Recent content by DevilWish

smoochy boys on tour
  1. Group map move ? [Ruby]

    Re: Group map move ? @GroupRecall @RecallMap in my command list never tryed it tho or mean an npc command? npc list MOVEALLMAP MOVEALLMAPGROUP RECALLMAPGROUP again never tested them hope they help
  2. To many rows effected..

    9.Switch to emergency mode on the database. You do this by doing the following: 1.Right click on the database root node in Enterprise manager and bring up the properties. 2.Under the Server Settings tab, check of "Allow modifications to be made directly to the system catalogs". ok...
  3. To many rows effected..

    if its sql i think you can put the sql into emergency mode then u can edit the dup failing that is to rebuild a fresh table using from before dup row and after it hope that helps
  4. [2.3] Anyone manage to get the couplering to work in 2.3?

    still trying to work out how to use the couplering in game db stats etc... but no luck >< if anyone out there has fixed this, could they be kind enough to share the method. many thanks in return
  5. what sql tables get read with 2.6

    reason im asking is iv converted to sql, but im still sure a lot of the tables not been used like gtlist example? thanks in return for taking time to read and reply :biggrin:
  6. Error...! Help

    ok if you run a second pc as network the exe will run and has any noticed with this error when exe works its 1.61mb but when u run it goes to 2.88mb with error O.o
  7. Error...! Help

    ok i dont have any malware software just tested exe on fresh installed xp pro with nothing else installed same error , so what built in software of the windows is doing this? because its just a xp pro os shell atm
  8. Error...! Help

    ok more of a puzzle i dont use anti virus progs apart from Malwarebytes
  9. How i make myself gm ?

    envir folder P
  10. how do i block door on map to stop low lvls on 2.6

    tried that , maybe lifco can help us a bit with what the commands that 2.6 uses if possible
  11. how do i block door on map to stop low lvls on 2.6

    sorted out the first door block now i need to make a working script for 2.6 for it unblock door after a boss has been killed ><
  12. how do i block door on map to stop low lvls on 2.6

    been trying mapinfo checkquest q1500 needset_on (200) and in mapquest folder in q1500.txt been using commands like checklevel > 16 , < 16 and check [200] 0 set [200] 1 but nothings seem to be checking the lvl unless i just use checklevel 15 but then under that lvl cant go in or above it ...
  13. how do i block doors for a low lvl player on map on 2.6

    needs moving to right forum ^^
  14. can anyone help resolve this bug !

    im getting a different error on this exe , but also is this bit worth pointing out i can run the client from networking to xp home pc , but i cant use xp home pc to run client from xp pro , just to confuse you a bit more (
  15. can anyone help resolve this bug !

    ok iv made and screenshot hope this helps, and thanks for your help too :)