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  1. SacredPhoenix

    Which Aion ?

    Hey got my doubts on which should be better to start on as Aion Truly Free Na is up now for like 2 days and theres Aion from Gameforge Eu i'm from Eu but got the feeling Truly Free would be better plus it already has 3.0 would like some opinions...
  2. SacredPhoenix

    Social site???

    Hi i want to make something like a social site but i have no idea like what programs i would need to add profiles and so on i have a domain but need those...and i want to add sum fin like a point system.
  3. SacredPhoenix


    Omg hope this magical number will be the sign that wemade will make it's official korean mir international xD haha or at least i'm going to get what I allways wanted in my life o_o:lol:S
  4. SacredPhoenix

    Anyone know ?

    Umm so I had a map and i tried to delete some trees..etc but the attributes didin't dissapear, is there a way to get the attributes out ?
  5. SacredPhoenix

    Heroes Npc's

    Um noobish question but what is the npc2.will's start number? Like what number is the 1st npc in it because when I add a number it allways gives me the first npc from npc.will ? Oh and can I add more npc's to npc2 if so how many:S
  6. SacredPhoenix

    what players want?

    Right just something for me i need to know... What would most of you want to play as an upcoming server ? 1.A server with latest stuff with assassin tigers etc(ruby files). 2.A server without assassin making it closer to td's files but with some new stuff added. Each of these being a med-high...
  7. SacredPhoenix

    server files

    Hi so i'm trying to put up my server to test something but when i try to create an account or login nothing happens i don't even get the you have created an account window.I checked all the ip's to be for offline but dunno what else am I missing?
  8. SacredPhoenix

    Some info pls..

    Can someone help me out a bit with this pls:angel:: *What do i need to add in db for boots to have Hand.W n Body.W at what field what ?
  9. SacredPhoenix

    Request - Images

    Does anyone have the std.items,items and Dn.items of this armour and the Groom and Bride ones please ?
  10. SacredPhoenix

    Graphics Folder

    A little question.... Can 2.6 files have a Graphics folder with Human,Weapons etc like 2.3 had or do i have to add each time a new armor in hum will in Data or can i make another will hum3 for instance ? And if it does do i need to do anything else or just put Graphics folder in the client...
  11. SacredPhoenix

    What is wrong ?

    Ok so i modified some stuff at this in photoshop n paint and after i made it bmp but when it's in game it looks like this
  12. SacredPhoenix

    Jinchon&GhostShip ?

    Was wondering could any1 upload the tiles and objects and maps with jinchon and ghost ship or w.e its called i cant find them >.< ty:P:D
  13. SacredPhoenix


    Hi i searched for a answer but didint find or im not so good using the search button :P... can someone tell me what error is this and how do i resolve it pls thanks :D [10/12/2008 19:20:09] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'TBL_GuildMemberList' [10/12/2008...
  14. SacredPhoenix

    Sacred's Maps

    Here are a few of my maps hope you will like them i love making maps:P:D Some that i made with the new tiles.. Tell me all what you think :D