Recent content by Killmaster

smoochy boys on tour
  1. Retribution Mir [Crystal] Discussion

    Re: Retribution Mir That's odd I don't seem to have that issue. /Mara Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  2. 1.9 Torozor

    If you need more info on mob images etc Ash then drop me a message
  3. Server Testing.

    what time will sever be back up for launch?
  4. Astral Mir [Crystal] Discussion

    Re: Astral Mir - [Crystal files] Trust Merchant doesn't work, i can assign an item but cannot "get back" or retrieve the sold cash. The below error come up.
  5. Astral Mir [Crystal] Discussion

    Re: Astral Mir - [Crystal files] Absolutely fine for me also, downloaded roughly 100mb, account and character created.
  6. Astral Mir [Crystal] Discussion

    Re: Astral Mir - [Crystal files] Well I just used the AutoPatcher in the client I downloaded from beta and had only 100mb to download.....
  7. Astral Mir [Crystal] Discussion

    Re: Astral Mir - [Crystal files] Hopefully this will be online this evening, had a look in beta and some of them bosses have inane AI's never seen before. Defiantly a server everyone needs to try. This could be the next populated server, server looked and felt balanced at the beginning...
  8. Heroes Rise - [Crystal M2] Discussion

    Enjoying the server so far with a couple of exceptions. Seeing all the junk been said on this thread. Yes people exploited, but its very easy to catch up with the highest level being 110+ Taoist. Being in the top 5 highest levels, items seem a little rare but makes boss hunting more worth it...
  9. Heroes Rise - [Crystal M2] Discussion

    Can you fix the black screen error, only select few can get online
  10. Heroes Rise - [Crystal M2] Discussion

    black screen again
  11. Heroes Rise - [Crystal M2] Discussion

    When he says client he means ".exe"
  12. Euthenia Mir2

    When you use Orbs or Gems from a stack it doesn't actually function, it just disappears the stack until re-log. Been playing the server since launch and enjoying it, plenty of things to do whether its the vast array of bosses, quests, caves and items etc. Admin is very active constantly...
  13. Euthenia Mir2 (Crystal Mir)

    server down?
  14. [GAME] Member Berries Watched so many episodes when younger.