Recent content by CraiG^

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  1. CraiG^

    Rest in peace to a legend!

    RIP IceMan
  2. CraiG^

    Who's playing?

    I use the word playing loosely, but aye level 28 warrior, EU 011.
  3. CraiG^

    Banshee Mir II [Discussion]

    100%, this is the first server I've sunk a great deal of time into in years.
  4. CraiG^

    Legend Of Mir creator tastes real money after 20 years

    Interesting topic
  5. CraiG^

    EuroReborn - The Highest Definition

    How's this project going in terms of launch or beta dates? It's got me interested 👀
  6. CraiG^

    Who's playing?

    Releases tomorrow, although can play earlier with founder passes, who's on the grind?
  7. CraiG^

    Lost Ark [EU Thaemine]

    See a few streamers playing it, look quite good very mir like too, releases tomorrow 5pm GMT free to play for anyone interested.
  8. CraiG^

    Server 23 Valley Guild is Looking For High Power People

    Appreciated, this seemed an impossible task doing it with mobs lol getting ganked every 50 or so
  9. CraiG^

    Server 23 Valley Guild is Looking For High Power People

    Killed a mining bot to get some dark steel ore for the quest, guy comes back and attacks me on another character, killed him now have -5000 points, go out to kill mobs near my level (5000 of them) get to around 50 mobs before being PK'd, then internal injury stacks making it harder. So harsh!
  10. CraiG^

    Server 23 Valley Guild is Looking For High Power People

    This for any LOMCN members? I don't mind switching to play with more people.
  11. CraiG^


    Just about to ding 40 on EU21, solo playing atm though. Happy to switch to 11 or stay on 21, just want a few active english speakers lol.
  12. CraiG^

    Mir 4, any oldies playing?

    EU21 here just about to ding 40 but considering switching to the same server as LOMCN guild?
  13. CraiG^


    EU21, anyone still active?
  14. CraiG^

    New World MMO

    If you pre-ordered you could play Closed Beta for around a week just last week, it's ended now and due to feedback they've decided to postpone the game an extra month from end of August to end of September for live release.
  15. CraiG^

    What year is it

    Both. Can't believe you joined one day before me, I feel violated. Good to see another old name all the same! Aye which server, I'll enroll as well