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  1. OldSkool Mir (v2) - Release 20th January 7pm

    I would of played it if they applied the lighting bug fixed a year ago (, mentioned by SPL1FF in Discord) but as they still haven't I gave up. I think done me a favour in the long run so thanks 🤗
  2. Legend of Mir: Nexus v2

    Looking forward to trying it, did enjoy first one
  3. Reaper Mir2

    GL. A lot of different fonts / styles in the advert
  4. Avoid (Custom Medium Server) Inferno Mir 2

    Do you care to elaborate for anyone playing your server? @Vardaaa
  5. Legend of Mir Titan World v2 High Rate - Discussion

    Thanks for first run of the server
  6. Lands Of Utopia [Mir2 - Crystal]

    If the user count was "good" for the first few months with content for people to enjoy and it subsequently dies down, I don't see any issues with making a new server as long as it has different/additional content which people once again get months of content out of. I haven't played much of his...
  7. Lands Of Utopia [Mir2 - Crystal]

    What bugs me is every crystal files I've played I'm unable to click creeps without unintentionally targeting another creep or walking downwards. I have to use two hands and hold shift to half moon on a warrior as it makes me want to smash my screen up out of frustration otherwise
  8. Lands Of Utopia [Mir2 - Crystal]

    15GB download? You what mate...
  9. Can somebody make a gsp server?

    What;s a gsp server anyway, a server dedicated to George-St-Pierre?
  10. Who is Scarecrowtaurus?

    You seen a "refence", do you care to elaborate? I think mir is the only game Ive seen mobs repeatedly with the names that include the names of "Evil" and "King". Lmao so bad
  11. Euro Mir (P2P?)

    I only remember it being free until level 8/9 at one point
  12. Hey New Guy here

    I would probably wait for Jamie's new server tbh.
  13. Making a Return to Mir Chronicles

    Welcome back ;)
  14. Euro Mir History

    I remember the game called Red Moon, you could get up to like level 150 or something and some levelling place with tyres. Remember that game quite well, had guns. I also played mir around 2001. I do unfortunately remember creating new characters as I didn't know how to get my character off red...
  15. Legend of Mir - TitanWorld - Discussion

    You're hating here, not TOO. Stop posting this crap on his server advert unless u like it done to yours. I prefer his server to yours. Much better than all these other clones and crap out there Crying about "stealing" something which you originally stole to use on open-source files, and...
  16. Legend of Mir - TitanWorld - Discussion

    Who said with half moon? You ever heard of TDB? You know, the skill I think you use? You and Flatline / ItIsYeFox and that Deano guy are cringe af. Imagine being men playing a 20 year old game on a private server crying on discords and afking on sz with no items on. I probably did stuff like...
  17. Legend of Mir - TitanWorld - Discussion

    Yes, I do, im level 38 nearly doing 250 damage in 1 hit? Why are you going to 3gena's discord server with deano to moan like kids and afk in sz? Lmao both have the age of about 16, that's a yikes from me. :LOL:
  18. Legend of Mir - TitanWorld - Discussion

    Lag seem to of been fixed with latest update? Actually seems smooth now. Warrs seem fine now, damage very high just get messed up by magic attack bosses, ie ZT/WT/MINO
  19. Legend of Mir - TitanWorld - Discussion

    Hi Thumper, Least I can put a LOMCN name to your discord nickname from the server. Barely notice any lag what so ever. Why is lomcn / mir2 community full of childish dumbasses like yourself idk 1625529111 GIve it a try, only you will know. I'm still playing it and think it's very good...
  20. Legend of Mir - TitanWorld - Discussion

    Yeah the register form needs updating to the 21century - ie client side validation, pretty easy with HTML5. Think problems getting using HTTPS but nobody should be using their actual passwords on Mir2 servers these days anyway, if you are, stop. Decent server anyway.