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  1. Looking for a server that feels like....

    i miss the old ragezone server.... probably one of my favorites
  2. Best server to play?

    i started on mir 3 orca yesterday, pretty chill everyone friendly and helpful
  3. [Custom] Sapphire Server - 8th July 2022 - 18:00 UTC

    wait so taos dont have pets?
  4. Rise of the Archons [2.6+] Discussion

    Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords its down for reboot atm
  5. Rise of the Archons [2.6+] Discussion

    Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords Could we have a formal announcement if there is a level cap in place, what time it will be lifted and if its being replaced with a new cap please? People have spent money on subscriptions and exp pots to get ahead only to be left in the dark...
  6. Rise of the Archons [2.6+] Discussion

    Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords Can you show me where you announced this please? If it was clear somewhere i will understand but i read this full lomcn thread, the full sevrer forum thread and every page on the website before i started and i didnt see any sort of soft level...
  7. Rise of the Archons [2.6+] Discussion

    Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords Played the server all day yesterday until 3 in the morning last night Once we figured out its better to stay in low lvl areas a bit and get achievements done we were all set Grouped with with 3-5 people doing the achievements in order (as its...
  8. Throwback Thursday

    how come there was never a big remake of ragezone server? that was hands down the best mir server i ever played
  9. [Approved] Legend of Mir Chronicles [AceM2]

    Ok so the blue banner appearing every hour saying Gold selling will result in kicks and bans is false? Is scamming of any kind allowed ingame? never mind scamming for £, im now £30 down and the guy who has my money is in town gloating, there is also now comments from other people saying he...
  10. [Approved] Legend of Mir Chronicles [AceM2]

    No, im hoping the GM's can do somethign as he is in town gloating about it.....
  11. [Approved] Legend of Mir Chronicles [AceM2]

    well he gave part of the trade upfront so it seemed quite trusting, then went i sent my end £ he logged off. a few days alter he logs on and says it was his mate who did the deal. after i shout in town he admits it was him but refuses to complete his end of the deal
  12. [Approved] Legend of Mir Chronicles [AceM2]

    Beware of ingame gold sellers Charater named CupOfTea / Longpole selling gold then scam's - Beware
  13. Five Heroes - Crystal Files

    Update after trying to download all the .net frameworks and the dx file (which all failed) i right clicked the client properties and changed to compatibility mode for windows 7 SP3 and it works. Hope this helps others on windows 10
  14. Five Heroes - Crystal Files

    im still having black screen issues, has anyone on windows 10 got a clear cut way to get it running im still working my way through the guides just now?
  15. Five Heroes - Crystal Files

    it is 4pm UK time which is in 2 hours time from now
  16. Archeage

    ive had no que's for the past 2 days, problems seem to be fixed, now hit lvl 50 and the game is still totally awesome
  17. Archeage

    im on shatigon server, really enjoying the game /boolcrap
  18. PC for League of Legends

    whatever you do make sure you get a SSD hard drive, there's nothing more satisfying than having windows boot up in 10 seconds and games load instantly.
  19. Any new upcoming servers

    Hey is there any new upcoming servers? Mir Chronicles was a bit of a flop for me with the drops / cheating / drama / lvling brick wall.
  20. C# Server Discussion

    Re: C# Server hey mate can u keep some sort pf changelog for updates, every time i go to kill a boss or go somewhere its 'boss drop files aint done' or 'area not working yet' would be good to see when u update things and what changes are made