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smoochy boys on tour
  1. Turrican

    My Jam.

  2. Turrican

    Robin Williams - Dead Suicide loved his films he Will be missed! RIP
  3. Turrican

    Popcorn time

    Popcorn time - Free Movie Streaming Wondering if any people here use it? Best way to describe is its a torrent based Netflix (which offers better films/tv shows) and is completely free (and illegal) via streaming. There was a lot of drama relating to the software and a company who...
  4. Turrican

    Mir 4 in Development?

    Came across this image today while browsing for Concept Art While viewing the image something jumped out at me, in the left hand corner of each concept sheet its titled "MIR4" i followed the image back to its source (which turned out to be a studios portfolio) and after some translating it...
  5. Turrican

    MSN Closing March

    as most have probably already heard msn is closing this march, im just wondering how many people currently still use msn, and how many of them will or have made the switch to skype or what other IM services you intend to use after MSN? - for those...