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  1. czeldabolg

    Warlords Of Draenor

    Couldn't find a post relating, probably did miss it, if so my apologies. Any of you gone back to WoW since the release? Finding it quite enjoyable so far, I have a 100 paladin, warlock & hunter but the hunter is my favourite so far. [Enjoyed warlock due to being able to move and cast, that got...
  2. czeldabolg

    Chat bans

    So a MASSIVE wave of chatbans just went out, each game i'm in currently has atleast 5-6 people chatbanned (myself included lol) anyone else get hit? [never been tribunal warned which was interesting]. /Czeldabolg
  3. czeldabolg

    Hello Mir3

    I didn't really wish to do one of these threads but it feels I am being forced to, as a lot of the mir 3 community knows a few threads / topics are being locked / cleaned up and i'd rather not leave speculation to go around. The mir 3 community has been scammed as of late by two members in...
  4. czeldabolg

    DOTA2 - pc

    Anyone needing a key? Stuck at 8 and really have no use for them.
  5. czeldabolg


    So what's everyone's thoughts on it so far? Mine are I love it. :D
  6. czeldabolg

    New UI Just so people know, it is a WIP but this is how it looks currently. Source:
  7. czeldabolg

    Upcoming Patch & Skins

    The new hero to be revealed is Rengar, these notes are taken from PBE so they are not final: Rengar (New Champion) Damage:58(+3 per level) Health:520(+85 per level) Mana:5 Movement Speed:320 Armor:19.5(+3.5 per level) Magic Resist:31.25(+1.25 per level) Health Per 5 Sec:7.05 Mana Per...
  8. czeldabolg

    League Characters In Real Life

    Bet you're expecting cosplay right? Wrong it's just some animations I thought were impressive. Volibear: Nautilus: Fizz: Made me giggle...
  9. czeldabolg

    Diana First Look Enjoy folks. /Zelda
  10. czeldabolg

    Battlecast Cho'gath & Teaser Dark Valkyrie Diana

    Yeah, it's me again with cho'gath getting some tweaks riot are also bringing out a skin for him: Death Animation: Teaser Video, particles may not be final...
  11. czeldabolg

    Best change in the upcoming patch!

    No it's not the remakes, no it's not the new champion, it's this:
  12. czeldabolg

    Upcoming skins & Teasers

    Muay Thai Lee Sin: index=1&feature=plcp Rageborn Mundo (Note this is a teaser, particles may not be final): 9eTB5eYX17Q Exalted Cassiopeia...
  13. czeldabolg

    Zyra Champion Preview.

    Note this is unofficial but this is her ability preview: Yes the voice isn't the greatest lol. And her skin:
  14. czeldabolg

    Jayce Patch & Skins

    Right then, we're still waiting on foxfire ahri / scorched Earth Xerath, they'll be up soon I imagine but the upcoming patch has been put onto PBE along with hte new skins: Glacial Malphite: Augmented Singed:
  15. czeldabolg

    Scorched Earth Xerath / Firefox Ahri

    As the title above shows, the two new skins that will be coming out soon: Scorched Earth Xerath: Firefox Ahri: Impressed with the quality of both skins to be honest.
  16. czeldabolg


    Finally got it! I know it means f all to others but i'm proud lol.
  17. czeldabolg

    Draven Skin

    Most of you already know that Draven is the next hero brother to Darius however this is his skin for when he's released: It's a very high quality skin so i'm rather impressed with riot this time around. And the patch preview fr those...
  18. czeldabolg

    Unofficial Patch Notes

    Amumu: Curse of the Sad Mummy cooldown decreased: 170/150/130 Seconds, to 150/130/110 Seconds. Annie: Health increased: 424 (+76 per level), to 460 (+76 per level). Incinerate mana cost reduced: 80/95/110/125/140 Mana, to 70/80/90/100/110 Mana. Molten Shield (all 4 changes below)...
  19. czeldabolg

    Upcoming skins & Items

    Note: These have been taken from PBE (Public Beta Enviroment) and can still change, you'll note that some items are already in-game but changes made to them. Skins: Frost Blade Irelia Blackthorn Morgana Dacian Knight Pantheon Renekton Rune Wars Blight Crystal Varus In-game Renekton...
  20. czeldabolg

    Devil May Cry

    I doubt many people on these forums are fans but hey ho, curious if anyones grabbing the HD collection of 1-2-3 for ps3 or xbox 360, checked over the screenshots seems they've converted it really well and considering they're the best of the series (3 kind of pushed it) i'll be grabbing it...