server.

I’d just appreciate it if you weren’t spinning lies all the time. It’s precisely why nobody respects your opinion or even listens to you.

People are enjoying the server and appreciate all the effort we’ve put in, we’ll continue to work hard to improve the state of the server and keep everyone as happy as we can.

All the best


LOMCN Veteran
May 30, 2006
Your OWN Discord justifies for what I have said earlier (about all the issues / bugs your server is facing in every aspect)

Like you are saying people from Merciless server jumped from there to your server, let me make 1 things clear, when ever there is a new server, there is a hype for it. People eave & join that server. Its no big deal. Everyone wants a change to try new things, but only if they are tested well.

You wrote full paragraph, but you are not clarifying and admitted that the server is full with bugs.

Have said what i wanted too. People know the rest.

I am out :)
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LOMCN Member
Apr 14, 2020
Thanks for the feedback on a server you haven't even played. Most valuable to ourselves and the community.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 13, 2004
Your OWN Discord justifies for what I have said earlier (about all the issues / bugs your server is facing in every aspect)

Like you are saying people from Merciless server jumped from there to your server, let me make 1 things clear, when ever there is a new server, there is a hype for it. People eave & join that server. Its no big deal. Everyone wants a change to try new things, but only if they are tested well.

You wrote full paragraph, but you are not clarifying and admitted that the server is full with bugs.

Have said what i wanted too. People know the rest.

I am out :)
I got banned ingame for saying on discord that the price of temporary gg buffs are harsh and because I posted about the gg shop after JESUSLOL started the discussion that its a heavy pay to win server due to gg shop, I mean really banning someone in game commenting on the shop? and saying YOU ARE TOXIC, really thats toxic?
I have seen delusional people in my lifetime, but these 2 gms here beat everyone I have ever seen....
I did post ealier that people should not bother with this but ofc people that read this just think I have something personal and I am ''toxic", doesn't matter what feedback you give if its constructed cristism towards the gms they say you are toxic for pointing out what is wrong in your opinion, if you played xenos you should know they add ''features'' without properly testing them, when they first added the gem crap the server constantly wen't down for a week or more, they added it without testing it and with full of bugs while people did not have content to play and the same will be here at some point you won't have where to hunt and they will add ''features'' FULL of bugs instead of content...


LOMCN Member
Apr 14, 2020
You were banned form Xenos for being toxic, Error. It's our fault we should have banned you before you had the opportunity to play. All the gameshop items were reviewed by all the testers for balance, with the increase of the resting hunt gold we believe it's fair. I can appreciate the server isn't for you, best of luck in the future.

I'll just quote this one as you seem to have missed it previously. You should definitely go play with QU33N, although I do feel sorry for the servers that will have to put up with your toxic attitudes.


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Feb 6, 2017
Just wanted to drop a line here i REALLY enjoy this server berry and ceebs have been withstanding the constant abuse from the terribly toxic mir community and are doing well daily patches and if you contact them they are quick to have a chat and friendly i really love the effort that has been poured into the features and they seem to respond well to player feedback and make changes when needed sure some bugs are about but they are doing well to squish then daily i stumbled into one and within a couple hours it was sorted and fixed if you are on the fence about giving the server a try just jump in and enjoy!



Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Jan 22, 2017
Some pretty harsh criticism here that's not really true or warranted.

Server isn't p2w. Never been the case. You can buy pretty much everything with HG and you get plenty of it if you're playing. Same as any other zircon based server, no change. There's a few items in the GS that raise an eyebrow but to go as far as to say it's p2w is stupid.

As for everything being broken/bugged. That's just an outright lie. Most things get picked up on and fixed pretty quickly. Not seen CEEBS or Berry host a server before so if it is their first one then they're doing a good job so far, outside of a few issues. If it isn't then I hope they've learned from passed servers.

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Prime Hunter
Jun 4, 2018
Just wanted to drop a line here i REALLY enjoy this server berry and ceebs have been withstanding the constant abuse from the terribly toxic mir community and are doing well daily patches and if you contact them they are quick to have a chat and friendly i really love the effort that has been poured into the features and they seem to respond well to player feedback and make changes when needed sure some bugs are about but they are doing well to squish then daily i stumbled into one and within a couple hours it was sorted and fixed if you are on the fence about giving the server a try just jump in and enjoy!


Not sure if to take on board comments from a scum bag such as yourself.

However 😂 Mir is toxic
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LOMCN Veteran
Apr 4, 2005
My experience of the server so far.

So there I was, trying to farm a Muk blade in Desert when a wild warrior appeared and tried to attack me, I have a fairly decent PC so he couldn't get many hits off and I was running him around for a good 10-15 minutes, I then received a popup saying "Account banned". The GM had been observing the warrior who was trying to hit me and deemed I was using some kind of cheat... Is speed hacking even a thing on Zircon files (movement is done server side?) without any warning, I was then told in the morning that it has been reviewed and it has been unbanned and apologised for the ban.

A bit of back story for the next part, 2 players were delevelled to level 50 (from 56 ish) for some reason I still don't understand but whatever (something to do with group exp even though everyone benefitted from it)... Once they were delevelled they were mass luring in a map that had a mass amount of mobs for really high exp so that got back up to 55-56 very quickly, once they had gotten back up to 55 and 56 the GM's nerfed the spawns, after posting on the discord that this is going to make it harder for people to catch up and that there was some GM ****ery going on (god forbid mentioning that massive level disparity isn't good especially when GM induced it) I was banned from discord without warning, the below is a conversation between me and Berry directly after I got banned from Discord by Ceebs (i'm guessing the coder based on his people skills):

Chat deleted as it's been published without Berry's permission.

Anyway, that's my experience of the server, I got my refund in the end after quoting distance selling regulations so that's a plus, just a shame as the server has really good features.
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LOMCN Veteran
Jul 7, 2009
dunno why he give back ur moneys . u get ban and cry then stop play and try get back money hehe :D u pay for play so wtf :d


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 27, 2009
There seems to be a reoccurring theme here regarding players getting banned very easily. The GM's tend to act hastily rather than actually investigate issues or even do some research on them. Two examples, the first being the ban on Ryu yesterday evening after a player had alleged that he had used 'speed hacks' and upon an investigation the morning after, the GM's decided that no speed hacks had been used and no further action was to be taken and the user was then unbanned. Secondly, following on from that incident they implemented a change that throttled your FPS which affected a large number of players leaving them unable to play. This change was promptly removed and the GM simply stated "anymore talk of speed hacks then you will be banned"

You only have to take a look at the Discord channel to see how ridiculous this server is regarding the GM's behaviour. They seem to have their favorites and canter to their every request. Whether they like somebody or not if somebody has asked a genuine question as to why a specific area has had it's spawn rates reduced they should not be subject to being removed from the Discord channel just because they either don't like the question or the more likely option, they don't like the player.

I find it a real shame as I believe this server had great potential. Some of the features it has and quest lines are unique to any server that has been before, it is just unfortunate that the arrogance of the GM's has let this server down. I will not be playing this server in future and wish those that remain all the best and try not to get on the wrong side of the GM by speaking out of turn if you are to enjoy your time on this server.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 19, 2014
The server is great. The people bitching are sour as the server they wanted to associate with lost players and they can't handle changes as the game progresses because every Mir server out there has a team of 10+ people that can figure everything out *sarcasm* (even with a team double that.. there's still bugs/errors. Just people not able to control their expectations).

You will find other toxic people kicking and screaming their way out the door because of what was said above and other reasons such as getting banned for cheating as an example.

Not going to lie the server is very fun and loads of content.


LOMCN Leecher
Jul 24, 2020
Unfortunately i have to agree with the above posts. The server had nice features but failed at the final hurdle. After having a civil conversation with Berry and wishing both of the GM's well in the future I changed the guild titles to Quit for those that were leaving. I was the only person that had the rights to change titles and one of them deemed it appropriate behaviour to log onto my character and change all the titles to Fairy. This just confirms my suspicions that now is a good time to leave before any more madness happens.

This many bad reviews doesnt just happen by chance. If you are interested in their new features then try it out, but dont expect much when it comes to the management of the server.
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LOMCN Member
Apr 14, 2020
The server is great. The people bitching are sour as the server they wanted to associate with lost players and they can't handle changes as the game progresses because every Mir server out there has a team of 10+ people that can figure everything out *sarcasm* (even with a team double that.. there's still bugs/errors. Just people not able to control their expectations).

You will find other toxic people kicking and screaming their way out the door because of what was said above and other reasons such as getting banned for cheating as an example.

Not going to lie the server is very fun and loads of content.

Appreciate the kind words, we’ll continue to work hard and improve the server, as we have done throughout development. I’m glad yourself and the majority are enjoying what we’ve created.


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 13, 2013
Same old story GM start with the best intentions but after all the **** from mir players it all goes out the window :P

i have seen it over and over :P i dont even play this server but can see it happened here :P
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