Zircon Kraken - Discussion

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LOMCN Leecher
May 24, 2020
I am honestly disappointed with the amount of toxicity. Berry and Ceebs have done a spectacular job, implementing, improving and fixing bugs every day. For me, it is the best mir I have ever played and it is not p2win, the prices of the GS are cheap, there is nothing that gives a great advantage over the f2p players, and also you can get it playing without any problem.
Some things to balance and fix but nothing to stop you from enjoying the game. People should expose the bugs to help solve them, but instead they take advantage of it in silence, which is the fault of the players and not the GMS.
I wish you the best of luck with the server and I hope I can enjoy it for a long time!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
Okay so I tend to do indepth reviews and I know that is not everyones cuppa tea so I'll summerise my thoughts on the server up until today and go into more detail below that.

Server Stability 10/10 - Had no Lag on server since day 1 and they fixed the issue that was causing server to crash within hours of launch.
GM's Coding Abilities 10/10 - No doubt these guys are by far some of the swiftest and best coders I've seen on lomcn in years.
Cash Shop 8/10 - It's very fair with the prices and the benefits it provide aren't as massive or sometimes gamebreaking as I have seen on other servers.
Gameplay 6.5/10 - Overall the game plays okay but for myself personally I found a number of little things that added up to this score e.g Crafting early level items seems pointless, Charms are a bit wonky, PVP needs balancing, Some PVE zones monster stats haven't been calabraited for these sort of stats. (Any of this may change as Ceebs and Berry are both actively working to improve the server).

In-Depth Review

- Really enjoy the fact that quests are useful early on however the BP questline is extremely good compaired to other areas of same level and high zones. At this point it wouldn't really be fair to nerf the BP Quest reward because a lot of players have benefited from it maybe look at improving the other zones with monsters of same level or higher to suit which will make those other caves more active.

Fame - I like the idea of this system but as saw online it had a lot of ways for players to expliot it as you saw and although you have changed it, the system it's self can still be abused to some degree if players really wanted too.

Levelling - Seems fine until 52 ish then the jumps in requirement for gaining a level seem extremely steep compaired to the caves that players can actually hunt in efficently but I can live with a slower levelling pace.

Champion monsters - Love the idea but the rewards for them more so in the late levels seem a bit lack luster take a magic ship champion monster can have more DC than both the sub/boss for that zone yet all it drops is maybe 200-300k. (I was told they can also drop refinement stones but yet to see this myself).

Hermits - Aiming for perfect hermits isn't viable ingame unless your going to use cash shop and even then the hermit last reset potion is very pricey at 500 hg per pot. (Not saying you need perfect hermits though).

Group Play - Seems pretty much same as every other server since the nerfs at launch but infairness it needed nerfing down at launch. buff feature is nice on it too.

Guild Levelling System - Love it meaningful buffs for having a full active guild.

Companion Filter & Dialog: - Love it only way it could be better is splitting off Drugs from potions.

Runes - Legendary runes seem fine and there not flooding the game but the bog standard ones although useful in pre 50 zones there kinda pointless after then because monsters stats jump massively. e.g BP lvl50 monsters HP 2060 AC 6-6 MR 22-22 DC 27-60 Green Goddess, Then look at Frost Dungeon HP 3335 AC 24-24 MR 60-60 DC 102-194. (TBH if warriors didn't have Vampric Touch and Lifesteal sets ingame it would be next to impossible for them to hunt FD) This is just one example of the scaling to counter this there needs to be some stat adjustments to all the 50+ zones or better runes availible. (I dislike LS being essential to play the Warrior but vs AC/MR it's just vastly supieror)

Mystery Boxes - as probably someone with one of highest boss/sub kills on server don't think I've seen a tier 3+ box and to my knowledge the legendary ones aren't even in a monsters drop. The rewards themself seem fine. (Side note the box on main page shows crafting materials inside them but ingame they don't actually provide crafting materials).

Professions - System works as coded but in my opinion what you can craft below 50 with the exception of the 42 weapons which were added to replace the OP Muk ones and a couple of other things only really useful to warrior e.g Hunta Belt improvement, and Dark Moon Helmet it's a lot of effort to get your recipes, grind materials, then get a base form of an item for such a small return of 0-1 ac/mr on them because of this Not one person in an active 15 person guild has asked me to craft anything other than the items listed as by the time you get everything you have already out levelled what you wanted making. (This is a new system though so obviously it's never going to be perfect first try).

Achievements - Love it only wish there were more

Charm System - FP charms are trash reason being 0-10/0-8 charms are really common which greatly takes from the other charms, Addtionally I dislike the -25% for +25% charms as stated this is a greater hidderance to the Warrior than the caster classes as a reduction to the AC/MR of a ranged class is less impactful than on a melee because reguardless of where you go as a Warrior you are always in direct contact with monsters. More options for better customization would be good.

Atlas: - Best feature I've seen in years.

Accessory Refining: - Seem fair.

PVP balance - Same as every other Zircon server I tried it's ****.

PVE balance - Needs some work Just look at The Wall 120-750 DC monsters even though there is a broad range on the monsters DC it's higher than the actual boss, The only people I've seen killing in dunes are for all intensive purpasses cheating by using the ledge where the doorway to the wall is located they put a war up front full tank spec and get them to lure well a wiz/tao kill it all without any risk what so ever.

I didn't like ledges on offical and I don't like them here there boring and if theres no risk whats the point in playing Mir.

Drops - little bit wonky adding items onto the exsisting db has made some rarer items obsolete e.g them lvl36 twisted bands (common) are better than Hero Gauntlet, Augmented Bronze Gauntlet, Holy Bracer Of Grace to name a few.

Anyway I like the server and the GM's but I think this could have used a bit more testing and some objective players who would have been able to spot the issues and reported them to get sorted before launch. If your bored come give it a try GM's are still working on improving things and those of us online are still active.


LOMCN Member
Apr 14, 2020
Really appreciate you taking the time to feedback there Vyse, as always we'll do our best to improve on the points you've mentioned and refine the overall experience!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
NP Like I said I like the server and you guys are trying your best to create a modern day Mir it's going to take some trail and error to get everything where it should be but at least your trying a lot of flakey GMs pretend to be interested before launch and couple of days into it then drop off the face of the earth so long as the GG keeps flowing in, and others just keep adding broken unfair advantages to game shop to rob there players.

You guys haven't done that which is why I'm still playing the server.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 9, 2003
This is a fantastic review Vyse.

Kraken is the best server I have played in years. I’m bewildered why they don’t have a higher user count, but it’s fun no matter how many are online.

I’d be interested to know the issues you see with PvP. The classes seem balanced to me but I’m just one perspective. Every other segment of you post, in my opinion, is absolutely spot on.


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 4, 2010
This is a fantastic review Vyse.

Kraken is the best server I have played in years. I’m bewildered why they don’t have a higher user count, but it’s fun no matter how many are online.

I’d be interested to know the issues you see with PvP. The classes seem balanced to me but I’m just one perspective. Every other segment of you post, in my opinion, is absolutely spot on.

Too many zircon servers that's why...


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 16, 2012
This is a fantastic review Vyse.

Kraken is the best server I have played in years. I’m bewildered why they don’t have a higher user count, but it’s fun no matter how many are online.

I’d be interested to know the issues you see with PvP. The classes seem balanced to me but I’m just one perspective. Every other segment of you post, in my opinion, is absolutely spot on.

For sure i second that granted the first few days i had concern when seeing people level so fast and a few items stats n such but all them concerns were quicklly put to bed eg: once u hit 56 leveling does slow down massivelly and the few lower end items like muk that were issues were quicklly and perfectlly sorted by making them craftable versions etc.

The charms initally did seem a little op but having gone to some of the higher end content for sure u can see that it will all come togerther nicelly at higher lvls and the charms n such are defo going to be needed to help build classes for specific area's going forwards

Overall the server is fantastic defo worth a look at for me all the features and how well done it all is id happy play this till the day it closes even if it was 5 players.

cant wait for the upcoming content patch that will include the runecrafting and a mystery new system keep up the good works chaps!
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 19, 2014
This server hooked me hard and I have not put in time into a server like this one in a lonnnnng time. I am def in for the journey to the lvl cap (80) and see their ideas and how they implement them goes. After they handled the Muk situation I was impressed they took a "think outside the box" approach instead of the basic ones other server owners use repeatedly.

The PVE to me is so much fun that I have sort of tossed away the desire for PVP like I do on other servers and just considered it a bonus if it comes around.

Also, keep shopping at Troll Mart!
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