Server Owners [READ HERE]


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
I agree with Celsius. This is a stupid idea. End of the day these people are DONATING to the server. Getting anything back other than server uptime is an added bonus.

Nah that's way too naive my friend. Nobody "donates" anymore. It's all about buying and selling; making profit and gaining advantage. Nobody spends hundreds of £ in a month on a private server in the hope that it will stay up longer.

Celsius said:
So what you're really saying is, you're going to tell people how much of their own money they should spend on servers?

Absolutely ridiculous imo.

No. As I already said, it gives players the opportunity to make a decision before even having to download a client and waste hours/days before they realise a certain server resolves around donations. Whether that be para rings at the stupid cost of £100, or because para rings are only £2.50 and the server is overrun with them. It's still entirely their choice.

Bon said:
If u really wanted to try "protect" the LOMCN community, you should have a rule that no server is allowed to take any form of donation until after 1 month. I know 1 month isnt a long time, but it proves that there is some kind of stability there. most the money grabbing servers dont last a month, so they'd be out straight away.

Then there's the story of "oh but i cant afford a dedi payment even for 1 month". I've thought about that one before, there are flaws in every solution.


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 6, 2011
From a players point of view , yes all things rare can be sold for RLC, IF GM's do allow it. but if they do allow it then the GM's should recieve a % towrds the server, ie helping towards the costs of keeping server running.BUT if the gms dont allow items to be sold for rlc then most of the time these servers are subscription servers( pay to play). I have played alot of servers and every single one has had items u can buy for rlc either from players or from GM'S. Most servers where u can donate to, u can get famepoints, vip, gold, item protection,or even player enhanced if people know what they are getting for " donating" to server and still donate then yes that is up to them - they are donating to keep server going ( or helping gm with the costs of dedi hosting). as mentioned above its a stupid idea.people will donate or buy for rlc on any and all servers either in past or future, and they do so on their own free will............


LOMCN Developer
Mar 29, 2003
United Kingdom
to be honest,

The advertisements should contain a List of items obtainable thought a Cash Shop (If any), but should not include the prices.

My reason for saying this, Servers are different rates and as such prices will be different, the server could aim at Low cost items but are a must, or High Cost items but are optional.

If you have a high rate server which charges £1 for a DC 20 Drug for a week Vs a Low rate server which charges £2 for a DC 20 Drug for a week. people are going to think the Low Rate is far more expensive... but if you consider that the DC+20 for low rate would but so much more powerful then the DC+20 on the High rate.

Ultimately A list should be provided of the Services/Items offered, but NOT the price (Unless of course the Owner wants to).


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 1, 2006
So what, the idea is to get server owners only to show what they list for donations? Whatever they sell or however much doesn't matter, LOMCN only asks they show what they sell?

If so, it's still a start and a good one at that.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2007
So what, the idea is to get server owners only to show what they list for donations? Whatever they sell or however much doesn't matter, LOMCN only asks they show what they sell?

If so, it's still a start and a good one at that.

Yes, that way people can decide if they want to play the server or not depending on their opinion of the donation list. Some enjoy para/pro's being sold and some don't.

I don't know why everyone's making a fuss over this situation, it's simply just to show more information about the server so that the players can judge the server upon first glance at the advertisement.

From a players point of view I would be very interested in seeing what is on the donation list before I download anything.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 24, 2004
If I have understood this right, all the mods are asking for is a list of things server owners sell, nothing more.

This will allow new players to establish if the server is actually playable.

It's a great idea....


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 7, 2011
I have no problem showing my gameshop in an advertisment.


Golden Oldie
Jun 20, 2003
United Kingdom
Funny its been just over a year to the month since this was last discussed, and the convo went exactly the same way (apart from a few people have changed their opinions since last time it seems)


why wait another year to try implement it?, all the ideas here was already suggested in the previous thread.

its far to late now in any case, let the server owners do what they want, to many people have already been scammed to start caring now.


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
So what, the idea is to get server owners only to show what they list for donations? Whatever they sell or however much doesn't matter, LOMCN only asks they show what they sell?

If so, it's still a start and a good one at that.
This is pretty much what we want, yes.

We want a list of what's for sale, with the price. We don't care how much you sell a ParalysisRing for, we cannot tell people what they can and can't sell. But this way our players can see whats for sale and make their own minds up then.

We aint going to stop donations, stop sale of items or tell people not to pay towards the server (If we feel the sever owner is a con, we will simply delete the ad).


Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
Celsius, I've helped bold a part of my post from last night albeit i'll admit at 3-4a.m it was probably somehow easy to miss, in my opinion £30-40 for an item is ridiculous at no point however did I say we'd be policing that factor nor did I believe the admins did either.

In seems it was only half read in that attribute. But again I will say it was late and bon considering if you'll check posts before i was part of LOMCN do I in no way want rid of your server [a.k.a the thread about when 4h was removed the last time]. As to when this'll be implemented, I believe the admins will best answer that but I think 7 days to update seems reasonable.



Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
You do realize, this will just make things worse

Your basically publically saying donations are allowed and should be a thing in every server, you can post whatever kind of gameshop you want, and do whatever you want with it.

Its not gonna work at all lol.

Id rather see some sorta rule such as, if you run a server with donations in, and it closes within 1-3 months, then your never allowed to advertise a server again, if you say ur aim is to crack down on these "con" servers that rip people off, i dont see how makin them post a donation list is going to stop anything


Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
You do realize, this will just make things worse

Your basically publically saying donations are allowed and should be a thing in every server, you can post whatever kind of gameshop you want, and do whatever you want with it.

Its not gonna work at all lol.

Id rather see some sorta rule such as, if you run a server with donations in, and it closes within 1-3 months, then your never allowed to advertise a server again, if you say ur aim is to crack down on these "con" servers that rip people off, i dont see how makin them post a donation list is going to stop anything

To be fair bon if a server is posting with an item list saying for £60-£100 then I believe players being able to see this before they start the server will have something to comment about, while I appreciate the factor where you're basically saying oh it won't work? what won't? being able to see more information on a server ad? I think that's perfectly fine.

As it DOES help develop a view about the server and the server owner. It's asking for a bit more information. At no point did we say publicly LOMCN is allowing donations we're neutral I believe, i'll find the rule about it in a moment.

LOMCN no longer attempts to police what servers can and cannot have a donation or gameshop system. People are free to make up their own minds on donations/gameshops and servers that accept them.

But with the majority of servers coming up with a donation / gameshop list I believe it's a fair thing to have added for now.

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Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
You do realize, this will just make things worse

Your basically publically saying donations are allowed and should be a thing in every server, you can post whatever kind of gameshop you want, and do whatever you want with it.

Its not gonna work at all lol.

Id rather see some sorta rule such as, if you run a server with donations in, and it closes within 1-3 months, then your never allowed to advertise a server again, if you say ur aim is to crack down on these "con" servers that rip people off, i dont see how makin them post a donation list is going to stop anything
All servers have the donations now anyway.

I have already said certain servers will not be allowed to advertise on LOMCN if we feel the owners are out there to make a quick few hundered quid, so that answers your last part of the post.


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
When you think about it, there's a select few people who have made con servers, at least mir 2 servers.

Take Furian for example, made countless servers, made money, took them down with some poor excuse that he'd given to his cousin who also lives in the same house as he got robbed and is now scared to go home so should be allowed to open a new server as he's not linked to his cousin who stole loads of money. (Breathe)

So yeah, using Furian as an example, he still was never stopped from bringing up new servers time and time again.

Simple solution, you see someone like this, you say no. You stop them advertising their servers on here.


See I miss understood your opinion for what was actually going to happen.

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Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.
One nugget everybody has missed out is (at least i've not seen it)...

If i ran a p69 style server where para/pro's are the norm... and i was to be selling para/pro's it would put my server at a disadvantage? As all people would see 'Gameshop - pro ring' boom.. gone Even if i was to put "easily accessible ingame". It'd throw people off.. By placing items on the adverts you're not giving a true representation of the ingame contents as items on the list could be fairly common, but just there for the lazier players.

At least that's how i would look at it.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2007
I just don't see why people even want to sell items at all for donations, it just ruins the concept of actually playing the game completely. In my opinion a donation list should really only contain perks, not massive ones at that.


Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2003
Ya Mums
If you believe people charging £40 for an in-game item on a 10year old game is fine then we're going to disagree hugely, you could buy a completely new game for that or even 4month subscriptions to the MMO's out there. You can see it as dictating we see it as protecting.

Care to point out to me, where we have said this is our plan?

What next LOMCN takes a cut?
Don't personally think this is the way to handle it.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
One nugget everybody has missed out is (at least i've not seen it)...

If i ran a p69 style server where para/pro's are the norm... and i was to be selling para/pro's it would put my server at a disadvantage? As all people would see 'Gameshop - pro ring' boom.. gone Even if i was to put "easily accessible ingame". It'd throw people off.. By placing items on the adverts you're not giving a true representation of the ingame contents as items on the list could be fairly common, but just there for the lazier players.

At least that's how i would look at it.

Err what? People can make whatever type of server they want. As it happens, common para/pro servers have been tried and they suck badly. Regardless of that, I'm sure people would rather know if para/pros are rare or not lol, so this just helps on that front too...

Next? No seriously..think you're taking this a little far now.