Recent content by w00t84

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  1. Rest in peace to a legend!

    RIP to a good man, he will be sorely missed in this community and more so amongst his close friends and family.
  2. New stance on cheats etc

    This is my first post in years and years… and years. I’m absolutely boggled to see adults talking to each other online the way they are in this thread. Did you guys just hop in a time capsule in 2010? Surely there’s more to life than arguing amongst yourselves about a 20 year old game on an...
  3. Whoa

    Can't remember the last time I was here, that's why it's like that :P I don't Mir anymore, used to play it loads...
  4. Whoa

    Can't say I've missed any of the bullshit on here, read a few posts here and there and it's never changed. I thought people would have moved on from wanting the gratification of putting others down online?
  5. Whoa

    Not changed at all then? Not grown up at all then? Haha.
  6. Whoa

    Just on Youtube a few minutes ago and came across an old Legend of Mir video, which reminded me of this, can't believe this place is still about. Don't know if any of you remember me, it's been a while :O How are you all :)
  7. Usenet

    What usenet services do people use/which ones are good?
  8. Reunited [2.3] Discussion

    you still play mir, Ant? wtf haha, what you called ingame :P just downloaded it
  9. Need company logo, ££ paid

    I can still do it, if you actually still want it done. I realise it's a bit late haha
  10. Would you pay

    I lol'd.
  11. Newcastle! - Clubbing/Evening Sights

    Liquid is open most nights, it's best on a Thursday/Friday though...
  12. Newcastle! - Clubbing/Evening Sights

    Just go to Digital or Liquid, good night garauntee :P
  13. 25 Rules for Women (By Men)

    I haven't posted on here in a while, but I must admit, I thoroughly enjoyed this thread.
  14. Help please

    Instead of using the lasso tool, if all the wings are as bright as that with a black background, you could use the magic wand... it would save you going all the way around. Then just simply move the wing layer under the armour, simples.