DD server changeing to Strobe server

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 17, 2005
Recall PK
Ok as u all no DevilDancerV2 want as good as V1
so what we will be doing now i putting all exp back to how it was on DevilDancerV1
and we will add 1000 exp to the exp it was on DDV1

How ever Due to the crrouption on DDV2
aka Monkey leveling ppl to 100,spawning loads of mobs killing ppl
i have asked him to take the server down so he dont host no more
So me and 2 outher ppl are working on a server
Called Strobe with

new leveling areas
all mobs will drop exp is very good (40+ in like 1 day)
Events Twice a week
Exp & Item

Gold is easy to get

Items wont be hard to get

There will be 4 new mobs =D
Witch will be 2 bosses and 2 noob mobs
there will be a big choice of Grp Hunting areas
Big choice of Solo leeling areas
And also a new quest

This server will not go crroupt
(Gms leveling there noob char give items out spawning mobs for them)..

There will also be a Big event @ start of server as soon as it Opens
and there will also be
a char wipe a week after the event
this It will be beta for 1 week =D

NO Cheating
No shareing accounts
No Hacking
You can use Rev hack if u like but nothing else
And have fun when we get it up.

GMS will be
And the HOST (Looking for a host plz add me to MSN)




Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 17, 2005
Recall PK
Well i still aint done the DB yet we have wiped all DB adding all new Items
and deleted some of the Caves =O
I will keep u all Informed

Hope we get it finshed in 4 weeks =D

These will be items we will be adding atm

1 - WarSpiritBlade
2 - MagicScythe
3 - StoneBambooFan
4 - Evils Illusion DragonSlayer
5 - Long EI Weapon
6 - Shield
7 - New White Fat Mace
8 - New silver wizard staff
9 - Swirly Sword
10 - Rainbow blade
11 - Same as number 35 but with silver edges
12- Sword with jagged edges
13 - Hoocking Cat Claw
14 - Long white sabre with red handle
15 - White Wand with two fat round ends
16 - SwordOfWarGod
17 - BladeOfSorcery
18 - HeavenSword
19 - Mir Sword
20 - Blue DStaff
21 - Red DStaff
22 - Purple DStaff
23 - Green DStaff
24 - Green Mace
25 - Purple Mace
26 - Red Mace
27 - Blue Mace
28 - Blue SSabre
29 - Red SSabre
30 - Purple SSabre
31 - Green SSabre
32 - Purple DSS
33 - Red DSS
34 - Green DSS
35 - Blue DSS
36 - Blue SSW
37 - Red SSW
38 - Green SSW
39 - Purple SSW
40 - Purple WMS
41 - Green WMS
42 - Blue WMS
43 - Red WMS
44 - EI Red Weapon
45 - Purple SwordOfWarGod
46 - Mordeths EI Weapon

them 46 weapons we will be adding
Also we will be adding these armours

1 - Evils Illusion Warrior Armour
2 - Evils Illusion Wizard Armour
3 - Evils Illusion taoist Armour
4 - EvilApe
5 - Horse
6 - Overdone horse
7 - Blue (Non-Winged) Armour
8 - Blue (Winged) Armour
9 - WoomaTaurus
10 - Hen
11 - Deer
12 - EvilSnake
13 - CaveBat
14 - Trainer
15 - BlackMaggot
16 - ZumaGuardian
17 - BoneLord
18 - BoneFamiliar
19 - Gold Armour (non-winged)
20 - Gold Armour (Winged!)
21 - WoomaGuardian

And some new Rings
Helmets (That aint even been used befor)
And over 40+ new neckys

This server is being made from Untouched files
will have a few new places to level.

These are the set levels :
Bat Set = 7
Deer Set = 9
Hen Set = 11
Ape Set = 19
Wooma Set = 25
Slave Set = 30
Steel Set = 31
BoneLord set = 32 (Rare)
Titan set = 33
BoneFamm Set = 34 (Rare)
Dragon Set = 35
Trainer Set = 36 (Not very Rare)
Maggot Set = 38

Angel Set = 40 (Not 2 Rare)
DragonWing Set = 43 (Rare)
Strobe Set = 45 (Very Rare) Best in server
Dark Set = 48 (Rare)
Guardian Set = 50 (Rare)

More sets to come =D

There should be 40+ sets in this server all easy and to find (well not easy u have to kill 4 them)

Who ever wants to Join DevilDancer server team :P
Needs experaince
Plz add me to MSN

[email protected]

Last edited:


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 17, 2005
Recall PK
Ok i have nearly finshed the sets just got 5 more to do then i will add the weapons then get started on the Npcs
Quest x2
Got to add 4 new maps
Then i will find Host after

This server alot better then DD server
All this server been made from UntouchedServer files
All spells work
Makeing to npcs that i dont think have been made befor
And i will also be adding the Ledu client in if i can :P

Should be up in a few weeks when its fully finshed


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 23, 2004
1 thing u say items r easy 2 get right... make it so there is actually point in killin bosses like they only drop certain items not jus like ur common mob in a lvl40+ cave


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 17, 2005
Recall PK
The mobs will drop the kit wat it is suposed to so say u went in a
40 leveling cave it would drop level 40 items but the mobs will be had and will hurt


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2005
Hi ppl im the new gm on devildancer btw just thought i wud say lo if you got any questions pm me them plzz dont post em on here plzz im not no corrupt GM so dont call me one plz anyways hi ppl and iom looking forward to seeing you all on devildancerv2 :agree:


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 17, 2005
Recall PK
DevilDancerV2 was the 1 u and Monkey ****ed up tbh
So i have made a new 1 by my self called Strobe
with like 18 new sets and more to come
With 4 new quests made the 1st 2 :P
As soon i finsh i will try to buy pass my router to c if i can Host it will be Just me Knobster and the person who was going to host for me befor GMs (Dont have a HOST atm STILL LOOKING)

Like i say a few weeks and server will be up and Running =D
atm sets are up 2 level 50
It wont be 2 easy leveling =O
The most exp u will get is 32k off Boss mobs
and if u dont like it dont play it instead of giveing my abuse because the exp is to LOW


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2005
lmao i never F***Ed it up monkey sdid so plzz dont say i did and sry bout that v2 thing lol anyways hope to see you all soon the server is gonna be mellow lol ty and goodbye for now and god save america :P and thank you birmingham uve been a good audiencee:P