Recent content by mir3usabeta

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  1. Zircon Taral XE

    i mean 3 pet max
  2. Zircon Taral XE

    after reboot pc, then i can sommon pet max(2 max at this time), then after pet expire, sometimes only summon 1 pet, later cant even summon any pets
  3. Zircon Taral XE

    play summoner to lvl 25, summon pet seem to be buggy, cant sommon pet max , sometimes cant even summon any pets after pet expire
  4. Zircon Taral XE

    Thank you, downloading it now, see you ingame
  5. Zircon Taral XE

    can i try beta game?
  6. Zircon Taral XE

    PTR?, been playing pheonix XE, is it the same? summoner in Xe dont seem to have any attack skill, only 5 summon pet to do all attack, am i doing someone wrong?
  7. Zircon Taral XE

    where to try?
  8. Zircon Taral XE

    is Taral XE ready to play?
  9. Zircon Taral XE

    where do i sign up?
  10. Zircon Ben's Mir3 - Discussion

    how do you unlock shaman char?
  11. Zircon LoveMir - No Donation Server - Discussion

    waiting for 2021 love server rebirth:sleep:(y)
  12. Zircon LoveMir - No Donation Server - Discussion

    waiting for rebirth of love server:sleep:
  13. Zircon Eden Server [Discussion]

    this version works (English) Full Client Link address 1 :
  14. Zircon Eden Server [Discussion]

    1st eden game got disconnected (wrong version) then i download (190505 English Client.exe + Update.exe ) after install it , ran eden, then i got 1window screen with simillar but different logon screen,after logon, then window screen went black, pc harddrive not loading anything, it stay bland...
  15. Zircon Eden Server [Discussion]

    what is instance system? {Day of week events,}? lots of announce/message i think (white background with blue message in korean.), i dont understand it, please have server /GM announce in english too.