Recent content by Da Mafia

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  1. Which Router To Buy ?

    You could try changing the channel your router uses if you haven't already done so.
  2. Delphi in windows 7

    Strange. I've not done anything special and Delphi is working fine here.
  3. Closed beta times

    7 mins past 2 and still not up Edit: Now getting no connection can be made.
  4. Source Help

    Care to share how you fixed it? If somebody else gets the same problem they won't have to create a new thread.
  5. Untouched 1.9 Server Files

    What are you doing? Pressing F1 on the keyboard or clicking the F1 on the screen? The latter is the one you want.
  6. Money Straight To Bag

    Sorry, should of checked first. Search for this DropGoldToPlayBag=0 and just change the 0 to a 1.
  7. Money Straight To Bag

    If you using 1.9 files, try search for DropInBag in your setup.ini
  8. Baggage inconvenience!

    It sounds to me like hes saying that when u rearrange all the items in your bag for quick and easy access, then log out and back in all items r just replaced at the top.
  9. [Help] Npc

    Instead of CheckLevel >65, try just CheckLevel 65
  10. [Help] Spawns

    Are there mobs in the file to spawn? If so are the names in the file the same as the names in the DB?
  11. [Very Basic] 2.3 Server Guide.

    Copy the Mir2.exe from the client folder, and put it in your M2Server folder.

    It does depend on what your going to be using it for really.
  13. Im stook :(

    I assue that error is on the LogDataSever because I had the same problem, I just changed the port that it used and it worked fine.
  14. mir 2.3 help

    All you need to do is, copy the Mir2.exe from the client folder and put it in your M2Server folder.