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smoochy boys on tour
  1. Fragrant Hills - woool server

    Due to everything I completely forgot you made us that offer :). We've talked it over and it sounds like a good idea, actually. Let me know if this is still possible.
  2. Fragrant Hills - woool server

    Don't worry, I wouldn't call it rude. I understand where you're coming from, but he has been the cause of so much irritation and frustration that we decided on it. Without going into further specifics: It's unfortunate that you thought I was 'better', but no hard feelings, as far as I'm...
  3. Fragrant Hills - woool server

    As most of you know, lately, the server has been experiencing some crashes. We're not sure what's causing it, but we've added something (minidump) that will hopefully allow us to see what the problem is, the next time it happens.
  4. Fragrant Hills - woool server

    You seriously think THAT'S what you got banned for? Haha. Oh man. Never change, Sanity. Never change.
  5. Fragrant Hills - woool server

    Feel free to appeal your ban.
  6. Fragrant Hills - woool server

    Great response.
  7. Fragrant Hills - woool server

    Stop embarassing yourself. We listen to the players, we just don't listen to you (anymore). The way you act is just so offsetting, it's almost hard to imagine that you're an actual adult. You pretend to know about coding or the source files but in reality, you don't understand any of it...
  8. Fragrant Hills - woool server

    I'll take a look at this soon. Thanks for the good luck. We hope you give our server another try in the future when more content has been added.
  9. Fragrant Hills - woool server

    While I appreciate all the time and effort you put in advising players, it should be noted that a lot of things are different compared to the Distant Soulmates server. Also, I noticed that you posted about a range bug with one of the bosses, we're glad to be aware of it now, but do you really...
  10. Fragrant Hills - woool server

    Reboot should be done. The following things have been changed: -Added grouping incentives. Players in a group will receive an experience bonus, which means the total mob xp doesn't simply get divided by the amount of players (assuming equal levels all around). Furthermore, having one of...
  11. Fragrant Hills - woool server

    Are you sure? What's your ingame name again? So you can show me what the problem is.
  12. Fragrant Hills - woool server

    A clear warning is certainly missing, but even then, an option to get rid of skills you don't like surely has its advantages. Cleared your skill by the way, please pm me ingame if anything went wrong (frog).
  13. Fragrant Hills - woool server

    Some skills are indeed exclusive; we had assumed the skilltree reflects this but now that I'm thinking about it I can understand that it's unclear. I will see if an option to remove skills can be added to bookstore NPC's. I know the functionality is there, but I have to test how it affects the...
  14. Fragrant Hills - woool server

    I will have the database looked at today. Czeldabolg, we increased the exp. factor from x2 to x3 for now. I don't know how to respond to this atm, if I understand correctly you guys just want rates in 12-18x range, no matter what we say. As I said, we'll look at how further increases affects...
  15. Fragrant Hills - woool server

    Changelog: Bichon mob spawns have been greatly increased. This makes the area somewhat more dangerous but also makes levelling easier for low levels. XP factor has been increased. We are currently considering increasing it more but we will have to test various settings and see how they affect...
  16. Fragrant Hills - woool server

    We have the source. For the last two months we've not only been fixing bugs left and right but also been adding features, scripting functionality, and so forth. I agree with you that the original rainbow files are garbage, but it doesn't really matter to us, just gave us a base to work with.
  17. Fragrant Hills - woool server

    I disagree, people stopped playing DSM because of many other things aswell. I suppose you guys do have a point though,: but keep in mind that there's a limited amount of content and giving players extremely fast access to high levels would ruin everything. However, I will talk this over with the...
  18. Fragrant Hills - woool server

    Thanks, I appreciate it. I guess be patient with the download etc. , didn't count on this many people at once downloading it.
  19. Fragrant Hills - woool server

    Just posting to say account reg. is experiencing some difficulty because lots of people are downloading atm. You can reg but it just takes a long time, should go back to normal once people finish the download. Sanity, I'm fairly positive the distant soulmate files showed these bugs aswell, same...
  20. Fragrant Hills - woool server

    Hello everyone. Some months ago, after the seeming death of the woool scene here I decided to see what the remaining options were in terms of getting a server going. As some of you might know, getting quality + up to date files that are translatable is near impossible. And then there's dealing...