Crystal Legend of Mir II : The Last Chapter

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


Experience Rate : Low / Medium
Drop Rate : Medium

Characters to choose :
Warrior | Wizard | Taoist | Assassin

[ Launch Date : April the 30th ]

Welcome everyone,
The project ive been working on is finally ready
and i can say we're good to go!

check out our website for more information
[ Join our Discord ]

= Element System =

Starting with our new main feature
and introducing the new 4 stats

[ Water - Fire - Earth - Wind ]

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These elements are only gained by hunting elemented monsters
so a Fire Monster will only have a chance
to drop items with FireElement added
every element has a weaker/stronger side

WaterElement beats FireElement
beats EarthElement
beats WindELement
beats WaterElement

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What are Elements for?
- They can power up your spells, increase your element stats to increase your damage against monsters​
FireElement can buff ( FlamingSword / FlameField )
by a % of your total FireElement.
So killing a GiantRat in ZumaTemple which is set to EarthElement by default in Monsters DB​
if you hit with fire spells you get a damage bonus at every single hit!​

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= Quest Panel =

- No more annoying quests blocking the exp or the items picked up
now you can move it around by holding the top banner

= Group Panel =

- Aim at the group panel to heal/attack
any group members within range

= Outputmessages =

A small adjustment to the Outputmessages
They now Fade in / Fade out for a smoother cleaner look
They also show in colour based on the item grade

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= Items =

- for the high demand over this feature and seeing how functional it is,​
we decided to add ( QualityOrbs ), only renamed to UpgradeGem​
to match the concept/storyline we're on.​


Sockets and ItemGrades :

- Every wearable item has a chance to drop with added stats,
From normal stats to sockets to Elemented Stats.

- Every item has a chance to drop with a higher grade,
with a stats buff giving it a greater chance
against high level items


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Hidden Stats :

Don't miss out on any added drops!
Hold (ALT) to reveal the extra hidden stats on every item!

= Monsters =

- Monsters can shift shape into an HD version​

only when theyre in Elite Mode

- Every monster has a chance to spawn in Elite Mode
A stronger monster with greater drop file.

= ChatBox Adjustments =

- Hold the bottom right corner to resize the chatbox!


= BigMap Adjustments =

- The New bigmap!
Drag to see the map in greater resolution
also added Caves/NPC/SafeZone points

IP Address
Server Type/Files
EXP Rates
Website and Forum Links


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