Recent content by howie

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  1. Open source C# WoooL project

    Thanks :) that was me who translated, re-hexed and put on line:) I would love to see an up to date version online, Sanity has always been around so hopefully he will succeed :) 1710361490 Thanks, It was me that developed and run the original DSM (DistanSoulMates) Server back in the day, would...
  2. People who moved on?

    I used to play on the original Mir2 from beta as Memememe guild leader of Distantsouls with Leggy, I moved onto my making own Mir2 server, then a Wow server (got threatened with legal action) then made the original DSM Woool server, great days on Mir2, was quite scared when I ventured into bug...
  3. Woool Client Source Code

    Hi, Looks nice mate, mick from Mates Woool (old days), so no one has a working new Woool server up?
  4. Woool (The World Of Legend) Classic Shanda official Server

    Hi Soul, we are fine thanks nice to see you are still around, we did have a good crew from old mir2 and DSM woool for many years, I miss it..
  5. Woool (The World Of Legend) Classic Shanda official Server

    Same with the old 1.8 Mir, magic was bugged and no fix, made the game unbalanced and lots of moans for me to fix the unfixable, spent too many years re-hex to english and re script from chinese and adding additional maps/levels and events, too much work and not much appreciation, to cap it all...
  6. Woool (The World Of Legend) Classic Shanda official Server

    Hi Guys, Mick here, owner host of the old DSM Mates Woool, is there no new woool up and running? I see Sanity is still around :)
  7. Howdy, Mick owner of the orginal DSM Wool here

    I think I deleted them many years ago after I released them. I could have a dig about but dont hold your breath... Given the age what use wouild they be now?
  8. Howdy, Mick owner of the orginal DSM Wool here

    Would be nice to have a look when online, doubt I will ever go back to full time playing though, RL takes up too much time
  9. Few testers needed

    Hi Wool fans, Mick here from the original DSM, any decent servers running? Hi Sanity, nice to see your still around...
  10. Howdy, Mick owner of the orginal DSM Wool here

    Hi, happened to see my name on ********, mentioning my old Wool, cant believe it is 10 years since I had Wool online. So are there any decent servers up and running now?
  11. Rainbow Server Files [Dev]

    You have my phone number mate if you need to contact me. My server and forum are still available if you need them
  12. DistantSoulMates Woool

    Hi, Old woool is dead and will now stay off line. I dont have the time to work on woool nor the inclination given the low user counts. It was pointless working any longer on the 1.955 files when much newer ones are being worked on. my offer of hosting anyones working new server still stands...
  13. DistantSoulMates Woool

    Server is backup
  14. New DSM Woool Server

    Beta is online check dsm forum
  15. DistantSoulMates Woool

    I will finish the client patch on thursday night. Friday you will be able to download and log in to test