Gaming Laptop - Urgent Advice Needed


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 11, 2006
Stone, UK
Hi All,

I've recently accepted a job which requires me to move to another country however im looking to keep a lot of my life as normal as possible and that means i need to keep on gaming for my own sanity!!

As im not sure on how much space i will initially have, moving my proper rigs out with me isnt really a decent option, transport costs etc etc and god forbid it doesnt work out, i then have to figure out moving it all back!

In the interest of simplicity im looking into buying a proper gaming laptop. I've never been a fan of laptops as i think that for the amount of money you spend, you could spend half on an equally high spec desktop and iv always been wary about them overheating/not being sure how to upgrade them and how good they are as far as longeivty is concerned. Id love some advice on what you guys would suggest is a good purchase?

My budget is £1500.

Have been looking at this (the uk version) however again as iv never really been a fan of laptops i have no idea if this is the best i can get within my budget!

Any advice/pointers/links to decent laptops would be really appreciated i have about a week to find and order it!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 11, 2006
Stone, UK
Post what you're expecting it to do.

Id like it to be able to either match or better my current desktop specs and be able to play games like battlefield/crisis/archage on high/highest settings with minimal frame loss. Screen size isn't a HUGE issue as im contemplating taking my screen with me/buying one over there anyway (im moving to Malaysia so some electronics aren't too badly priced).

cheers guys


Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
Sent you a PM.

Hazuki's site is also great for customizing one to your liking, but to get the same specs as your desktop is probably going to cost you far more than 1500, which is why I hate buying "gaming laptops".

With laptops, you need to make absolutely sure it's not too heavy (screen size not too big) for prolonged carrying around otherwise there's no point in portability if it's uncomfortable and obviously it must not overheat (may need a stand)

All of this with decent specs for gaming packed into a tiny case ends up being pretty costly :x