EU Referendum. Have you decided ?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 11, 2006
Stone, UK
How so? From this thread alone the only reasons/"benefits" I've heard for leaving the EU is that we'll no longer be ruled by Nazi's and we won't be invaded by Turkish immigrants.

So you've now said you're happy for Scotland and NI to leave the UK? I wonder how many people actually want that though? Not 52% I guarantee!
I don't think that you read the thread very well then but like the media, they were the points you chose to highlight. At the end of the day there will always be pockets of morons, mostly found within the BNP/EDL who are racially motivated but do not confuse every voter of the same thing. That is almost entirely the reason why we weren't out in force celebrating our "win". Like other people, I've stayed pretty quiet about my voting preferences so I'm not labelled as racist by association. Or do you honestly think that 17m people are the xenophobic morons that they keep being portrayed as?

This campaign was a shambles and people are guilty of misguided votes on both sides of the fence. On the leave side you will have people like Valhalla who form their opinions from the "facts" given by BoJo et al, as well as southpark no doubt (They tuk er jerbs). The same can be said of the remain side who most likely followed the belief that there is NO WAY that we can stand alone economically, we will be unable to travel anywhere in EU and that leaving would bring about WW3... It was a case of mudslinging from the get go and im more embarrassed about the campaigns from both sides than I am of the people who voted for the wrong reasons. At the end of the day how can you ask people to make an informed decision without giving them any actual unbiased information.

At the end of the day you are right, there is no going back and this 2nd referendum wont happen and rightly so. We need to get together, stamp out the few pockets of racism that drains our society. It is the same people but now thanks to the media they are given a stage. There will be a period of uncertainty then I have no doubt that we will move onwards and upwards as a nation.

I for one wont be happy to see Scotland and NI leave the UK. That would be a sad day but i'm fairly sure that Scottish referendum wont go ahead either and even if it did I still don't think they would leave.


LOMCN Developer
Mar 31, 2005
It was nevertheless clear from the beginning that all can only lose with a Brexit.
Very nice also to see that the proponents do not know now how it should go further.
It is all very bad for the young generation.
If Scotland and Northern Ireland also still separate from you, it can be even worse. :bord:


I am Ancient.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 5, 2005
It was nevertheless clear from the beginning that all can only lose with a Brexit.
Very nice also to see that the proponents do not know now how it should go further.
It is all very bad for the young generation.
If Scotland and Northern Ireland also still separate from you, it can be even worse. :bord:

In a certain way it could but i cannot remember how much the stock market was hit during scotlands referendum. And the majority of scottish hate the british and with the EU now saying Scotland would have to reapply tobe a member of the EU after leaving the union of the UK the scare tactics of the 1st scottish referendum will come back to play.

I think NIreland are scared about the civil war if they introduce border controls it the decision of the irish people. When we actually start strengthening the border controls its down the irish to force this whether its against immagration or southern irish.

And IF its correct what the papers are stating the EU wont be lasting long. Netherlands,Germany,France,Switzland and few more are calling for a british style referendum and honestly i can see this happening
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Staff member
Super Moderator
Aug 1, 2004
The sad truth is that the majority of Brexiteers are very misguided.


Misguided being governed by a group of people that we (the british public) did not elect and literally have no control over the legislation that they deem to pass.
Misguided that the UK's budget has to be submitted to the EU for approval?
Misguided that the fact that democracy does not exist in the European Union?
Misguided the fact that the TTIP deal would literally allow the US to take everything they want from the country?

I'm happy to be misguided, at least i'm not delusional.... :P



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003

Misguided being governed by a group of people that we (the british public) did not elect and literally have no control over the legislation that they deem to pass.
Misguided that the UK's budget has to be submitted to the EU for approval?
Misguided that the fact that democracy does not exist in the European Union?
Misguided the fact that the TTIP deal would literally allow the US to take everything they want from the country?

I'm happy to be misguided, at least i'm not delusional.... :P


Our MEPs elect them and we elect our MEPs. And the entire European parliament is elected. The legislation that is passed (of which only 13% affect the UK) are all ****ing fantastic laws that help progress European culture and lives. Regulation on air pollution, ensuring that energy certificates are carried out, stopping budget airlines from advertising flights at 50p and misleading the public, laws that mean if you get arrested in other EU countries you are treated fairly. Do you honestly think that every member body of the EU and their equivalent MEPs are going to allow the passing of laws that in any way detriment their society? Do you think 27 countries all collectively come up with laws that **** them over? Do you think that the most intelligent people from 27 of the best countries in the world come together and just **** out new, terrible laws?

The UK has entire control over tax, defence, health, industry, culture, tourism, education, youth, and yet somehow you believe that we have to submit our ****ing economic budget to the EU for APPROVAL? APPROVAL? Are you kidding? And you say you're not delusional?

Yes of course the EU was always going to pass the TTIP with a clause in there ensuring they could dismantle public health services. I don't know how delusional you have to be to think that the TTIP would get away with that. Did you think they were just going to sneak it in under the rug or what? You know that the EU and member bodies have all expressed that under no circumstance would the TTIP pass if there was any chance that it could dismantle public health services right? Or do you just run scared of any single eventually that may happen? So maybe we should leave the EU in case Adolf Hitler rises again with a horde of zombie nazis and targets only member states. I mean if that's the level of fear mongering the leavers will act on then what's the point. No point in rational thought here. No point in thinking "hm, the NHS is the absolute number one priority of the UK and other member states' equivalent public health services who are part of the EU, I should probably hold fire on a spastic move like leaving the EU before simply assuming this was going to happen". Think for a second about what the UK would do if TTIP were to pass and there was a chance we could lose the NHS. )hint: we're a democratic country who's #1 voting sway is lead by decisions around the NHS. We'd leave the EU.) The support would be overwhelming. We'd all leave. We know that, America knows that, the EU knows that. We could've left it at any point. For **** sake.

I'm ashamed to be British after that result. And I'm ashamed that so many here, who I would otherwise think were smart, critically-thinking individuals clearly voted with their hearts and not their heads. And it's important to note, one is for thinking and the other is just a ****ing pump.

Shame on you, shame on England. We've lived in the most peaceful time of human history, and it's all thanks to unity and togetherness. What England did and what America did by allowing Trump to gain the traction he did is basically admit that segregation beats unity. We're supposed to be a world leader, and with that leadership we told the world that we're a bunch of racist xenophobic cavemen. Name me a single time in human history where segregation lead anywhere good? Because I can tell you a ****ing lot of times it lead to war and destruction.

9/11, the London bombings, all the shootings and bombings since weren't just done to kill people. When you're a small group of radicals and you want to take out a nation you do it not by killing people, but by manipulating hatred and fear between groups. Ever since then fear has driven western societies to segregate themselves from the world, to treat everyone as an outsider, 'us and them', fear everyone trust no one. They wanted this to happen, they wanted segregation on a national scale and they got it. We played right into their hands. The only cure to terrorism was to stick together, to be united and welcoming and to show the world that we were stronger as one. Good job, England.

What's done is done and I hope for the sake of my kids and theirs' that it turns out good and I am proven wrong.

Not saying that you're all racists or morons for voting the way you did. I know a lot were probably swayed by their parents or by the awful campaigns that were full of lies, deceit and completely misleading facts. I don't know how leavers aren't currently livid that two of the biggest factors (350m going to the NHS and immigration) have now been completely 100% backtracked on, probably due in large to denial, but that's that. You voted the way you did, some of you because you thought it was the right thing to do, some of you because of other people, some of you because of mis-directed anger. We all have to live with the consequences. Let's just hope it doesn't set back humanity and the UK a few decades.

That said, if you actually avoided the politicians like I did and studied the facts by economists, law-makers, and other people who have nothing to politically gain from it, and still came to the conclusion that leave was the best option, you are a ****ing moron.
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LOMCN Veteran
Mar 12, 2008
agreeing with everything said by the guy above ^ , Even tought I'm from Romania and I like to lie myself that Brexit wont have any impact over us , it has but nothing compared to what it haves/will have on you guys .

Really disappointed that brexit happened but oh well ... let this be a lesson for countries worldwide and for the ones remaining in EU ,don't know what you got till its gone.

Not saying that EU doesn't have its own flaws but rather stick in unity with other powerful countries than on my own

Eddie Strike

Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 26, 2010
I'm ashamed to be British after that result. And I'm ashamed that so many here, who I would otherwise think were smart, critically-thinking individuals clearly voted with their hearts and not their heads. And it's important to note, one is for thinking and the other is just a ****ing pump.

The brexit made me proud to be English/British for the first time in a long time. Funny how two different people can have opposite opinions isn't it? I mean..what a weird ****ing concept!

Thankfully, we live in a democracy. And your vote only counts as one.


Dec 10, 2003
Todmorden, West Yorkshire
Funny thing about this is, the UK isn't the only country with their citizens who don't agree with being in the EU, I know many Germans who don't like it, I bet they'll find an excuse as to why they don't want to be in the EU as well?


Feb 21, 2013
Thanks to all who voted to leave (belated thanks because I was on move from EU to Canada for the summer). I say that as somebody from another EU member country because I see this leave vote as catalyst - not catalyst for EU changing for better because that won't happen, but catalyst for possible EU revolutionary events that hopefully would lead to EU downfall with new EU rising from its ashes. EU can't be reformed but must be dissolved to make place for some new, better union.

On Scotland leaving UK, I can only tell you to look at Slovakia leaving the union with Czechs. It turned up being good for both sides, the relations btw the two countries are now better than ever before when they were marked by perpetual political bickering. It is always better to have 'market' relationship of the equals than one based on some sort of dependence, mutual or one sided sacrifice.

Britain can be Great Britain, that is be great country even without Scotland, with smaller land mass. IMO such greatness is the better one.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Aug 1, 2004
Lots of words.

The ttip meetings have been held in secret... the NHS was fully up for sale through this agreement. They had already stated it wasn't possible for the UK to hand pick what they wanted from the deal.
The whole 'partnership' was aimed at putting public services up for sale!!!
Obama has said we would be last in the queue for the deal if we leave the EU! That's a good thing! We've never had a trade deal with the US before so why now?

The UK'S budget gets submitted to the EU, although we opted out of the agreement. It still has to go through them, this is due to the impact our govements spending would have on the eurozone.

As for your little childish rant about the EU being democratic.
So when was the last election for the current 'elected' president of the EU....

I love the way you resort to basic name calling. Just shows how inferior your intellect really is.

The british people put democracy ahead of everything and voted to take control of our own country again. Regardless of the effect on the economy. I'm struggling to see how on earth that is being racist?

On a side note, if you don't like it. I hear Scotland is a nice place to live.....


Dec 10, 2003
Todmorden, West Yorkshire
It's the same thing every time, if somebody doesn't win, they resort to name calling and accusations, we're racist/morons/fools if we don't agree with the minority, apparently we don't know nothing and don't do our own research, typical responses from them, I was trying hard not to reply to such responses but it's getting stupid now.

To add to one of my German friends view on the EU, his words : "Dictatorship", "N.W.O".

But I bet he's a racist, moron fool for saying such things, right?


LOMCN Developer
Mar 31, 2005
I am a German and yes I dislike some things thats the EU do, but it's not about what you or I like. It's simply about much more.
Who can make it all right? Where do we draw boundaries?
Everything I've read from the proponents of the Brexit is the biggest bullshit I've ever heard or read.
Think it out a step further ... Many Companies think to go out from England (Vodafon, Deutsch Bank and many many more...).
Your loss many jobs, can't free travel, loss many mony for Research, perhaps Scotland Splits on you, and many other little things..
but yeeer :loyal: you can now more say and have 5 fewer foreigners. :applouse:

It's just only my 2 cent... :)

It is not matter for me! I have my own Company and I will profit from the Braxit. ;-)


I am Ancient.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 5, 2005
I am a German and yes I dislike some things thats the EU do, but it's not about what you or I like. It's simply about much more.
Who can make it all right? Where do we draw boundaries?
Everything I've read from the proponents of the Brexit is the biggest bullshit I've ever heard or read.
Think it out a step further ... Many Companies think to go out from England (Vodafon, Deutsch Bank and many many more...).
Your loss many jobs, can't free travel, loss many mony for Research, perhaps Scotland Splits on you, and many other little things..
but yeeer :loyal: you can now more say and have 5 fewer foreigners. :applouse:

It's just only my 2 cent... :)

It is not matter for me! I have my own Company and I will profit from the Braxit. ;-)

No-one know's whats going to happen its all speculation. Until Article 50 is initiated its the uncertainty which is forcing company's to take possibility to moving the HQ's hence why Siemens (German Company) is still committed to the HULL (Wind Farm Blade Factory) which will offer 1000 jobs but has stopped future investment until we actually know whats going to happen.
(BOC owned by LINDE German company) Is Closing 2 sites, and cut possibly 100's of jobs well before the Referendum vote.

Coly you state that the UK will loose many job's how about the German people? Many job's will be lost in the EU and the UK you might make a few cents in your industry but the UK will be able to trade with the World and not just the bloc of 27 countries.

There's countries who wish to trade with a independent UK, United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Iceland, India, Ghana, Mexico, Switzerland, South Korean. And some of these countries we share a lot of history with.

And regarding your statement about us fewer foreigners, We ain't against people coming here from other countries the main brexit problem is the Quality and Quantity of people coming and being able to claim our pushover benefits
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003
The ttip meetings have been held in secret... the NHS was fully up for sale through this agreement. They had already stated it wasn't possible for the UK to hand pick what they wanted from the deal.
The whole 'partnership' was aimed at putting public services up for sale!!!
Obama has said we would be last in the queue for the deal if we leave the EU! That's a good thing! We've never had a trade deal with the US before so why now?

The UK'S budget gets submitted to the EU, although we opted out of the agreement. It still has to go through them, this is due to the impact our govements spending would have on the eurozone.

As for your little childish rant about the EU being democratic.
So when was the last election for the current 'elected' president of the EU....

I love the way you resort to basic name calling. Just shows how inferior your intellect really is.

The british people put democracy ahead of everything and voted to take control of our own country again. Regardless of the effect on the economy. I'm struggling to see how on earth that is being racist?

On a side note, if you don't like it. I hear Scotland is a nice place to live.....

The 'secret' meetings that everyone knew about and protested, you mean? The ones green peace knew about months before and stood outside the doorstep? Yeah, mega secret. It really baffles me how you think a government could get away with doing something that dismantles the NHS without the people knowing. Do you know what makes up a government? I guess in your world it's a bunch of evil people conspiring against the people. Best just to leave the EU eh. My arse feels a bit itchy at the moment, might just cut off my entire lower body to make sure that doesn't escalate.

The UK's budget gets SENT to the EU for ADVISORY measures to make sure we are not putting ourselves in grave deficit. Do you not think that's a sensible measure? Or would you be happy with France getting themselves in a **** load of debt whilst still members of the EU? Yeah, stinks of common sense doesn't it?

The last election was in 2014, I forget the month. The entire parliament is elected and a president is elected from that parliament. Pretty common knowledge I thought?

Now, to all those 3 points, which you so strongly tried to argue. Why did you not even check the facts yourself before arguing these them? Wtf? Why are you so blindly listening to misinformation and not even fact checking anything and then getting personally offended and salty by someone coming in and fact checking you? Is this about you being right or is this about the future of our nation? Just think about that for a second. I'm entitled to be pissed off, I cast my vote and my countrymen were brainwashed with a series of lies and emotional manipulation. I've spent this entire election trying to help people understand the facts. I managed to convince some of the most racist and xenophobic people I know to vote remain, which is a huge task, but the damage was done to the nation so early on it was always an uphill struggle to educate people.

If I could I would move to the other side of the earth, but I have a wife and daughter and I want them to be close to their family. Hence my frustration with having to be stuck here whilst we circle the toilet together.

I'm glad I've rustled a few jimmies in here. Glad to have had some support from fellow remainers too, and funny to see it almost a 50/50 split. Don't take it too personally, I'm just having a vent. But people spouting bullshit does piss me off, because there are eligible voters here who have probably been swayed by some of that BS so why the **** shouldn't I have a little tantrum about it? It's a big deal, probably the biggest of our generation. Get passionate about it, get angry, get livid, get emotional. As long as you're having a say. You're even entitled to be morons, but I'm also entitled to complain about that.

(p.s. had a good lol at the inferior intellect comment, proper jabby, good on you, felt like I was back in forum flames circa 2004 when we were kids. Great bants. Nostalgic.)

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