New Player

smoochy boys on tour


LOMCN n00bie
Dec 24, 2022
Hey everyone,

first of all if this is the wrong section to post (i'm still a bit confused where to put this thread realy) i'm sorry and would ask to move it to the right forum part.

Second i would like to wish all of you a merry christmas!

Now to the real topic: i've never played MIR before and i watched a streamer playing it and though this might be interesting to try and get a deeper look into this game.
And that's where the confusion with all the private servers begins, i'm unsure where to start and where to register the character. I've read some topics about dead servers and some about bottet server etc.

So i would like to ask if there are any recommandations regarding lively and newbe friendly server where i could get a nice start to figure things out?



May 16, 2017
Job Centre Plus
Best advice would be to check out Mirtracks and find a server you like the sound of and a decent usercount if that's what you're after.

Then head over to the Server Advertisement section and follow any links to download the client and get yourself up and running.


LOMCN n00bie
Dec 24, 2022
Thanks for the advice, are there many differences between those servers or are they "just" official clones? As far as i could read through the "official" Servers where closed and there are only player owned servers left, is that correct?


Nexus Mir Developer
Sep 7, 2012
Hey everyone,

first of all if this is the wrong section to post (i'm still a bit confused where to put this thread realy) i'm sorry and would ask to move it to the right forum part.

Second i would like to wish all of you a merry christmas!

Now to the real topic: i've never played MIR before and i watched a streamer playing it and though this might be interesting to try and get a deeper look into this game.
And that's where the confusion with all the private servers begins, i'm unsure where to start and where to register the character. I've read some topics about dead servers and some about bottet server etc.

So i would like to ask if there are any recommandations regarding lively and newbe friendly server where i could get a nice start to figure things out?

prepare for the most clapped, racist, and sexist community of your life. The only advice i can give, is stay away from the servers discords. 90% of Mir discord servers are hate fests towards each other and the GM's.

Imagine Rust players but 200x more toxic


Mir 2 Moderator
Staff member
Dec 9, 2006
West Midlands
It is a bit of crazy community, as said above. Take it all with a pinch of salt. The casuals are nice enough. I would recommend Elite server at the moment if you want a true mir experience or Alliance if you want extremely custom with high rates of exp/gold.

FYI - Extremely custom doesn't mean it's good in all cases. I wasn't a fan of it but the player base speaks for its self i suppose


LOMCN n00bie
Dec 24, 2022
Oh is it so bad? meanwhile i've joined elite and the guys/girls over there are nice so my first impression is, its always people make the community?


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Oct 14, 2017
prepare for the most clapped, racist, and sexist community of your life. The only advice i can give, is stay away from the servers discords. 90% of Mir discord servers are hate fests towards each other and the GM's.

Imagine Rust players but 200x more toxic
Couldn't agree more, I wish server owners would just do have forums like the old days and just not have discord at all.
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LOMCN n00bie
Dec 24, 2022
Couldn't agree more, I wish server owners would just do have forums like the old days and just not have discord at all.

hmm well isn't this a discord owner thing then, if you support such a behaviour or tolerate it usually don't lead to a great community.


Nexus Mir Developer
Sep 7, 2012
hmm well isn't this a discord owner thing then, if you support such a behaviour or tolerate it usually don't lead to a great community.
GM's can't moderate their Discord's because if they do, the community joins a bandwaggon and people start leaving their server because it's a "carebear server"

It's very much a 'do what the community wants or your server won't gain traction/be successful' community
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LOMCN Member
Sep 27, 2022
Its quit a easy not easy thing when there a servers that last 1-6 months and them with 1+ 10 years the preff for long term are the low exp servers


May 16, 2017
Job Centre Plus
Its quit a easy not easy thing when there a servers that last 1-6 months and them with 1+ 10 years the preff for long term are the low exp servers
You can have a high rate last a long time if it actually has content.

Crystal takes levels upto 65535, add that with a rebirth system and you could have years and years of content.

Always wanted to launch a high rate server but I would like to have all the conent there in advance. Events all pre made for x amount of years ahead.

Would allow you to focus your time on bugs you missed and potentially to lay back alittle.


Feb 21, 2013
Thanks for the advice, are there many differences between those servers or are they "just" official clones? As far as i could read through the "official" Servers where closed and there are only player owned servers left, is that correct?

Ignore the dirty laundry hanged up here. Mostly those things won't affect your game since I don't expect you will compete with the top of the pack on any server, not right away anyway.

Yes, the official server closed over a decade ago, now its only private servers. Several currently running have their own forum section here in Legend of Mir Server Forums section. I didn't play on those servers listed there but if I was to start one of those, I'd try Banshee server simply going by the date of the last post on its forum section (also the youngest of servers there). But that one also has been running for some time and not many pple still play on it I think. Being new to the game, I believe it is better to start on some recent server like one of those two at the top of the server list already mentioned, Elite Mir 2 or Mir Alliance. BTW every server has forum thread announcing it where you can find when it started and what it is about.

Most questions about the gameplay you might have you can post here in MiR 2 - Chat section. Being new to the game means most of them can be answered by anybody here even if they don't play that server. Discord is usually ok for some time when a server is starting out, but after several months and longer, it usually looks like it was abandoned by server owner and or is filled with inanities, verbal fighting and game irrelevant chat. But many times I was able to get somebody's attention with my queries even then.

Just yesterday, Jev announced opening new LOMCN Public Test Server. These are base server files on which most of those advertised private servers are based. Server owners add their own custom additions to these files to make them interesting to play for long time mir players. You could check this test server out to figure out basic gameplay. For pple here, this test server is too basic, too plain to hold interest but actually it is better than the official mir server was when it finally closed doors. Its just pple are spoiled and files have to be further modified to attract them.

This test server will be empty most times but there might be few pple who actually don't mind playing alone and might play solo to a high level even on such server.

The term 'official' is nowadays sometimes used to refer to servers sanctioned by this forum community. That means servers put up by those who love the game and make servers not primarily with the view of making rl money as opposed to those who make some fast, easy changes to the files and whose goal is just to make quick buck from donations before closing server doors, then rinse and repeat with minor modifications to files.


Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
First of all welcome!

Most stuff has been mentioned but really its quite simple.
Download and try a server, if it doesn't feel like your cup of tea, try another.

Ultimately the best way to figure out what you do and don't like about private mir servers is seeing what they have to offer (you may prefer a faster paced server over a grindy server for example)

Always keep an eye on the upcoming servers; you might see a server pop up here that really takes your fancy and you can start on launch!

Ignore the community aspects (its just as bad as any competitive game) , you can avoid most of the garbage by muting the server discord (or not joining it)


LOMCN n00bie
Dec 24, 2022
Thank you for all the helpful replies, I wasn't prepared for so many replies to come so quickly :)

I wasn't aware that MIR is competitive, i.e. the primary playstyle is PvP? Are there "safe" spots like towns or a bank?

Since I don't intend to play pay2win, I'll look for a server, or I think it's quite well regulated on elite, which doesn't have any real p2w aspects. I think that's the best thing to start with.
Oh one questions comes to my mind while googleing, whats the difference between those MIR versions and why does it seems that mir2 doing so well?
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Feb 21, 2013
PvP is not primary style on your typical server, it just may seem like that in forum discussions because naturally it is a heated subject that fires pple up to endless exchanges.
Don't recall having problem being involved in PvP if I wasn't looking for it. Even don't recall for some years now PK ambushes when you step out of SZ.
I guess PK is more a thing among the pack of players near the forefront of rank chart since they compete for bosses and maybe even hunting ground.
Edit: just read the latest posts on Elite server thread. I guess some servers are different :unsure: However that there is a surprise over low levels being PKed testifies to what I have said, that this is an exception, not a rule.

To keep up with the joneses on bigger servers, you need to be part of a group, guild. Solo playing makes you fall behind which means you kill subs, bosses that are not hunted or not much hunted by the high levels anymore. That means it is much less likely that you get into a PvP situation.

There are Safe Zones (SZ) in all towns, on mir2 can't miss them due to their animated spikes perimeter, don't know about mir3 (these days mir3 means Zircon files based servers, Crystal files means mir2). Since you mentioned a 'Bank' in connection with SZs, are you per chance coming from Red Moon? ;)

whats the difference between those MIR versions and why does it seems that mir2 doing so well?

Back in 2001 mir v.2 (hence mir2) was scheduled to get major upgrade patch v.3 that would bring the game up to a modern gaming standards of the time. Korean developers opened up mir3 test servers in Korea that ran parallel to mir2 servers and expected majority of mir2 players to like it and transfer to this new version and then those mir2 servers would be shut down.

The patch was a whole version number jump, not an incremental point and it would require mir2 players to make a fresh start on mir3. That together with majority of mir2 player's dislike of the new game version 'mechanics' led to their refusal to budge from the old servers running mir2.

I guess Korean game developers sat on it and figured out it would be even more profitable to run the two mir versions in parallel and the expectation was that in due time, mir2 servers would depopulate anyway and would die in a natural death process. However that didn't happen and v2 mir again started to get its own incremental patches that kept its spirit and so it is to this day. Mir3 in meantime got its own new players and Korean official servers still run mir2 servers some two decades later alongside mir3 ones.
Mir3D and whatever other mir version are out there didn't kill those servers even if nowadays both mir2 & 3 are technically dinosaurs of the gaming scene.

Mir2 keeps to the original basic, raw, uncomplicated gameplay where mir3 introduced various refinements like some spirits or elements and what not (probably is heavier on crafting), which appeal more to a different kind of gamer. There is some overlap, some pple play both mir versions but most keep to the one or the other. Maybe it depends which mir version you started on but the game mechanics, char panels and avatar and maps all are 'different' even if easily recognizable if pple transfer between the two versions.
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Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
Thank you for all the helpful replies, I wasn't prepared for so many replies to come so quickly :)

I wasn't aware that MIR is competitive, i.e. the primary playstyle is PvP? Are there "safe" spots like towns or a bank?

Since I don't intend to play pay2win, I'll look for a server, or I think it's quite well regulated on elite, which doesn't have any real p2w aspects. I think that's the best thing to start with.
Oh one questions comes to my mind while googleing, whats the difference between those MIR versions and why does it seems that mir2 doing so well?

PvP is never really an issue, mainly as you can use a random teleport to get away or town teleport if you are in a no RT area.

Really most people die in PvP out of pride more than anything (refusing to RT when it makes sense to flee)


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
Mir is all about PvP.
You can play PvE (Carebear as the community like to call it) but you'll be limited in guilds to join on a private server playing this way.

I'd advise you just play solo in which ever server you decide to join until you feel your feet. As a new player you can 100% play without pay to win, as you won't be aiming to be top of the leaderboard.
Luckily Mir is a very simple game and you shouldn't take long to get to grips with it.

Elite is probably your best option currently. Alliance server is confusing at the start even for us veterans.
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Just a Mir2 Fan
Apr 28, 2011
East Sussex
Mir is all about PvP.
You can play PvE (Carebear as the community like to call it) but you'll be limited in guilds to join on a private server playing this way.

I'd advise you just play solo in which ever server you decide to join until you feel your feet. As a new player you can 100% play without pay to win, as you won't be aiming to be top of the leaderboard.
Luckily Mir is a very simple game and you shouldn't take long to get to grips with it.

Elite is probably your best option currently. Alliance server is confusing at the start even for us veterans.
my server is build around PvE. ive never seen it as a PvP game but a PvE game with PvP included....

which is why you cant RT when brown, some people hated this but from players feedback it made really good fights
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Feb 21, 2013
I don't know much about Korean servers mir2 PvP but while making the guide for mir3d, it became clear the game developers set the game up intentionally to encourage PvP. That's how they see the game should be played and they say it quite openly on the game website.

I usually RT if I get jumped but sometimes (playing warrior) you don't get the chance to use RT, like if you are on a hunt for a while and you settle into a routine, everything is quiet, your attention relaxes (likely you are on peace setting too) and all of a sudden someone (another war or sin char) runs up and before you can react you are down. It happens in a second and you don't even notice them if there are many mobs around. High level tao can red poison you so strongly that if you can't pump suns, you are done, can die somewhere else if you use RT. I won't even mention wiz, the mir developers favorite class...
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