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smoochy boys on tour
  1. Can Rishi Sunak really ban smoking and vaping?

    Not sure where you got your figures from? The cost of smokers to the NHS is no where near 20 billion, it's more like 3. Personally I hate smoking, watched my grandad die a very painful death due to lung cancer.. But obesity costs the NHS far, far more than smoking. Does that mean we should ban...
  2. The Primordial's Resurrection

    Did you get around to making a discord?
  3. Discussion Vintage Mir2

    It's not anywhere near as low rate as people are making out... Once again people stated crying before actually playing the server properly. Level 35 after 1 day is not low rate. I think alot of people have realised that the rates are not what they thought and come back to the server throughout...
  4. I'm done

    I don't know Welsh, but would just like to point out.. There is currently a discord which has been set up with over 120 people who don't want you on LomCN. Just thought you should know that, it's not just his 'gang' it's 70% of the remaining mir population.
  5. I'm done

    Think this has backfired, Sanjain probably thought he would gain support.. But in reality, everyone i know who plays mir couldn't give a **** as his server was the biggest heap of **** we ever played. Cya, remember to close the door on your way out bud (y)
  6. Rambles V2

    Pot kettle black... In alot of people's opinions your server was one of the worst that has ever released?
  7. V Rising .... ?

    There are about 8 of us who are going to be playing it on the 17th... Let us know if you do decide to host a server, would be fun smashing some of the mir faces on a different game haha!
  8. Taral XE [Discussion]

    Yea, unfortunately the release was just really rushed... The owner was told by so many different people in Beta that classes were majorly unbalanced, don't really see the point in having a Beta at all if you are not gonna listen to feedback. Its a shame, because the server had alot of...
  9. Mircraft

    What happened to this? How come no servers have it implemented.. I spent so many hours playing this, to collect the iron pieces back in the day.
  10. Valk v2 - allowed or not?

    I mean, the free advertisement that all this has created for him is amazing lol. The people trying to stop him have literally done the complete opposite.
  11. Valk v2 - allowed or not?

    It's all fair saying you will clean the thread up, and ask people to stop attacking Xx69xX. But he is sitting there attacking Valk... All people are asking for is actual EVIDENCE of what he is being accused of. If he had any, surely he would have posted it by now and put the matter to bed. If he...
  12. Rambles

    Still waiting for any proof you have of him sending this tutorial to anyone? Like i have already said, it was someone else who has already been mentioned in this thread... You have made a mistake and got the wrong guy, and its not a good look, it just looks like you all have an issue with...
  13. Rambles

    Please, show me 1 message you have as proof that he sent explaining how to do it... I know for a FACT he didn't send those messages, as i still have the original message in my discord inbox from the actual person who was telling people how to do it. Lets be really honest here Jev, this is...
  14. Rambles

    How can recalling payments be a bannable offense on Lomcn? Its absolutely non of your business why people may choose to ask for a refund... Apoc was probably the 2nd biggest money grab i have ever seen, second only to OldSkool. You should be banning the people making these servers to literally...
  15. Rambles

    It's a well known fact Sabretooth was the actual person dishing the cheats out, it was his own programme... Valk got banned for using it so he shat himself and made it look like they were his cheats and not his own. Pretty sure he got payed like £200 for doing it too. There is no proof that valk...
  16. Rambles

    I love how Tai comes on Lomcn slating other people when in reality, Tai is the most toxic person in the mir community... The reality is, nobody genuinely likes the ******, he just has his merry band of ass licking ****s that follow him because of this website. 90% of people that have ever made...
  17. OldSkool Mir (v2) - Release 20th January 7pm

    Ben, corrupt? No neverrrrrr 😂. When will people learn lol. How his servers get the numbers they do is ******* beyond me!
  18. Nostalgia Mir

    PK is the single best thing about Mir. Why would you not want to glorify it?
  19. The Primordial's Resurrection

    Any update on this server? Is it still happening and do you have any idea on a release date? Pretty much the only server that I'm interested in
  20. Mir2 private servers are in the worst state since Euro went down....

    Sanj's server is probably the worst example you could have given... It was the worst mir experience i have personally had. His crafting system was awful, crafted items were 10x better than any item that dropped from bosses, which meant that nobody even hunted bosses there. He had level locked...