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smoochy boys on tour
  1. Miles

    A Brief Hello

    Haha. Absolutely. It's like the past 9/10 years never happened! Extremely good to hear from you all. Can't believe how many of the same people are still around! I very much doubt this will be more than a brief hello, but I may stop by a bit more often than once every 4 years..! Out of...
  2. Miles

    A Brief Hello

    Well I'm not quite sure why but for some reason I thought about mir for the first time in years earlier today, and I thought I'd pop on and say hello. I have just had a rather interesting half an hour reading through some of my old posts. I must humbly apologise for my complete massacring of...
  3. Miles

    Diablo 3 - [Discussion]

    There are legendary items which are ridiculously rare and hardly ever drop (they have unique looks rather than following the normal tier system like other loot). Personally I'm having a blast. I'm level 42 and about to finish Act 2 Nightmare. The difficult is brilliant - once you get into...
  4. Miles Tag list

    Just went through and added you all. If I missed anyone out then just add me. /Miles
  5. Miles Tag list

    Ah ha. Thought someone might have done this. I haven't actually got any friends on Battlenet at all, so I've been playing by myself. Miles Numinator#1967 Wizard (Just finished Normal) Feel free to add me =). /Miles
  6. Miles

    Your first thread you ever posted :P

    Oh god. I've just had a look at mine from 2003, and I'm far too embarrassed to post it. I'm actually tempted to go back and re-write all my old posts so that they actual make grammatical sense and don't sound like they were written by an illiterate teenager. Now that I think about it I was only...
  7. Miles

    All grown up?

    Not impressed Xander, my name isn't on your 'big name' list =(. To be honest, if you want to see childish topics you should see the Admin forum, now that's good reading. People tended to take things just a little bit too seriously! I seriously can't believe how long this place has lasted, even...
  8. Miles

    Help make that change

    Miles - Lord of all? /Miles
  9. Miles

    Happy Birthday SMiles

    Hah, thanks guys. Didn't expect a birthday thread this year, I've not exactly been active =p. Hope you're all okay, /Miles P.S. I look 12 not 13 =(.
  10. Miles

    LOM 2 Programming Section

    Hey guys, Hope everyone's okay. Before you ask, yes I am still alive =p. Just been a busy at Uni =)! I've just created a LOM 2 Programming Section ( If you want to post anything to do with programming LOM files, please post it there! Celsius...
  11. Miles

    Heroes Of Newerth.

    No problem =p! /Miles
  12. Miles

    What do you think about the above?

    Complete arsehole =p. /Miles
  13. Miles

    A-Level Results

    Heh, finally got my results today =). I was rather worried but in the end I got 3 A's (Politics, English Lit and Maths) and a B (History) so I'm pretty darn happy =). Off to study Politics at York =). /Miles
  14. Miles

    Humorous Video

    Pft, since my school regards itself as better than everyone else, we don't use the 'normal' class names. 7th year is the final year, i.e. year 13 (I think, lol). The great thing about my school is that the majority of the teachers are great, and don't mind things like this. I can't help it...
  15. Miles

    *** [OldSkool] - [2.3] - [Med/HgihRate] - [DediHost] ***

    Thread cleaned and unlocked. If anyone spams or flames on this thread again, I'm going to start banning people. You've been warned. /Miles
  16. Miles

    Humorous Video

    That's a very good question. I'm guessing it's some kind of cellar which is usually locked, but they brought in a spanner and opened it up. Btw it isn't my class room, that's in a different part of the school. /Miles
  17. Miles

    Humorous Video

    Hey, This is my first post in absolutely ages, I've been too busy with my bloody exams =p. Thought you guys might appreciate this. It was my last day at school ever yesterday, and some members of my year decided to play an ingenious prank on their form tutor...
  18. Miles

    Happy Birthday Robert

    Happy Birthday Trampy, even though you didn't wish me a happy birthday!! =(. /Miles
  19. Miles

    Happy Birthday Miles

    Thanks guys! I'm expecting this thread to be massive by the way =p. Before someone (i.e. the despicable Milo / BH -.-) posts here I would just like to say that I am 18, not 12 or 13!! =p. Hope you're all okay. /Miles
  20. Miles

    Selling Characters

    So when you said you would, what you meant is that there is no way that you would? Glad to see people making a lot of sense! /Miles