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smoochy boys on tour
  1. Atomicide

    Heroes of Newerth

    Its a lot like DOTA mod for warcraft 3, but has basically been made as a seperate game. Not sure how many of the people from here have actually played the original game so ill explain it here. Its basically a team vs team game built like a combination between a tower defence, RTS and RPG game...
  2. Atomicide

    Help with PHP for loading an image.

    Ok, im gonna have to basically explain the situation before I go ahead and ask for an answer. Im currently editing a skin for one of my websites, I did not make the skin myself and im certainly no master at PHP codes. The site has a function which takes an image and adds it to an image glider...
  3. Atomicide

    So I haven't been here in over a year...

    ...and I noticed the site is still full of the same tools, talking the same **** about **** all. Maybe you should just all go the same way as Jade Goody, its a few years too late, but then as they say better late than never. Then again, you're all basically all a type of cancer anyway, so maybe...
  4. Atomicide

    DO your doings

    and you'll get your gettings. Discuss.
  5. Atomicide

    Hello Atomicide......

    it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums? I just logged on out of sheer boredom but seeing as the system has kindly...
  6. Atomicide

    This is what happens....

    when you base your predictions on the fact you're fag. Once again, Colonels predictions that England would lose in the RWC are wrong. I'll be enjoying my teams RWC final match from the comfort of my own home. England 14 France 9. **** you Colonel, **** your ****ty predictions and **** your...
  7. Atomicide

    Need *decent* people for possible server team.

    Im looking for people what will actually be able to contribute decently to a server team. Im looking for people that have experience of the current files (seeing as I don't at the moment) and people who are willing to discuss things rationally and are able to compromise when needed. At this...
  8. Atomicide

    FAIL because of WIN?

    Thats correct, its is possible to fail because of a win. If your curious what this is about I shall explain: Colonel has FAILED with his statement England were going no further in the rugby world cup because of todays WIN against Australia. Shove that upi your flaccid arsehole you prick and...
  9. Atomicide Referral Promotion.

    I cba to explain everything in mega detail here. But basically im running a promotion on my site that will award a crisp £10 (paypal only) to the first member who refers 25 genuine users. Full details on the site. you must be an active user yourself, and the money will be paid...
  10. Atomicide

    Congradulations Wales

    on letting Fiji reach the RWC finals. FAIL.
  11. Atomicide

    Wtf? Seeing as im awesome and ****, I decided to bring my site back online, and im dedictating it to gaming and gaming tournaments. Its currently still under construction and ****, so don't expect it to be ultra awesome. I could use a few people to kinda go on there and rape it to...
  12. Atomicide

    New image

    So I got hold of CS2 and decided to **** about for fun as a break from WoW. I started off doing something ok (the text) then the techniques I used intrigued me so I managed to improve the image. Then some sort of artistic instinct kicked in and I kinda built on it from there. This is the first...
  13. Atomicide

    Atomicide's comprehensive list.

    Of people I like and dislike since people here seem to think im out to get everyone. Members of Team:Atomic (like) Atomicide, Blaminator, (Usenet) Dataforce, Milofoxburr, Babyhack, Ferril, Pebble, Richie, (Pyraine), Eskimo, Kud, Urbanfox, Sean, Ipixel, Jealy, Toxick, Soul...
  14. Atomicide

    Its Dark12345's Birthday

    But I can't remember if I like him or not so I need info from some T:A members about it. Also I guess this can serve as his birthday thread and for the moment I can say: "Happy Birthday Dark" If I find out I do hate you for something Ill edit it to "choke on your cake" or something, although I...
  15. Atomicide

    Tweety Mcskeet

    Tweety McSkeet Neet supersheep queezybuff?
  16. Atomicide

    Oh My God...

    ...I can't beleive it, I've never been this far away from home. Discuss.
  17. Atomicide


    This suggetion is not viable for the actual forum it should be in, although I wish it was. My suggestion is that people should be able to at least understand whats going on in a thread if they wish to post on LOMCN, as some people seem to just respond with something entirely wrong, or post...
  18. Atomicide

    Global Warming?

    Anyone have any hardcore veiws on global warming? I think its a sack of crap and this planet is more than awesome enough to somehow heal itself anyway. Also I would like to state that I want NO SPAM whatsoever in this thread.
  19. Atomicide


    in this thread. For reasons unknown. You may also discuss the "reasons unknown"
  20. Atomicide

    Hey guys

    Whats going on in this thread?